posted on May, 31 2018 @ 11:18 AM
I think as many do humans if a animal is cut furry or special In OUR view then we all feel it should be protected .
So whales and such fall into that .
Odd thing is when it comes to reality some are not so cute and cuddly .
My only gripe with killing animals and eating them is it takes big animals to make little animals .
So if you enjoy eating said animal you must leave enough to make more animals for the next hunt .
Humans believe they are intelligent but untill we stop killing every last animal we are no different then a wolf who will just keep killing untill
non are left and they ll starve .
But sadly we have no options other then what we do as our population is Unsustainable .
So we will eat our planet to death and like many other apex predators we may very well be going .
Even though i do Abmite being we eat darn near anything and rats will become more common we may survive .