posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 02:15 PM
Don't stop at the title and scream, please read the whole thing first, think a second and let's have a serious discussion.
I'd also like to remind you this is "Metaphysics" & I'll touch all that encompasses.
Real science, modern research and hypothesis which back this (in parts) up.
Some quintessences of mythology.
And we will together attempt nothing less than figuring out the answer to life, the universe and everything, if you're in the mood for playing
One sciency fact we are starting to accept as such is: not matter but information is the "atom", the indivisible core of everything.
It's either "there" = 1, or "not-there" = 0.
If it is there things get immediately incredible complicated. Left spin, right spin, and a 360° choice of axis-angle in 3d, plus frequency
(spin-speed) from approaching 0 to appr. c.
(if you got a masochistic-maths-kink, enjoy trying to calculate the possibilities)
Information weighs nothing, it radiates nothing, it touches nothing, but it creates everything.
(nothing in this case is obviously meant as: "as far we know right now")
Please don't get that mixed up with simulation theory! Things are much more complicated.
Let us explore the title now a bit, how better than with a little story. Long before space-time there was singularity, omniscience. Funny thing
to say when there was really nothing to know, because there was no "thing". All knowledge we have is centered around matter, yet the thoughts with
which we contemplate that information is no matter. All it took was one bit. 1. I like to think it was something like a potential that built up until
the tipping point was reached and it realised "Holy #! I am!"
Like two circles touched in a 2d universe and one came out with a slightly tilted axis and bamm! set of a chain reaction an exponentionally growing
number of 0, got bumped up into unique little 1's.
Or "Big Bang!"
What bothers me about the BBT is mostly that there's no build up, nothing just suddenly explodes. It makes much more sense that our 3d+time, came
from 2d-time, came from 1, which is singularity, per definition "all information in one 1".
Einstein kind of knew it: everything is in order, everything follows rules, everything organises itself and its surroundings. "Quantum theory yields
much, but it hardly brings us closer to the Old One's secrets."
Information theory could.
I'm not even saying the Old One is/was self-aware, but there is undeniably intelligence at work. And was there long before space-time and matter were
Forward thinking this idea, I enjoy tremendously the possibility that black holes are spaces where other universe membranes touch ours and that
on the other side is no white hole like we assume now, but that those will be our "grey holes". Once we reach the right expansion speed, they'll
function like portals.
And everything stuck in that static equilibrium will continue it's journey in the direction and with the speed it's currently frozen in with.
...coming soon: "The Old One In Our DNA" in a thread near you...