posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 04:11 PM
As a child I had a very specific reoccurring dream. It started about 1982 when I was about four years old. It continued until almost 1988. I had
this dream about once a month.
In my dream, I would be standing on the outside of a chain link fence looking in watching a group of children play in a playground. Everything seemed
great. The sky was blue and children seemed to have no cares in world. Everyone was happy just playing. The playground was surrounded by a high
chain link fence with one small entrance. Then instantly my dream would change but same setting. All of a sudden the sky would turn black. The
children playing in the playground were no longer happy. They were frightened and crying. I could never understand why. I could never go into the
playground just observe from the open gate. I would try but something prevented me from going in. Standing at the gate I would look up at the black
sky and see things flying. It was strange, the sky was pitch black but the figures in the sky were darker than pitch black. (I know that doesn’t
make sense.) The figures were blacker than black winged creatures almost like winged gargoyles. I never noticed any detail about them other than
they flew around like buzzards and there shadows were cast in the pitch black sky.
Then I would wake up just lying in bed terrified. I had this dream all that time and each time it scared the hell out of me. The closest thing I can
compare it too is the movie Terminator 2. There is a scene were Linda Hamilton is looking through the fence at children playing. There is no
correlation between the dream and the movie except for that one part. I don’t like to use that as an example because it tends to distract people
from what I am telling them.
Anyways that’s it. It wasn’t until I was about 24 when I finally told my parents about it. The dream has never occurred again.