posted on Jun, 11 2018 @ 04:37 PM
Darn, I was going to do a review of Hereditary. oh well mini review or my take: This was billed as the scariest movie of the year tons of praise at
the start of the year at Sundance. This film got a score of 94% on Rotten Tomatoes. A lot of hype surrounding this movie. The person I saw this
said they saw a review that said "this is the Exorcist of our times".
There is no way, for me this movie lived up to the hype. Now I admit that I am not a fan of psychological horror. But this movie had only one scare
for me and then maybe a couple for your average person to be scared. What I got from others walking out of the theatre that it was more of an
unsettling film. The Female mother was a good actress and practically carried the movie. Did not understand the father, there were points in the
movie that called for him to be a stronger presence and he was not. And I also thought it was drawn out
Overall I was disappointed I sure hope this was not the scariest movie of the year, If so I have along wait for the next good horror film