posted on May, 21 2018 @ 03:59 PM
Mountain lions are on a come back here in Michigan, have been for decades. However, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources completely denied
sightings and evidence until people started to get hard evidence verified by experts. When they were confronted with verified cougar scat (poop) and
trail cam photos, they claimed they were just a small number that wandered in to Michigan from surrounding states, not an established breeding size
population. It was easier to deny they were a problem then having to deal with dead or mauled livestock and other damage they are capable of. Well now
they are pretty much accepted by the experts (minus the DNR) that they are breeding here.
They can travel very long distances in a short time, so a sighting that seems far away doesn't mean they aren't in your neck of the woods too. They
are ambush predators that wait up in the trees over game trails and are active during the day. They leap down on their victims, knocking them down and
biting them in the throat to choke and bleed them out.
Once you're down and out, they drag you off the trail, even up into the trees, to eat you at their leisure. They are silent and patient killers that
are used to taking down big prey, if they are going to attack, you have little chance to avoid them much less fight them off. Like other big
predators, including bears and wolves, you will rarely see them or find evidence of their presence in your area. There have been bear in my woods
since I moved here 20 years ago. It's only been the last few years I've seen some tracks, and that was only twice.
I have been trying to develop a habit of looking up in the trees when I walk around outside, be it on the road or out in the woods. It's a hard habit
to develop when you are not used to doing it. Not many people pay attention to what's going on above them no matter where they go.