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Remote video of ICU hospital room of patient (roommate) while roommate lived with me - alive & well

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posted on May, 18 2018 @ 10:43 PM
This happened about 10 years ago and I could never explain it or understand what was going on. While living in So Cal, the internet in my room went out and I needed to use a computer so I went into my roommate/landlord's bedroom (he wasn't home and I couldn't get in touch with him, so I didn't really feel comfortable). His computer was unlocked (odd for an IT admin) so I maximized an open browser from the task bar. One of the tabs was a live stream to a hospital or maybe private doctors office where there was a person in a hospital bed asleep or unconscious. He looked exactly like my landlord, was dressed in hospital gown and the screen had all the vitals from the monitoring devices (BP, heart rate, temp, and probably 10 other stats). He had probes/wires on his head, arms, and looked like chest. It said something about intensive care on the screen and I swear it said something about HIV/AIDS somewhere on the screen and I remember the words "coma status" and a 3 digit number afterwards. It had the current date and a clock on the screen so this wasn't some old video footage and I could see him breathing (chest movement). I'm wondering WTF this could be.

Now my landlord had come back from Afghanistan (army) about 9-10 months prior and I saw him every morning and evening. He worked for a very large gov IT contractor (think company Snowden worked for BAH). I could only look at the screen for less than a minute b/c I was so freaked out as I figured he would not want me to see this and the whole permission thing before entering.

I never looked for what I needed on the computer b/c it was so spooky, I just minimized the screen as it was and left. After this I found out a lot of really odd things about him, my other roommate and previous roommate and I felt like I had to GTFO of that house. I never brought this up

I found out that the person renting my room before me just disappeared one day never to be seen of or heard from again. He supposedly had a fair amount of money and good employment but left everything behind including his car. A few months later my landlord had caught up on his back mortgage payments and the other roommate bought a 50K new car (for cash I was told) and all the old roommates stuff was packed into the downstairs closet - stuff that almost no-one would leave behind unless you decided to wonder the world with no possessions. There were many other very odd things like brandishing his 45acp a few times for no reason and seeming overly enthusiastic about the possibility of protecting the house from intruders (in a very upscale area of North county San Diego..). With all this and other things I decided i needed to find new lodgings or return home which lead to landlord calling police on me after telling him about my uneasiness living there. A MAJOR police abuse episode ensued and is the first story in the thread I just posted here:

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Well that's not exactly what happened to me. I walked into a normal room, looked at computer that had live feed of roommate on "life support" & "coma" on screen - though he had left maybe an hour or 2 before (and came home 5 hours later).

I'm not putting this together. Are you saying he is in monarch or me? Roommate is also in cult "self realization fellowship" which is kind of based on hindu thought (it's out of India but tailored to fit US West coast people it seems)

Could you explain a little clearer (in PM if you don't want public).

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Very strange and very interesting. Obviously something wasn't right there. What do you suspect was really going on? I'm reading through your linked thread now.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOuroboros
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Very strange and very interesting. Obviously something wasn't right there. What do you suspect was really going on? I'm reading through your linked thread now.

Man if I could tell you or explain it that would put me at ease, I'll tell you. I thought maybe we are all like my roommate, he just found his live stream but everyone else has not. He worked in IT doing things like Snowden (except the data smuggling) so maybe he could search for his name on gov computers and found a link that led to this screen. Maybe everyone has something like this but none of use know it. Maybe that is how we get injected into the Matrix and that is where our "real" bodies reside until a cure (or whatever) can be found.

I also thought maybe the person I interact with as the roommate isn't the real body but a clone that is controlled by the guy in ICU, like an avatar.

Maybe he was injured in Afghanistan and this life support was the only option and his "free" body (clone) is there to continue life and maybe that helps the body/mind recover.

I think we can clone people and all the "molly the sheep" and other things are just distractions to make people believe the tech/science isnt' there to actually clone. It could be really bad science at the public level but perfected in the super secret gov labs that don't have any info/data exchange/flow to the outside world.

This incident and the previous missing roommate, are what made me decide to get out of that house, and the fact that he called the police immediately seemed to be EXTREMELY odd ( just wanted to move out!! and had paid 2 months + 1 month security in advance!!) and he was trying to control me and or have me killed (can't be any other explanation for everything that happened when I was pulled over - they were out to get me no matter if I complied or not). The cops kept saying "we are here to help you" and I kept saying "I never asked for any help and don't need any, I'm going to work". They would repeat "we are here to help you" maybe 4-6 times total any my inside voice said "no they are NOT, they are here for anything BUT that" and it was clear as day in my head and guided my actions in a totally clear way - it was like having a voice beamed into my head.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Aint cha ever seen Manchurian Candidate?

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Aint cha ever seen Manchurian Candidate?

Yeah I've seen the new one (you linked to) and the one with Angela Lansbury and even a bad B movie from late 70/early 80's. but I don't see how it applies to what happened to me or what I saw. I watched it again.

Are you saying that When I entered the room, something else happened to me and I didn't really see that? Or that my roommate goes through a wall instead of leaving?

I understand the premise of Manchurian candidate - he is programmed w/o his knowledge, there are key words that trigger him and then he does what he was programmed to , assasinate.

I'm just not tying it into what I experienced. Please explain here or in U2U. It's not cool being cryptic (or I'm just daft ATM) on a topic like this that was really upsetting.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Plot of the new one goes something like:
Dude comes back from Iraq, and crazy medical experiment that happened over there has him an unwitting programmed robotoid. The program has him still constantly getting hooked to machines and worked on by mad scientist esque medical maniac people scene.

Were you that guy in the OP?

edit on 19-5-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Plot of the new one goes something like:
Dude comes back from Iraq, and crazy medical experiment that happened over there has him an unwitting programmed robotoid. The program has him still constantly getting hooked to machines and worked on by mad scientist esque medical maniac people scene.

Were you that guy in the OP?

I see what you mean. The live feed could be when the work was being done on the guy (he did work for Booze Allen H) so this is kind of crazy!

No, it was my roommate who was on the live feed. This is the guy who went nuts and called the police (who tried to kill me) when I told him I wanted to move out after lots of shady $h*t happened in the apt - like the previous roommate who lived in my room, completely disappeared leaving all his belongings (expensive stuff) and car behind, without a word to anyone - then my landlord (one in live feed in hospital) made huge back payment for house, other roommate (who worked at starbucks or similar & no $$ from family - disowned & kinda broke) bought new $50k car with cash at same time - after roommate disappeared. They wouldn't even tell me his name (they couldn't remember his last name conveniently and they had post office hold all his mail so I couldn't find it that way). Made me want to move like YESTERDAY!

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Plot of the new one goes something like:
Dude comes back from Iraq, and crazy medical experiment that happened over there has him an unwitting programmed robotoid. The program has him still constantly getting hooked to machines and worked on by mad scientist esque medical maniac people scene.

Were you that guy in the OP?

I see what you mean. The live feed could be when the work was being done on the guy (he did work for Booze Allen H) so this is kind of crazy!

No, it was my roommate who was on the live feed. This is the guy who went nuts and called the police (who tried to kill me) when I told him I wanted to move out after lots of shady $h*t happened in the apt - like the previous roommate who lived in my room, completely disappeared leaving all his belongings (expensive stuff) and car behind, without a word to anyone - then my landlord (one in live feed in hospital) made huge back payment for house, other roommate (who worked at starbucks or similar & no $$ from family - disowned & kinda broke) bought new $50k car with cash at same time - after roommate disappeared. They wouldn't even tell me his name (they couldn't remember his last name conveniently and they had post office hold all his mail so I couldn't find it that way). Made me want to move like YESTERDAY!

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

On the surface this OP is both suspect but also highly intrigueing

While it has the hallmarks of “they’re tryin to get me”, I could completely understand your reasoning for wanting to gtfo. Sometimes in this life there are things that are just too strange or creepy to abide. Glad you’re alive and well. What a disturbing encounter. In the place you live nonetheless. And he called the cops when you said you were gonna move out or were moving out? I know about two sides to every story, indeed love to hear his.. BUT

That is some weird stuff right there

edit on 19-5-2018 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 09:10 PM
that first part almost looks like it came from a scifi movie! i have no idea what happened to you

posted on May, 21 2018 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

That is a really bizarre series of events. While I cannot offer you the answers you seek, I hope it comforts you to know that I believe what you have stated and will do some research into the topic.

posted on May, 21 2018 @ 08:22 AM
This story is complete nonsense. Why do people waste their time typing this trash up.

OP, no one with half a brain would believe this. Either you are making it up, or you were simply mistaken.

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