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Now What? State Bans Popular AR-15 Accessory, Not A Single Person In The Entire State Complies

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posted on May, 29 2018 @ 10:52 PM
With this success rate you can only imagine what would happen if they tried it with guns.

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

It's funny.

If a Bernie supporter shoots a bunch of republican congressmen, it's a one-off, a lone nut.

If an illegal alien robs a person or shop, you are told not to judge all illegals as that one.

Kathy Griffin shows off a mock decapitation of Trump and it's just one comedian.

A college bans and silences free speech and it's just a few students.

But every legal firearm owner is a madman, a serial killer in waiting. A potential nut-job because he/she owns a gun.

It's okay to punish all gun owners for the actions of a very small few.

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: tovenar

originally posted by: Phoenix

originally posted by: toysforadults
We live in a fricken powder keg

Buy a house deep in the mountains


If you're in a city get the hell out or make plans to do so.

Ok that was wonky, sorry for quad post but swear didnt do it!

4 copy-replies?

Someone has a bump-stock on his keyboard....

is it hooked on your belt-loop?

That is a good comeback.

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Ironically, I bet only 4 people in the entire state actually owned bump stocks in the first place. Nobody really used these things until the MSM started driving it home after the LV shooting. They're just a gimmick, there's a ton of videos on YouTube with people using them and the general opinion is that they are sloppy and hard to use effectively.

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 11:31 PM
I think this is a great example of why people shouldn't be so afraid of the government taking their guns. It's never going to happen. Imagine the man-power that would take...not going to happen.

And if a gun buy-back were implemented, they would get some turn-ins but if everyone did it? That's a whole lot of dollars. Not going to happen either.

The only thing that could happen is the stopping of new sales and manufacturing in the country.

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: infolurker

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: infolurker

I'm guessing here, but bump stocks weren't that popular in the first place. Ammo is expensive. They result in highly inaccurate shooting and outside of preppers, not considered part of personal defense by most. JMO, though.

I think they are useless as # but I find it hilarious that nobody complied with their confiscation law.

So, what exactly has this LAW accomplished?

Any Gun Control people around?

It accomplished all it was intended to... giving a politician some useless piece of legislation they can put their name on to make their brain dead constituents think they are "doing something".

You're right. This has been done to "justify" the ridiculous and pointless salaries they pay themselves. If they aren't doing something, stupid or otherwise, what's the point in having them in these positions.

Cheers - Dave

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 11:53 PM
back in my day, it was the "hell-fire trigger"

It was a spring you put behind the trigger and against the rear of the trigger-guard. It was rumored to sound like a machine-gun. The ATF originally got a warrant against David Koresh and the Branch Davidians for possessing a machine-gun. The county sheriff went in and the Davidians let him inspect all their guns, and ... lo and behold, the "machine gun" was actually one of these hell-fire triggers. Janet Reno had given a ruling that it didn't make a gun into a machine gun, although it was hazardous to the operator. So ATF had to use an old expiring warrant for child endangerment as their excuse to lay siege to the Mt. Carmel compound.

Back then, every one of my coworkers was buying an assault rifle because Dianne Feinstein was going to grab your guns and outlaw assault weapons first. And then they changed the name of their local gun club to "militia."

One of my friends (1994 or so) put a hellfire trigger on his SKS. The thing as stupid as hell. You basically pull the trigger with your right pointer and push the barrel/forestock away from you with your left hand. The only way to do it was to put the butt of the rifle against your hip. After he got done showing us, I remember lighting my cigarette off his barrel!

There was no way you could aim it, or even sweep it back and forth effectively once you started firing, or else you'd lose your grip and it would shut off. Basically turned a semi-auto rifle into a string of firecrackers.

Is that pretty much what a bumpstock is?

PS: if they had a buy-back scheme, I could make money building zip guns in my basement and "selling them back" to the gun grabbers. Most of them wouldn't know the diff.
edit on 29-5-2018 by tovenar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: dug88
Makes sense...pretty sure the kinda person that feels the need to own a piece of plastic that turns their #ty plastic hunting rifle into an 'automatic' in New Jersey...probably isn't the kind of person who gives a # either way.

The whole thing seems pretty funny to me considering...there's so many more effective and deadly guns you could use to kill a whole Lotta people than an ar-15 that no one seems to give the slightest # about. I really think the whole push against ar-15's is to turn the American public against the 'good guy' gun to spread the idea that unless the m-16(ar-15) is used by 'professionals'(soldiers, the government government) it must be 'bad guys' causing one would think twice if massacres were done with an ak-47 or some such a thing because they're already the 'bad guy' gun.

For the liberals, the AR-15 has become a symbol. Gun control isn't really about making the country safer. It's a symbol of personal independence, responsibility and frontier-spirit freedoms instead of dependence on the state and servitude to the political system. Probably could be summarized as "who is really in charge?"

You have those lawmakers who believe that simply passing legislation will make a problem go away, without actually having the means to enforce those laws.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: infolurker

So, what is the next step... Swat hit teams to raid them at 3 AM?

It is almost like some of you are wanting or even salivating over thought of feds turning up to try and seize your guns so you can go Rambo........ though in likely hood if a the feds do come knocking your door down, you will be on the floor pissing your pants begging for your life, all the big man talk long gone.
edit on 30-5-2018 by DieGloke because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: infolurker

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: infolurker

I'm guessing here, but bump stocks weren't that popular in the first place. Ammo is expensive. They result in highly inaccurate shooting and outside of preppers, not considered part of personal defense by most. JMO, though.

I think they are useless as # but I find it hilarious that nobody complied with their confiscation law.

So, what exactly has this LAW accomplished?

Any Gun Control people around?

I know these laws wont work. You can ban guns all you want. I'm an anti-finger person. You see, most people need to pull the trigger. Now if we just amputate the fingers off every person born in a low income area, or people who want more than one fire arm, then we save all of this trouble.

It's the safest way to ensure you are still alive, able to answer a phone so as to be a productive member of a call center, AND be free of gun violence.


posted on May, 30 2018 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: DieGloke

originally posted by: infolurker

So, what is the next step... Swat hit teams to raid them at 3 AM?

It is almost like some of you are wanting or even salivating over thought of feds turning up to try and seize your guns so you can go Rambo........ though in likely hood if a the feds do come knocking your door down, you will be on the floor pissing your pants begging for your life, all the big man talk long gone.

it's the same mantra all along.

"Guns kill people!"
"Guns do no such thing, they are a tool. We can use them for nice things."
"Well, you went crazy at a walmart recently. We might have to just look into your ability to own a gun."
"My gun has hundreds of reasons why you won't be doing that. Your blood will spill on my lawn."

Now if we just amputate..

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: DieGloke

originally posted by: infolurker

So, what is the next step... Swat hit teams to raid them at 3 AM?

It is almost like some of you are wanting or even salivating over thought of feds turning up to try and seize your guns so you can go Rambo........ though in likely hood if a the feds do come knocking your door down, you will be on the floor pissing your pants begging for your life, all the big man talk long gone.

More like we're watching the government pass laws that criminalize even bigger swathes of the population who mostly won't do anything to deserve that label, and then that same government can decide to come and round those new criminals up at their leisure for nothing more than being and doing what they always have done which is basically the same as any of the rest of us.

It should frighten you because the next thing to be made illegal could be sitting in your own closet.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: DieGloke

Yes, we know you're a coward.

But sooner or later, the government will push this too far, and people will fight back.

Government only governs with consent of the governed. Just because you live in fear of them doesn't mean everyone else does.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 07:55 AM
So they are asking people to turn in their attachments? That I don't really understand. I mean I do a teeny bit, but not on a larger note.

I would be willing to register myself and any weapon and accessory I had but I would not be willing to turn over my weapons or accessories period.

This whole gun debate is making my head spin.

I'm tired of seeing kids and adults hurting one another but I don't want to see people have their comfort of protection taken away from them. Whether that means they are comfortable with a small pistol or an ar-15.


posted on May, 30 2018 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
So, what is the next step... Swat hit teams to raid them at 3 AM?

Are you insane? There is no need for an escalation of force like that. If you get caught with a bump stock now in New Jersey then you get jail time. This will probably only happen in addition to doing another crime so that is added jail time and an additional charge to whatever you already did. Apply some common sense and get outside of your fantasy head where all liberals want to steal your guns away for once.

Grace periods to hand over illegal good are common additions in bills. When people don't comply, the State isn't going to waste resources finding the non-compliance people. They'll just add charges to any existing charges you are getting for something else if they find one.
edit on 30-5-2018 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: DieGloke
But sooner or later, the government will push this too far, and people will fight back.

No they won't. I increasingly believe that this is just lip service and dick swinging.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Something to keep in mind, they were pseudo-legal prior to this law, you could own one but you couldn't affix it to the firearm or have it in proximity to the firearm so it's hard to say how many were actually in the state.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: DieGloke

Yes, we know you're a coward.

But sooner or later, the government will push this too far, and people will fight back.

Government only governs with consent of the governed. Just because you live in fear of them doesn't mean everyone else does.

It not about me or me being a coward.

It just a fact.

If tonight at 3am 30 SWAT police barge into you house with guns and have you and your children at gun point, are you going to draw your gun and watch your family die in a hail of bullets?
edit on 30-5-2018 by DieGloke because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: DieGloke
If tonight at 3am 30 SWAT police barge into you house with guns and have you and your children at gun point, are you going to draw your gun and watch your family die in a hail of bullets?

To me, someone standing down for the sake of their own children does not equate to

originally posted by: DieGloke you will be on the floor pissing your pants begging for your life, all the big man talk long gone.

It takes a strong person to hold back their instinct for the sake of the ones they love. The fact that you call them cowards says a lot about who you are as a person. Is that why you threw children into the mix??

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: DieGloke

I certainly won't oppose an armed invasion in that circumstance. Better to comply fully, let them take everything they can find, be a good little sheep, and go about my business.

Then, several days later, I can dig out some of the hidden firearms and go all Rambo... on MY terms and on THEIR home turf (yes, that includes their homes at 3 AM). The good part is, I don't have bureaucratic rules I have to (pretend to) go by. They came to me to get guns; I will go to them to get revenge. I wonder how much ammo and how many firearms I could confiscate?

You ever hear of guerilla warfare? If they try confiscating guns, you will.


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