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The Mysterydecoder

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posted on May, 15 2018 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: EartOccupant

Right? Like they should be more concerned with other things like learning to use google.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 01:58 PM
I´ll bite.

I don't care for the conversation in the first place.

So you join the biggest conspiracy board that exists, to do what exactly if not having conversations?

If you don´t like conversations you should talk to your mirror, it´s called a monologue. How old are you may I ask? It´s like arguing with a teenager.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: verschickter

c'mon you already said goodbye, your garbage is irrevalent, you're the only one making a ruckus here so just go.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 02:02 PM
Personal observation: I got a very bad taste in my mouth about the way this topic is being "attacked" in an over-proportional way.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 02:06 PM
It´s not attacked for godsake, I even wrote that some corn circles have an eerie out of the world touch. But the OP seems he can´t be bothered with someone who disagrees on parts of his opinion.

Stop being little pussies just because I dared to call out some inconsistencies. I´ll leave you both to fondle each others balls here, may the ignorance be with you.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: EartOccupant

I am just trying to forget these butheads, what is worse they think I should appreciate their input. I honestly would prefer to wipe my ass with toxic sand paper!
edit on 15-5-2018 by beautyofperil because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: verschickter

Tnx! I just wondered why that took three pages.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: verschickter

pffft like I said we should appreciate his input. haha so how can stupidity be so amazing after all this time.

posted on May, 16 2018 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: EartOccupant
Personal observation: I got a very bad taste in my mouth about the way this topic is being "attacked" in an over-proportional way.

Its a very short thread,

Please quote where anyone attacked anything?

Or will your reply be like the OP, just keep repeating that its being attacked or things are being made up when all the posts are there to read by anyone that chooses.

posted on May, 16 2018 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: beautyofperil

...and the nonsense and making stuff up.

yes you shouldn't do that and claim other do.

I didn't do what you want is the problem here not the other way around.

what readers want when they reply is discussion.

They will ask questions and give their opinions.

You post a YouTube video on a discussion site and get upset and claim things are made up about you because posters want to discuss the content you brought forth.

Why do you make this a bigger deal than it has to be, I am not calling any mods, I barely registering this as something I should be doing but I am bored today and nobody else is here.

Because the 2 posters that are posting in your thread were asking on topic questions and you reply with that we are making things up about you.

absolutely insane.

Now both have asked directly what we made up about you.

all you can keep saying is

bsing about the members and the woman in the video.

Please point out where anyone made anything up?

frankly I don't see the problem with being defensive when I don't care for the conversation in the first place.

So you just come here to troll.

Post stuff and when people interested try to engage you this is how you act?

and now reading this childish nonsense below

I am just trying to forget these butheads, what is worse they think I should appreciate their input. I honestly would prefer to wipe my ass with toxic sand paper!

I don't think you should appreciate anything from me.

Please stop making things up about other posters

you are now reported

posted on May, 16 2018 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: beautyofperil
a reply to: verschickter

Should have led a thread with this vid. .
It's the first that I've watched in a long while that seems to have some credence.
Not perfect of course but it distinguishes the contradiction of people with boards pretty well.. needs confirmation of issues of "inside compared to outside of circle" issues of course, but it does bring a curiosity to bear..

On that note, all the vitriol needs to stop between the three amigos in this thread.

edit on 16-5-2018 by Bspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2018 @ 12:17 AM
Crop circles aren't manmade? Well then who made them, cattle? Oh right its ALIENS.

More ancient alien lies. Claiming mud is made out of meteoric diamond and corn stalks can't be bent over by hand. Repeat it enough and it becomes law i guess. 6 million juice. 6 million juice. 6 million juice. Damn it actually works!
edit on 17-5-2018 by Prene because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2018 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: Prene

What does that even mean? No one is saying aliens here. The forum is just for the general consensus.

posted on May, 17 2018 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: Bspiracy

So start your own, why do you even pay it any mind than, it isn't your business untill you took it upon self.. I don't understand your perspective, it was 2 guys (mostly) having a discussion till the aggressor got completely rude but it is nothing to do with you and you ain't my referee.

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 06:34 PM


posted on May, 19 2018 @ 03:17 AM
I love that I´m an "agressor" now, because I voiced my opinion and did not agree with the OP.

I mean look at the posts it´s obvious that the OP does not want anyone to post something against his opinion. Not even having a conversation before the butt-hurt card is pulled.

If you can´t stand others opinions and if you can´t be bothered to argue or discuss a topic than don´t make a thread. If you want brainless followers, facebook or twitter.

We deny ignorance here, it´s the motto of the website. Blindly swallowing theories is ignorant to the maximum.

So again, if anyone can show me where the OP did anything other than deflecting and posting short two-liners, PLEASE DO SO.

If not, stop bitching around like little children screaming "wolf" where there is none.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: verschickter

o boy. I told you to do you own research and you still haven't shut up about it you even tried to manchild shame tactic some kind of response to me when you backed out of the discussion, you've no merit as a good person so stop trying to play tricks, nobody cares about your biased self righteous nonsense.

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