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Planned Parenthood Not Reporting Rapes - Sexual Assaults - Incest - Child Abuse.

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posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 02:16 AM
June 7, 2018

Planned Parenthood is in more hot water. Most recently, the organization was caught running a campaign to convince Black women that killing their unborn babies was safer for the mother's health, than carrying their baby to term/birth.

Now, Congress has discovered that Planned Parenthood is hiding instances of rape, incest, and sexual assaults.

Members of Congress have had enough. Today 56 members of Congress signed on to a joint letter slamming the Planned Parenthood abortion business for not properly reporting cases of child rape, sexual abuse, and sexual assault.

As LifeNews has documented multiple times, Planned Parenthood has a history of not reporting statutory rape or sexual abuse to authorities. The abortion corporation frequently covers up cases of rape with abortion and refuses to report rape cases to law enforcement.

The members of Congress today called on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to begin an investigation into Planned Parenthood after a report released last week detailed Planned Parenthood’s decades-long history of performing abortions on sexual abuse victims as young as 12 and failing to report the abuse to authorities.
Source: t/

Letter from Congress to Health and Human Services, requesting an investigation: use-Cases-6.7.18.pdf

As the letter states, U.S. taxpayers send $60 million dollars a year to Planned Parenthood. If the agency doesn't adhere to state reporting laws, those funds should be revoked.


posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 02:23 AM
Let's see if the same people who incessantly bitch about religion doing this very same thing will speak up and condemn PP for it.

Nah, let's not. We'd be here all week.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: NthOther
Let's see if the same people who incessantly bitch about religion doing this very same thing will speak up and condemn PP for it.

Nah, let's not. We'd be here all week.

Planned Parenthood isn't really a hot-button issue with ATS members.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Maybe you are looking at this from one angle but not another. Have you had a friend get raped and impregnated at a young age? Why would that young girl want to bring this instance to light? They would face ridicule and retribution in that area for the rest of their life. I completely understand them not reporting the issue depending on the situation. But the situation is very circumstantial.

edit on 2/19/2013 by Allaroundyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 03:19 AM
That article would be aborted in court.

Nice some dude somewhere said and did this, I promise, be offended writing.

Even all the links look related and created by emotion based manipulation groups with an agenda.

Fake news

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Mandroid7

A legit article calling them an abortion corp

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: carewemust

Maybe you are looking at this from one angle but not another. Have you had a friend get raped and impregnated at a young age? Why would that young girl want to bring this instance to light? They would face ridicule and retribution in that area for the rest of their life. I completely understand them not reporting the issue depending on the situation. But the situation is very circumstantial.

Yeah can't imagine why they wouldn't want the most degrading thing ever to happen to them out in the open for everyone to see.

You make a great point

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:07 AM
This sounds like a right wing, religious motivated hit piece. Abortion corporation? Fail.

edit on -05:002018Fri, 08 Jun 2018 06:07:20 -050030America/Chicago000000Fri, 08 Jun 2018 06:07:20 -0500FriAmerica/ChicagoJun by PorteurDeMort because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:32 AM
but, but....

an early termination of a pregnancy IS safer than giving birth???
and black women are 2 to 6 times more likely to die, depending on the area of the country they are living in, from complications related to pregnancy...

but, of course, we can't expect any self respecting pro lifer to see such a stat being tweeted from planned parenthood in a wtf is happening here kind of way and wonder if there might be some kind of social inequality issue associated with the stat...
oh no, shame on planned parenthood for providing the truthful information.. pull their danged funding, now!!! increase women's difficulty in getting reproductive services/early pregnancy and other basic testing, early prenatal care!! I'm sure that it will do wonders to decrease the risks associated with pregnancy!!
after all ignorance is bliss, right???

edit on 8-6-2018 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: carewemust

It's pretty similar in the UK as well, a doctor approving an abortion for say, an under aged girl, would not breach her confidentiality if she didn't want it. There are other protection issues if the doctor thinks the child is being abused, but generally patient/doctor confidentiality is supreme.
UK doctors will even prescribe the pill to an underage girl without the parents knowing, if the doctor knows they are having sex and making that request of sound mind. That has been the case for some years now, there was initial outrage, but it's better than having more teenage single parents than we already have.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 08:55 AM

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler said, “It is unthinkable that Planned Parenthood would perform an abortion on a young girl with no questions asked. The thought makes me shudder. It is alarming that an organization with a signature pattern of failure to report child sexual abuse continues to receive taxpayer money. We need to investigate how widespread Planned Parenthood’s complicity truly is; this abuse needs to stop.”

Rep. Diane Black added: “Live Action’s report sheds light on horrific stories of abuse, rape, and sex trafficking, willfully ignored by Planned Parenthood. Their failure to report these heinous crimes does not empower women or children – it empowers their abusers. This despicable cycle must end now.”

How does reporting this to the government stop this abuse? It doesn't. I agree that this "despicable cycle" must end, but sadly reporting it will not do it. In fact, it could (or would) be more detrimental to the abusee.

If a girl does not wish for it to be known, then it shouldn't be known.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Source = Life news? About Planned Parenthood?

Should be ignored.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:06 AM
Abortion constitutes about 3% of the services provided by Planned Parenthood; 97% are directed at women's health and birth control and in many cases are the only option for women's healthcare.

One wonders if there is so much concern on the part of some folk sabout "Fake News" i.e. one-sided information reported that is obviously biased against a person or topic ... why would material such as this would be promoted?


posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:09 AM
$60 million a year? That's what ya'll are in arms about? That's not even pocket change.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: intrepid

That would pay for about 100,000 'abortion pill' treatments for women up to nine weeks gestation, if with a private clinic here in the UK. Most don't pay though as it is on the NHS.
I agree, small change in the scheme of things.

Even just England and Wales has around 185,000 abortions each year, that sum couldn't cover that even.

edit on 8-6-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: intrepid
$60 million a year? That's what ya'll are in arms about? That's not even pocket change.

Come on, dude. The US can buy 1 more tank with that.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:36 AM
as long as you have lawmakers and presidents willfully sexually abusing and sometime raping, women and girls... and even having slush funds set up to pay the victims off....
I don't really think it matters what planned parenthood reports or doesn't.

meanwhile, not only does the US have the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world, the rate have been climbing since 2000.

NPR and ProPublica teamed up for a six-month long investigation on maternal mortality in the U.S. Among our key findings:

More American women are dying of pregnancy-related complications than any other developed country. Only in the U.S. has the rate of women who die been rising.
There's a hodgepodge of hospital protocols for dealing with potentially fatal complications, allowing for treatable complications to become lethal.
Hospitals — including those with intensive care units for newborns — can be woefully unprepared for a maternal emergency.
Federal and state funding show only 6 percent of block grants for "maternal and child health" actually go to the health of mothers.
In the U.S, some doctors entering the growing specialty of maternal-fetal medicine were able to complete that training without ever spending time in a labor-delivery unit.

personally, I am centering on this...

There's a hodgepodge of hospital protocols for dealing with potentially fatal complications, allowing for treatable complications to become lethal.

and just wondering....
could there possibly be a connection, or is it just coincidence, that the rise in maternal deaths seems to have begun around the same time as we saw the a decrease of non-religious non profit hospitals and a growth of the catholic hospital systems??? the only other category of hospitals that managed to grow was the for profit hospitals.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

Wow. We're becomming a third-world country in regard to women's health and people want to take away the only source for care that many women have?

What country are we living in???

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66


posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66
one where ideology and political views over rule common sense???

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