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Austria leading the way in reversing the EU open door policy

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posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: ErrorErrorError
It would be only fair to send those refugees to the countries that wrecked Iraq and Libya.

That would be the tyrannical despots of those countries. They were wrecked long before anyone else got there.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Georgie Sorass says they have to pay MORE
to Africa 30 Billion a Year!
or The Eeeeyouuu (hold your nose) will collapse.

Placing a put there Georgie Boy?

So, if the EU is stupid enough to believe you, destroy a society/country and then bet against it when it fails.
Good Thumbs Up to Austria.

edit on 8-6-2018 by Wildmanimal because: Add Line

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: rickymouse

That is one area where my view has always been a little more suspicious of their true intent than other peoples. I have always felt that one muslim is a very quiet timid creature. Two are more confident. Three have a voice. Four have an agenda. Five start forcing change because they know the real number is much higher.

When they are outnumbered and they know it, they are very quiet timid people. As soon as they perceive an advantage their true nature and agenda start to appear. We just witnessed it repeatedly in Europe over the last three to four years. Is there anyone left who will still try to deny that is their method and goal? I don't think so...

There are a lot of good Muslims but also a lot of disruptive ones. Some do not want Jhad or to take over the world.

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

That is what people keep saying but I don't buy it any more. We have all seen the evidence that things are as I described them earlier. When muslims are the minority they are quiet timid people. The more their numbers grow the more bold they become until they have sufficient forces to initiate change by whatever means necessary. The muslim religion is built around the concept of constant expansion. The primary goal of the devout is to convert the non-believers or deliver them to allah for judgement. There is no compromise there. Any muslim who does not adhere to this most basic demand of the religion will be the first against the wall. Either they sweep across the border with swords swinging through the air demanding conversion or beheading the infidels who resist, or, they slowly quietly invade until they sufficient numbers to affect local politics, then they initiate sharia law and establish no-go zones. Either way, their goal is to invade and conquer. Nowhere in their religion does assimilation to a foreign host ring true. It simply isn't done.

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: rickymouse

That is what people keep saying but I don't buy it any more. We have all seen the evidence that things are as I described them earlier. When muslims are the minority they are quiet timid people. The more their numbers grow the more bold they become until they have sufficient forces to initiate change by whatever means necessary. The muslim religion is built around the concept of constant expansion. The primary goal of the devout is to convert the non-believers or deliver them to allah for judgement. There is no compromise there. Any muslim who does not adhere to this most basic demand of the religion will be the first against the wall. Either they sweep across the border with swords swinging through the air demanding conversion or beheading the infidels who resist, or, they slowly quietly invade until they sufficient numbers to affect local politics, then they initiate sharia law and establish no-go zones. Either way, their goal is to invade and conquer. Nowhere in their religion does assimilation to a foreign host ring true. It simply isn't done.

Yeah, when their numbers are small they are meak, increasing the numbers makes them more apt to take action.

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 01:24 AM
Could some of you answer my question about what is the main reason for migration nowadays ..???

Isn’t that because of wars, famine, disasters created by the greed of the same western powers which complains a LOT LATELY ..?? Just take a look back in time and after WW II…!

But especially complaints about the Muslims now?... LOL, creation and illegal occupations of the bunch of land grabber zioNAZI in Muslim area in M.E call it israHELL and shamelessly supporting it too…! Then creating illegal wars and sanctions in Iraq creating waves of more refugees since 90’s...! Then in Afghanistan….! Then in Libya……! Then in Syria …..! Then illegal war in Yemen …! And I am not even talking about the African continent yet..!

I mean WHY COMPLAINING when the same communities are well aware of the reasons WHY ..? I mean is like hitting hard your own genitals by yourself with nails, then cry and whine about how painful it is..?

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: toysforadults
I've been reaching out to Europeans for the last several months abd they arent happy.

Nationalism is on the rise in Europe.

See my thread on the Uranus transit.

I have become a nationalist myself over time, i'm tired of being told it's raciest to be proud of my heritage while at the same time I should respect and tip toe around these foreigners who are getting to big for their boots because they seem to have more rights than British people and I have to pay for them and their family's through ever increasing taxes.

I fly my Union Jack and England flag high.

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

The Parallel Society experiment has failed. Is it wrong to want to preserve your national heritage and way of life?

I see that conspiracy theory all the time, in every refugee thread. It's some sort of mainstream jingle at this point. Utter Bollocks, but you folks seem to be happy with anything in order to justify islamophobia.

This War with Terror really went into your heads. Divide and conquer, huh? Ami go home!

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Kkintekk

Which "main reason" do you mean? The one the media perpetuates or the real one? Ask the media, or hillary, and you will hear about all the starving women and children fleeing the war ravages countries. Either there are other people in the mix of those women and children are forming some absolutely brutal raping parties and roaming the streets of their new home county looking for victims. The truth is the majority of the influx to European nations were men who were economic opportunists or potential terrorists. Many of them were not who they claimed to be and were not even from the country they said they were from. It was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that many were part of a terrorist group whose main purpose was to smuggle 'soldiers' into Europe. But when you ask the media all you get are pictures of a wounded child with a tear rolling down his cheek.

If you want to isolate the discussion to just those events in that time frame, then you can make that statement and still find resistance in accepting it. However, muslims have been invading western civilizations, often violently, for thousands of years. I assume you have heard of the Crusades? This is not a new concept brought about by modern western interference. Nor does it acknowledge the basic tenets of islam which is to convert, conquer, or vanquish.

To blame the entire thing on western meddling and reduce an invasion that has been happening for thousands of years and has already taken hundreds of thousands of lives is ridiculous.
edit on 9-6-2018 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

I am not sure what conspiracy theory you are referring to. The Chancellor of Austria called it a parallel society, not some conspiracy theory. That gives it a tinge of realism, don't you think? Or, don't you think?

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

This states brutish truth of the matter better than any pablum from biased media or adherents,


However when the truth is that your alleged "religion" comes with not just professed but expressed belief and act that separates people into classes based upon whether they agree with you or, even worse, whether they are of one sex or the other then you've crossed the line from religion into political ideological activity that the civilized world ruled unacceptable a long time ago.

Slavery by any means is still slavery. "Dhimmitude" is by definition illegal to the extent it is practiced in any form with the force of law. If such is part of some alleged religion's "holy text" and remains and is practiced that is not a religion at all; it is a violent political ideology and representing otherwise is a lie.

You cannot make me sit in a pew or pray on a mat next to you; I have the right to refuse. Further, I can consent today and refuse tomorrow; a choice of religion which I am free to adopt or leave as I wish. To lay sanction of any form, particularly but not exclusively in the form of extortion or violence, as a result of my election is a gross violation of fundamental human rights that precede government and thus cannot be subsumed or violated by same.

Now I'd like someone to TRUTHFULLY tell us that basic tenets of the Koran are not resulting in the above bias against basic human rights. The countries such as Austria are only doing what should be done based on direct threat and historical action of perpetrators using Koran as an excuse to step all over peoples rights and yes promote a form of slavery that fits widely recognized U.N. definitions.

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

The Albigensian Crusade?

Kurt Jonassohn and Karin Solveig Björnson describe the Albigensian Crusade as "the first ideological genocide"

Given that mindset, you folks should nuke the Russians asap. It's the Huns, essentially. Attila maybe? Whatever. Could you at least try to pipe up on our white, and allegedly christian, heritage before you spread the ignorance for political reasons?

edit on 9-6-2018 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Home is a place of comfort and living next to others that share your values and cultural heritage is comfortable. You somehow overlook the simple truth of being human and seeking happiness in the company of ones peers.

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Well. I don't care about your feelings, nor about your perception of cultural heritage, but I would raise an eyebrow for your freedom of movement as well. Go where you want to and be happy then? I mean... you have no problem with that, or do you?
That's the point, enjoy the flight?

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: Vroomfondel

The Albigensian Crusade?

Kurt Jonassohn and Karin Solveig Björnson describe the Albigensian Crusade as "the first ideological genocide"

Given that mindset, you folks should nuke the Russians asap. It's the Huns, essentially. Attila maybe? Whatever. Could you at least try to pipe up on our white, and allegedly christian, heritage before you spread the ignorance for political reasons?

After you following me around on a few threads it has become very obvious that:

you have a problem with the truth
you have a problem with Americans
you have a problem with white people
you have a problem with Christians

The bottom line is: you have problems. If you want to blame everything on white western Christians, go ahead. It won't change the facts at all. Nations are being invaded by muslim opportunists and terrorists pretending to be asylum seekers. That has been proven years ago, whether you acknowledge it or not. And the methods are always the same. One muslim is a very timid person. Two muslims are more bold. Three have a voice. Four have an attitude. Five will try to force others around them to change. When the numbers are sufficient they begin to affect local politics. And eventually the demand for sharia law is made.

But there is a far worse problem. These are not a peaceful people. They have been fighting wars for thousands of years. Long before there even was a US to go "cause problems", according to you. They even fight among themselves. Sunni, shi'a, ibadi, ahmadiyya, and sufi, have been fighting among themselves for centuries. They kill members of their own religion for not following the rule of sharia law the way they do. If they are that intolerant of branches of their own religion, how do you think they treat Christians? They behead them and drag their mangled bodies through the streets as a warning to follow islam or suffer the consequences. They do not assimilate into local life. They know only one thing and that is to demand conversion or take by force. Every single time their numbers have reached a point they believed was sufficient to wage war they have done so.

Canadian Imam says Islamic Law to be implemented when Muslims are majority

We can’t apply it (sharia) unless we are the majority and the majority agree, then we can apply it (sharia) , if the majority don’t agree even we’re all Muslims, but the majority don’t agree to apply Sharia to try to apply it is to unleash bloodshed in the Muslim nation [Ummah], because Muslims will fight you.


Here is an imam saying straight out that when they have the numbers they will implement sharia law and anyone who disagrees will meet with violence, even other muslims. They do NOT assimilate to other cultures. Letting them in is the end of your culture, your heritage, your religion, your way of life. Can it be any more plain? An imam telling you straight out that when they have the numbers they will implement sharia law and anyone who disagrees will suffer. That is why merkel is about to get knocked on her a$$ by her own people.

But yeah, its all because us white Christians went over there a few years ago and messed things up...

At this point I have to ask this: Do you actually believe the crap you say or are you just being a useless troll?
edit on 19-6-2018 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

They do NOT assimilate to other cultures.
But yeah, its all because us white Christians went over there a few years ago and messed things up

Back in the days, we didn't encounter the problems we face now. And the former "guest-workers" are mostly well integrated by now, Cem Özdemir is one of those fellas. I really don't like him, but he's a well integrated, corrupt politiclown by now. Gotta give him that.
Neocon wars and austerity madness aint going to change things for the better, and neither is quantitative easing. With regards to actual evidence, applied logics and reasonable doubt, I'd say that "my" conspiracy theory eats yours for breakfast.

It's class warfare and the white Christians like yourself don't even realize, that you're part of the losing dream-team here. That's why Trump got elected in the first place, innit?
edit on 19-6-2018 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

No, it isn't.

You just saw an imam look you straight in the eyes and tell you that they are going to initiate sharia law here as soon as they can and if you resist you will meet with violence. And you still blame neocon wars? This has been the muslim tactic for centuries. Maybe we made things worse, maybe we didn't. But this is what musims would do with or without our intervention. The proof there is that they have done this and continue to do this everywhere they go, not just in countries who have fought wars in their native land.

Sorry, but I got this one...

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

they are going to initiate sharia law here as soon as they can

Sure, and that would be ... never? We have more people working on the UBI than imans spinning the crap, it's a ludicrous fearmonger claim for the AfD fanbase.
Also, you should try to pipe up on actual history from time to time.

The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, written and produced by Adam Curtis. Details the rise of the American NEOCONS (Neo-Conservative/Israeli movement and Radical Islam, with comparisons on their origins and strong similarities. Curtis argues that the threat of radical Islamism as a massive, sinister organized force of destruction, specifically in the form of Al-Qaeda, (& its later offshoots ISIS, Boko Haram, Free Syrian Army, etc),is in fact a myth perpetrated by politicians in many countries—and particularly American warmongering NeoCons and their enablers. "Power of Nightmares"

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 04:43 AM
There's no way for Stalinologist Geoffrey Roberts to undermine the independence of Russia or to achieve Russia's "integration" it with the west. "integration" probably means something else ...

Austrian attempts at this with Kurz and all the rest of the Western fancy boys are doomed to fail in the coming times ...

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:56 PM
Nah ... just another cheap attempt at baiting! Austria is a total EU colony after the EU-Illuminati led assassination of Joerg Haider.

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