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Interesting parallel's between now and the 1930's and Uranus

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posted on Jun, 7 2018 @ 10:27 PM
I'm using Gemini because Trump is gemini and I'm analyzing the macro cosm of the US and global situation. Trump has a lot of power in that situation so let's look at Gemini in May.


This month brings massive changes for everyone, for the great outer planet Uranus will change signs and enter Taurus for the first time since 1934 to 1942. This year, Uranus will give us a preview and a little time to get used to this new influence, for Uranus will only remain in Taurus from May 15 to November 16, 2018. Uranus will retrograde back to late degrees of Aries from November 16 to March 6, 2019, a sign Uranus entered. Once Uranus returns to Taurus next year, he will stay seven years, until 2026.

Uranus is the planet of innovation, disruption, independence, untraditional, rebellious, freedom loving, and creative – particularly in the realm of the sciences and mathematics.

Dosruption, independence, untraditional and rebellious. What do you think sound familiar?

The New Deal was the set of federal programs launched by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after taking office in 1933, in response to the calamity of the Great Depression, and lasting until American entry into the Second World War in 1942. It had four major goals and achievements:

A new deal from FDR arguably our first progressive president and at the very least the most profilic. Remind you of anything you've been hearing from a certain presidential campaign that's allegedly progressive talking about Democratic socialism and a new new deal??? Bernie Bro's where you at?

Hitler Named Chancellor of Germany

On this day in 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany

Hitler was named chancellor of Germany in 1933, very close to 1934 and possibly within the orb of influence.

The year 1932 had seen Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people’s frustration with dismal economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War and the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty.

Sound familiar? Now I'm not saying Trump is Hitler A because he's an old man but I'm saying the circumstances are very similar.

However, many would have been too scared to speak out against the Nazis or pass negative comments on the published figures – such was the fear of the Gestapo.

I want to draw a parallel here between our moden social justice movement and the Gestapo. Say something wrong and they will destroy you.

Nazi Economy

Hermann Goering also wanted Germany to become self-sufficient in all industries so that as a nation she could survive a war

Sound familiar? Many nations right now are embattled in a more nationalistic political reform, IE in the US we elect Trump and in Britain you vote out of the EU, intelligently.

So anyway, any of you that can look deeper into the astrology of this and or find parallel's please post it here.
edit on 7-6-2018 by toysforadults because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2018 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

I don't like Trump but he is no Hitler.

The real modern day Nazis are the North Koreans. North Korea has an ideology that believes that North Koreans are the master race.

Sexton also gravely noted that the atmosphere in North Korea is more like that of World War II Germany, with a sense of racial and cultural superiority and supremacy that borders on “Hitlerian.”

He advised people who want to know more about this mindset to read “The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves.” A people who are brainwashed to view themselves as flawlessly superior to others will view any action against them, including sanctions and defensive positioning of troops, as aggression against their greatness.

A Psychic also stated that the South Korean President Moon Jae In is the reincarnation of Mussolini

Moon’s past life was the infamous Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

“We will arm the 80 million citizens of our newly reunified Korea with nukes and missiles, to conquer Japan – a country that cannot even amend its Constitution,” said the guardian spirit of Moon Jae-in in a spiritual interview conducted by Master Ryuho Okawa, founder of Happy Science, just 2 days after the elections.

If what what the Psychic is saying is true then it will benefit the military industrial complex because they can finally get a war where they can get people to sign up for. They can sell it as a just war.

Let's not forget that it was the TPTB who brought Hitler to power and helped turn Germany from an economically depressed nation to one of the most powerful nation of its time. I'm pretty sure they'll do the same for North Korea or if the Psychic is right, help Moon Jae In achieve his goal.

edit on 6/7/2018 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2018 @ 11:56 PM

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 03:04 AM
Ya know, normally I would't be into this sort of thing except that my birthday is June 14..

Makes me feel quite uneasy.
edit on 8-6-2018 by Boomy327 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: starwarsisreal

Hmmm interesting I'm not really up on my game with Korean politics so ill have to dig around tonight.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: Boomy327

Welp.. Gemini rising

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

There was another major factor at play in the 1930s: Pluto. And Pluto was a brand new player on the scene, having only been discovered a few years earlier. Pluto was in Cancer at the time it was found, and through most of the 1930s. Pluto entered Leo in August of 1938, where it remained until 1956. So in the previous Uranus in Taurus period, Uranus was in sextile aspect to Pluto (sextile = 60°), which is considered a favorable aspect, creating opportunities and bringing some good luck with it. In this Uranus in Taurus period, Pluto is in Capricorn, opposite its position in the '30s, in trine aspect to Pluto (trine = 120°). This is an even more favorable aspect, where energies are not only available for positive opportunities, but the energies flow without aid and bring good fortunate with little to no effort. But whereas Pluto in Cancer was all about the motherland and patriotism/nationalism and "home," Pluto in Capricorn is all about authority and power and those institutions wielding that power and authority. Pluto brings secrets out into the open and destroys the old in order to rebuild anew. Death and rebirth. Degeneration and regeneration. Out with the old and in with the new. One might say it's all about draining the swamp... but what/who will replace it?

In many ways, this is about correcting -- or more accurately, balancing -- leftover power struggles and inequities lingering from WWII.

Also very intriguing is that Uranus is conjunct Trump's Sun in his natal chart. So at the time Trump was born, both the sun and Uranus were in Gemini, making those Uranian energies part and parcel of Trump's personality and psyche. Adding his North Node (the "Dragon's Head") to the mix, this tells us among other things that disruption and change to the status quo is, in fact, Trump's mission in life so to speak. And when we consider his ascendant at the critical degree of 29°, we also know that this is something like a final exam for Trump's higher self. Trump has all the tools and resources he needs to do the right thing... but will he? That's not a sure thing. With Mars conjunct his ascendant from the 12th house of self-undoing, Trump is his own worst enemy.

In Aries, Uranus was in sextile to Trump's natal sun/Uranus conjunction, creating opportunities for Trump to be proactive. Uranus in Taurus creates a semi-sextile aspect (semi-sextile = 30°), and Trump will be in a reactive mode as opposed to a proactive mode. In theory at least, this would suggest that as events progress according to the previous steps and actions taken, Trump will have to respond and react to further events. At least until Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, at which time Trump will have the opportunity to take more proactive steps, as well as corrective steps as he's now armed with more information.

All this to say: Buckle up and expect the unexpected!

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 08:10 AM
So the position of Uranus in the solar system has an effect on how specific humans act on Earth?

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
So the position of Uranus in the solar system has an effect on how specific humans act on Earth?

That doesn't sound right.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Your analysis is nearly dead nuts accurate when compared with the analysis of William Stickevers.

The Unexplained

Oddly enough I listened to this podcast today where he iterates your analysis of...

In many ways, this is about correcting -- or more accurately, balancing -- leftover power struggles and inequities lingering from WWII.

He talks about the emergence of the deep state from WW2

CIA Website

Twenty months later, the National Intelligence Authority and the CIG were disbanded. Under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, the National Security Council (NSC) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were created.

Following your logic it's almost as if the CIA and intelligence/ fracturing of our nation into this totalitarian police state will be exposed. Trump and Uranus transit is no mistake considering the rebellious, surprising nature of Uranus.

Adding his North Node (the "Dragon's Head") to the mix, this tells us among other things that disruption and change to the status quo is, in fact, Trump's mission in life so to speak. And when we consider his ascendant at the critical degree of 29°, we also know that this is something like a final exam for Trump's higher self. Trump has all the tools and resources he needs to do the right thing... but will he? That's not a sure thing. With Mars conjunct his ascendant from the 12th house of self-undoing, Trump is his own worst enemy.

We're currently witnessing this aspect play out IE Trump Tweeting something dumb but also accomplishing much more behind the scenes. My feelings are there are about to be some major upheavals in government leading to some instability politically and financially while the energies as you say... balance out.

Definitely listen to the podcast episode I linked above.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Thank you for the links! I haven't heard of William Stickevers before, so I'm looking forward to listening to the podcast. I'll have to listen on my phone, so later after hubby goes to bed.

He talks about the emergence of the deep state from WW2... Following your logic it's almost as if the CIA and intelligence/ fracturing of our nation into this totalitarian police state will be exposed.

That's how I'm seeing it... no doubt. And it needs to be done... no doubt. But we also need to be prepared to fill the vacuum left behind with something better. That's the part that worries me. However, I've also been looking at a very favorable trine between Jupiter and Neptune that bodes very well for all of this, bringing divine providence and inspiration. It's a very real opportunity to make the ideal manifest.

And this will not end with exposing rogue intelligence agencies and agents. We can expect major secrets to be revealed regarding banking, technology, sex trafficking rings, wars, energy, and medicine. Which will no doubt also go straight back to the deep state.

Speaking figuratively here, Uranus is probably quite pissed that his gifts to humanity have been so abused, and rather impatient with Pluto dragging his feet about all this. Uranus wants he wants right now! And as the ruler of the Aquarian Age, he's probably ready to flex his muscles a bit and fill his new role. My timing is absolutely horrible, but one dam or another is going to break suddenly, and then it will be a free for all in terms of public disclosure, and especially in terms of good people spilling their guts. Once it starts, it won't stop.

And I do believe that Trump is meant to be where he is doing what he's doing. He's got everything he needs to get the job done. Not least of which is attitude and ego. Keeping people guessing and wondering and shocked are all part of his tool box. It works for him. And no one can bring Trump down... except Trump.

We are living in interesting times indeed

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Uranus wants he wants right now! And as the ruler of the Aquarian Age, he's probably ready to flex his muscles a bit and fill his new role. My timing is absolutely horrible, but one dam or another is going to break suddenly, and then it will be a free for all in terms of public disclosure, and especially in terms of good people spilling their guts. Once it starts, it won't stop.

I think one of the things that's going to be exposed is where these culture wars are truly coming from. I can't wait. For sure Trump is his own worst enemy. I think the powers that be were trying to hijack the recent move into Aquarius with the culture war they have been pushing the past 2 years.

The road will get rougher before it gets better I know that.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

I think one of the things that's going to be exposed is where these culture wars are truly coming from. I can't wait. For sure Trump is his own worst enemy. I think the powers that be were trying to hijack the recent move into Aquarius with the culture war they have been pushing the past 2 years.

Yes! I definitely agree. Culture wars under the guise of building that oh-so-perfect utopian society... just like Hitler... and of course both had their bad guys that had to be eliminated, eh? And that's gotta be pissing Uranus off too. Uranus is all about live and let live and letting everyone be their own best self -- not just in spite of their quirks and faults, but including their quirks and faults. Uranus is ready, willing and able to give us what the posers pretend to want to create.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Here's a thought that makes me smile... and you might get a kick out of it too... In regards to Trump being his own worst enemy, remember all the binding spells being cast after he was elected? Binding him from doing any harm??? When all is said and done, they may have given Trump the biggest gift of all by saving him from himself! But woe be to his enemies... to OUR enemies!

If those binding spells are actually working, of course

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: toysforadults

I think one of the things that's going to be exposed is where these culture wars are truly coming from. I can't wait. For sure Trump is his own worst enemy. I think the powers that be were trying to hijack the recent move into Aquarius with the culture war they have been pushing the past 2 years.

Yes! I definitely agree. Culture wars under the guise of building that oh-so-perfect utopian society... just like Hitler... and of course both had their bad guys that had to be eliminated, eh? And that's gotta be pissing Uranus off too. Uranus is all about live and let live and letting everyone be their own best self -- not just in spite of their quirks and faults, but including their quirks and faults. Uranus is ready, willing and able to give us what the posers pretend to want to create.

Yup, I caught the same aspects/ trends which is why I've been creating the thread series I have recently. There are far less people digging into this with the depth we are discussing right now or the majority of them have been driven underground.

That's a bit disturbing.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: toysforadults

Here's a thought that makes me smile... and you might get a kick out of it too... In regards to Trump being his own worst enemy, remember all the binding spells being cast after he was elected? Binding him from doing any harm??? When all is said and done, they may have given Trump the biggest gift of all by saving him from himself! But woe be to his enemies... to OUR enemies!

If those binding spells are actually working, of course

welp, the spells can only work if he allows it and he doesn't have that energy, remember the stories of him growing up with the power of positive thinking from his church?

That really sunk in and that's why he talks the way he does, it's hard to break through that barrier when it's so deeply embedded in the sub conscious

I'm guessing there is blood/sex birth/death rituals being performed around it as they are the most powerful

also Kanye West made the statement about being of the dragon energy, that's not a coincidence

dragon energy is form of creative power think of the mythology of dragons and think of Aliester Crowley's enetering of the dragons mouth rituals

Kanye West was born on June 8th and Trump is born on the 14th. Both Gemini's. I bet you could give us a better analysis of the relation between the 2

Trump's chart

Kanye's chart

Trump has a very unusual chart IMO.

Dragons, fire, death, destruction, strength.


The ritual is for those enochian magicians who seek the title of magical dragon. It is based entirely on the formula of VOVIN. When executing this ritual, be sure to vribrate each enochian word properly.

That's probably to out there for the average mind however many of us know that the elite practice various forms of witchcraft and sacrifice and ritual.

Weather it's real or I believe it or not is another discussion all together.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 10:57 PM
Such a good thread

I see it all from the historical Scriptural view, mixed well with the planets.

I like what I learner from yas, ofourse... I'm expect7my the end of the era in here somewhere

I'm curious about Trumpy...will he be the immoral character in Scripture at some point

Not necessarily huh!

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 11:24 PM
President Trump's chart is deemed confusing because it is rather average.
To me, anyway, the average person seem to be going every which way. Nothing seriously going on, no real flags.

So this flies contrary to the accuracy of horoscopes. According to the way the president acts, his importance in the world, the serious victories he has and also his failures, it should be a HOT chart, but it is really not.

Just an observation that begs to understand why people believe so much in what is still a pseudo-science of obscure proofs. In order to be in any way acceptable to science, it needs a statistical foundation that puts it in a favorable position to be analyzed deeper.
edit on 8-6-2018 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Jun, 10 2018 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

Thank you for the chart links -- I've just had a chance to glance at them so far and I want to dig in more, but I had family come to visit a couple days early (surprise! ugh!!!) and I'm going to be busy with them for a few days.

I took a quick look though, I was immediately struck by the dominance of planets in the 10th to 12th houses in both their charts. Their ascendants are close enough that the house signs overlap. In many ways, these two are on the same path... shared purposes... shared concerns. Kanye's Taurus stellium is quite compatible with Trump's Cancer stellium. They both have very quick minds -- almost faster than they can keep up with. Trump probably a little more than Kanye. Trump's chart isn't weighed down with the heaviness of earth signs like Kanye. Both have much respect for the tried and true; but only as a foundation to build on and expand. Both seem to very much live the adage "if you can conceive it, you can achieve it."

I just took a quick look at Kim's chart too... She has the same dominance of planets in the 10th to 12th, and like Trump, they both have their natal moon in the 4th house. Kim is sharp as a whip too -- Mercury and Uranus in Scorpio. That's quite a combination. Of the three, she is probably the most disciplined in her thinking. Kim sees much deeper, and thinks much deeper, than either Kanye or Trump.

Kim's Natal Chart

Something just occurred to me... Robert Kardashian is known as OJ's lawyer and buddy, which is what really brought the Kardashians into the spotlight. But Robert Kardashian was actually some kind of entertainment lawyer. What secrets might Robert have known? Given what we know today about the scummy Hollywood underbelly, nothing would surprise me...

posted on Jun, 10 2018 @ 12:02 PM

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