posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 01:06 PM
What makes a world-class military?
Firstly, you have to look at a key area of any Military: budget.
While you’re able to argue that America spends the most on its Military (419billion, this coming fiscal year.) I do believe that American wages in
this area also happen to be a lot higher. But somewhere like China has say 30million, but this money goes a lot further then it would in America or
other parts of the world.
So, although one Nation might spend more we have to remember how much ‘buying power’ this money actually gives them - but also how much money
they’d be able to push into Military during times of war.
You then need to look at the key Military areas; technology, Navy, Air Force, Army, Special Forces, Counter Intelligence and Home Land
Security/Ability to defend Nation from threats.
Technology; it’s arguable that America has the best technology. But, with the fact they share it to Europe (Britain) and Israel, it’s on the
‘open market’ for others to get access too. After all, Israel sold American technology to other Nations before. (China if I remember correctly.)
On the other hand, Nations such as China and India tend to buy a lot of other Nations equipment and then either A) Cheaply make it or B) Make
advancements upon it. Costing them in turn a lot less money.
Another problem, is the fact some Nations do not openly share their technology - so nobody knows what they truthfully can do. But also, a lot of
Western Nations tend to run years behind on new technology. (The PAC-3 for example.)
Navy: With the new European battle groups, they could possible have access to the best Navy. Especially with America decreasing its budget into the
Navy. (I posted the link in another article I wrote.) Although, I’d argue that China has the best fleet of Submarines and with the Russian Zubr they
have the best hovercraft. As for Air Craft carriers, this would go to America - but they need to sort out the problems they have with the ‘ghetto’
culture that happen to be on these larger ships.
Air Force: This one, I’m not overly sure on. America does have some of the best Aircraft with the F-117A and the F22 Raptor, but with the downing of
the F-117A it’s possible Russia now have access to the ‘innards’ of this machine and with the S-400 coming out this year and the S-500 in 2012,
it’s possible they might be able to easily spot the F-117 Stealth Bomber. Causing a large problem in the American Air Forces ability to attack any
Nation that has bought this anti-air weapon.
Army: This, to me has to go to any Nation that can pump out the most soldiers. End of the day, you can give them a gun that has better accuracy,
range, etc, but if you’re out numbered ten tanks, or twenty soldiers to one you need a miracle.
Special Forces: This can only be done on how many missions they have done and the success rate, but nearly every Nations Special Force are good. No
matter what people think. They’re the best of the best, in that country.
Counter Intelligence: America/Europe, have probably the best CIS (Counter Intelligence Services) due to the fact they share information freely. ( a
lot more so then other nations do.) But also the fact they put so much more money into it, then any other Country.
Home Land Security/Ability to defend Nation from threats: This has to come down to A) Air Defence, B) Missile Defence, C) Police Powers and D)
Individual rights.
America, has one of the better Air Defence systems, with NORAD, but they’re lacking in Missile Defence, with the PAC-3 still not working. Russia,
on the other hand have a good Missile and Air Defence system, with the S-400 and if Iran’s invaded, we’ll find out how good this actually is.
Police in America, are on record of being a bit ‘gun ho‘, but same goes for China, Russia and India, as well as most nations. America and Europe,
do arguable have the best rights for the individual but this can cause them to be easy targets for terrorism.
Other: You also need to look at a Nation’s allies and also how effective they are + if they're a true ally and not one by name only.
All I could think of.