posted on May, 17 2018 @ 10:15 AM
Has the world gone mad? I mean do people just get where they are in life now by lying, cheating and stealing?
I work in insurance and I actually love my job it's just the people I work for and with who have extremely questionable work ethics and morals and it
realllllly gets to me!
One thing i can't stand in general in life are people who lie and the worse being people who lie to make a sale!! That will make me so flippin'
pissed off. Everyone I work with has no issue lying to close a deal. I have told my boss I will not do what they do to get anyone to close a deal. ONE
it's wrong and two if something were to ever come from a claim there is a huge chance it wouldn't be paid out!
For example: Lying about roof age, plumbing and electrical. Lying about pretty much everything. I mean there is no reason we can't just ask! If I am
rewriting a policy, which is often, I am most of the time left having to explain to customers their previous policy wasn't written right. I get
questioned to death as to why they were never asked this before and I just say "the agent who wrote it didn't ask" but my boss told me "we don't
throw people under the bus" and my reply was "Well we don't lie to customers either now do we." It would make sense to just ASK UPFRONT! They seem
to think that once they signed a policy anything that comes later on we can just re-write (my job) and then it's done, however that isn't the case.
Most we do this to end up having issues with their mortgage especially if it's paid in escrow!! It seems I am the only one who sees how bad it is to
re-write a policy when if it were written right in the first place you wouldn't need to re-write it! He seems to think it's funny about lying and
has said I'm too nice to people. NO I AM IN SERVICE! IT IS WHAT SERVICE PEOPLE DO! IF they only knew how many customers I have saved because of crap
the agents do and most of the time it's what they don't do. SO what if I have to remind some people monthly of their payment! It's my job as the
ONLY customer service rep! One of us here has to take care of the clients.
Another lie they love to tell people, if you have your home and auto here we can bundle and give you a discount. THAT IS A FLAT OUT LIE! We can't do
anything like that since we represent so many carriers. The only way to bundle would be to write a Progressive auto and an ASI home and that is it and
that's only because they are partnered together. It really irritates me they tell people this because when they as ME about it they are confused and
again I have to profusely apologize for the agent lying to them.
Now the cheating crap irritates me because I work for the independent agency. Next door on the other side of the wall is the other agency that is
affiliated with a major national insurance company. We are TWO different agencies (same family owns them) meaning we are not suppose to work together.
The other side has actually been investigated because previous employees reported them but AS USUAL they get away with it. They also bought two other
agencies this year and we share with them, when that is so not allowed. Also may I add one person works here with no license so technically she
shouldn't be working here. The only way you can't get a license is a felony. So when some of the higher ups are here or the insurance board they put
her in a back office out of site. It irks me because I am the one who took over her job and with that came many mistakes, mistakes customers had to
pay for! I mean how can they keep someone who isn't licensed? I would think that's a huge liability. I could give numerous accounts of policies that
were messed that she did and the customer had to pay out or go to court as a result and they just swept it under the rug. This bothers me because she
shouldn't be working on any policies. It is just wrong!
My friend who works on the other side was cheated out of recognition because the owner MADE her give her sales credit to two others so they could win
a trip to Vegas, which is where they are now. I am sorry but I find it so wrong! My friend did that work, she earned it yet the owner said it was too
late for her to enter so he made her sales be put through like the other two did them. CHEATING! My friend is the one person on that side I would
recommend as an agent. The others no way! They are too dishonest and I wouldn't want someone I know being lied to on something as important as
Lets see other things that drive me crazy. LUNCH! I am docked 30 mins a day yet I rarely even take a lunch. It's basically frowned up in an
unofficial capacity to take a lunch. They also unofficially expect you to work late or at home and on weekends, all not getting paid either. I do eat
at my desk but sometimes when I leave for lunch I feel so guilty that I am leaving, like it's inconveniencing them while I'm gone to answer the
I love my job. I actually enjoy it but these dishonest parts make it hard for my own personal morals! I actually got really upset one day when my boss
screwed up someone's policy and he just shrugged it off, tried to blame the customer and said to re-write her. Yet I had to tell her the bad news and
it made me feel terrible. As an empath I feel people even over the phone! This woman's insurance is billed through her escrow and when my boss made
the mistake and didn't cancel her previous policy like he SAID HE WOULD (happens all the time) her mortgage company paid a policy that was to be
cancelled and paid her new policy so it caused her to be negative and it raised her mortgage payment by $200 a month! She was retired and on a fixed
income. I completely understand since I am a single mom living on $13/hr. It's not easy but I budget so I completely understand customers like her.
It happens way too much and it is affecting me personally. I feel like i can't do my job if others don't seem to care. How can I be honest to a
client when everyone else is lying and then they question me as to why what i say isnt the same as everyone else. It sucks.
One last thing that irks me is Grant Cardone. Yea the owner was conned by this man into believing he is the best. Yea the guy is a whack job. I
haven't watched him in months. I flat out told them to give my log in to another person who may benefit. The guy makes me cringe and his constant
emails about money money money and being rich and having a jet...make me want to GAG! He also thinks intelligence is overrated. What? Really? I can't
even with that guy.
I am very disappointed in the professional world today. I saw the same corruption at the bank. I can't tell you how many times tellers and sales
people lied to get goals. Yea you think that was only WellsFargo? No Bank of Satan aka Bank of America, did the same crap only they either havent been
caught or hushed it under he rug.
What happened to honesty?
I see the same when i order online now! I recently ordered a ring, it said 925 sterling silver. I get the ring and it's silver but not sterling and
in two days turns my finger green. I message the seller who immediately tries to cover up their lie and I show him screen shots of the listing when i
ordered. Did I get my money back? Heck no. Does this person still sell their fake crap as real on various sites? Absolutely! This isn't the first
item I've had where it wasn't what was listed. Isn't that false advertising?
Why can't people just be honest?