After reading this and following up on current events this guy seems spot on Ive never heard of him maybe other have in their research on prophetic
This is really spooky because as hes been correct so far to future looks pretty scary # 4 is a reality for the EU # 2 Catholic Church?
"Two men kill a third highranked. They were paid by other people. ..." Ukraine
"The third murder occurred. Then the war starts. ..."
.Immediately the revenge comes from across the large water. However the yellow dragon invade in Alaska and Canada at the same time. But he comes not
1. First comes prosperity like never before! -------------- - Celtic Tiger era & ect
2. Then follows a apostasy like never before. .......... - Catholic Church
3. Then a moral corruption as never before. ........... - Trump US & Global Politics
4. Then a large number of strangers come into the country. .......... -EU Immigration Issue
5. There is a big inflation. The money is losing more and more value... - Italy NOW
6. Soon after, the revolution follows.
7. Then the Russians attack the West overnight.
See any correlations?
Read all of these posts and compare to current evens.... YIKES
edit on 31-5-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason given)
edit on 31-5-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason
edit on 31-5-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason given)
edit on 31-5-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason