/Dons her flame retardent suit and zips up
I am
*Pro-Choice-until you agree to carry whatever bunch of cells is in MY belly don't dictate to me what I can do with it. Until it stops looking like
something out of alien, it's my choice whether to carry it or not. Any frothing at the mouth by anyone with a penis or who thinks some book is the be
all and end all will be ignored in favor of people who actually have 2 brain cells to rub together.
*Pro-Gun ownership(for non criminals)
*Pro-death penalty(in fact I feel it should actually be used for things like rape, child molestation and killing someone while driving drunk, killing
or abusing your kids, lots of reasons and none of this 20 years later c*** either)and I feel the victims should have the option to pull the switch.
OH and none of this touchy feely omg its mean injections either, shoot em, hang em, gas em put em in old sparky or use em for medical experiments,
whatever make it HURT for what they did.
*Liberal economics makes me want to scream, A Liberal_01 says *whaaa I want it NOW, screw the future, let them worry about the debt I made I DESERVE
IT NOW, the world OWES ME!!!!*
*The ACLU and ADA need to be HEAVILY overhauled
*Welfare needs to be gone except on a VERY temporary basis and actually make em work while they are on it doing all those *jobs no americans want to
do* that illegals are doing now.
*Illegal Immigration needs to be stopped, by force if necessary.
*Drugs and prostitution should be legal and taxed and regulated
*Relgious tax exempt status needs to go UNLESS 90% of thier income goes to help the, hungry, homeless, mentally ill etc. whatever thier relious
feelings of goodwill tell them they need to do. Just keep it out of my face. I help people who need to be helped so unless thier exempt status goes
the way of the Do-Do I should get to be exempt too. Whatever fantasy-mythology book they belive in should not make the rest of us pay for thier share
of the tax burden, so they can get a new Mercedes every year. Hey, here is an idea, let all the religions take over welfare and get the Govt out of it
all together. Then I'd agree to let em be tax exempt, because they would actually be practicing what they preach.
*Actually pay teachers what they are worth and get rid of ones who don't do thier job.
*Actually pay cops and firemen etc what they are worth
*Make people who file frivolous lawsuits AND thier lawyers have to pay the person/people they sued 50% of whatever they sued for. Regardless of if it
gets thrown out before going to a jury or not.
*Make it mandatory to have more than 2 brain cells to rub together to BE a juror.
*The whole idea of plea bargaining and victimizing the victims needs to STOP.
*Treat criminals like *gasp* criminals. No TV, water+a healthy gruel to eat, no weight machines(hi I we don't need supermen criminals for cripes
sake) chain gangs brought back, tent city jails like in arizona for non violent offenders or short term stays. Once we let loose all the non violent
druggies there will actually be room for the people who need to be locked up and the key thrown away.
*using the term *Politically Correct* for getting your feelings hurt should land you a $100 dollar fine. I'm an old honkey with a pizza face omg oh
nos my poor widdle ego will be crushed if you call me what I am /sigh
*actually make parents be, ya know, *gasp* parents. People whine and cry about how many kids are turning into monsters, well if parents started
parenting instead of letting kids rule the roost because some daycare kid mill is raising em, maybe, just maybe they'd learn things like how to be a
human being.(and no I don't mean abuse em before you gimps spout off about spankings and s***)
*If you break into my house and get trapped, hurt, bit by my dog, shot or wtfever I should get a reward for removing yet another anti-social gimp
criminal off the streets, not charged with a crime or sued by said gimp criminal.
*All kids whos parents failed horribly at parenting 101 and have anti-social tendancies should be forced into the military, let them fight for
whatever it is they thinks society *owes* them.
*If there are really people out there dumb enough to iron thier shirt while it's on and get burned, or any other *Here's your sign* situations...
please bring back eugenics, don't let them breed we have enough problems to worry about.
ok /novel off, just a *few* of my thoughts/frustrations with todays world. Pheeew I feel better now hehe
I have more detailed ways/thoughts on how to implement my ideas, but my post would be an even bigger book if I just spell em all out here
long enough now
A while ago someone posted that a comet or some other natural disaster needs to happen to *fix* the human race, personally, I agree. We have gone so
far overboard(not just in the US, the whole damn world)we need the herd thinned or just wiped out.