Some things about #TheGreatAwakening worth noting in a recap.
1. half and infinity constantly under attack. All for a larp?
2. We find out that JL and his wife are into pedo and cults. Who knew? SICK!
3. Mostly silence from Obama, HRC, Podesta. Why are they not defending themselves?
4. Obama and HRC are looking for new sponsors or cover?
5. Bill Gates is on a depopulation mission with his vaccines.
6. Eric Schmidt is tied to the Mayo Clinic.
7. SA was controlling the US by funneling money thru HRC CF.
8. All the vile villains were rounded up in SA and strings cut.
9. SA with a new leader is changing for the better. Freedom for women, seeks peace with Israel etc.
10. Pedo's are being rounded up right and left. Yay!
11. Elysium has been disabled.
12. CIA via Elon Musk and SpaceX was providing nukes to NK. Strings cut.
13. CNN, MSNBC etc. are desperately trying to hold onto ratings by throwing anything they can at President Trump.
14. All the women who accused POTUS have been debunked and ties to Soros has been exposed.
15. Antifa is on it's last leg since strings have been cut there.
16. There has been an increase of FF's to try and change the narrative.
17. Many attempts have been made on Potus' life.
18. Elites and world leaders have been exposed as Moloch/Luciferian worshipers. SICK!
19. Abuse rituals (animal/children/adult) seem to be normal for these elites and the world leaders. SICK!
20. Pedophilia and human trafficking is widespread and is enabled by people like Zuck, Jack, Instagram etc.
21. Organ harvesting is real. Mayo Clinic, Planned Parenthood.
22. NWO turns out to be real and is being disabled before our eyes.
23. Chappaqua fire was an attempt to cover and destroy evidence. AGAIN.
24. Project Mockingbird is real.
25. MKultra mind control is real and worse than we imagined when they by mistake released info they didn't mean too.
26. All the FF's are inside jobs created by mind control and no investigating by the FBI when reported beforehand.
27. The Clinton body count is real and rising.
28. CEO's WW are resigning due to ties with money laundering/pedo/corruption.
29. Political figures are not running for re-election due to ties with bribes/corruption/pedo.
30. Deep State and Shadow Government is real.
31. Obama's and Clinton's have ties to ISIS/MB/KKK.
32. Assassination and kidnapping plans with regards to Potus family.
33. WW corruption is real.
34. Clinton's, McStain's etc foundations are tied to corruption/money laundering/human trafficking/pedo/embezzlement.
35. Red Cross is corrupt.
36. Funds missing from 9/11, Haiti relief, Africa etc.
37. Another depopulation agenda that targets blacks thru PP.
38. White Helmets, UN and WHO guilty of countless crimes.
39. Doc's who seek natural remedies are being murdered at an alarming rate.
40. Whistleblower's are being murdered or silenced like JA.
41. British Royals are being exposed.
42. Reporters who are exposing the pedophilia are being murdered.
43. Vaccines are doing damage to people and big pharma is lobbying to continue pushing the poison on us.
44. Water, food and air are being poisoned daily. GMO's, flouride, chemtrails.
45. Human DNA is being found in our food supply. SICK.
46. PedoGate is real. HRC->Podesta->Alefantis->Silsby etc.
47. There is a Black Pope.
48. Gitmo is being expanded. YAY!
49. Secret Societies are real.
50. CIA has many fronts for funding/blackmail/human trafficking/drugs/arms dealing. PLayboy.
51. NSA/CIA/FBI/Google/FB/Twitter etc is all spying us daily.
52. Obama admin committed numerous crimes and involved foreign tools to help aid them.
53. There was a 16 yr plan to destroy America.
54. U1 should have been prosecuted.
55. Emailgate should have been prosecuted.
56. JFK assassination was planned by CIA/HW Bush/LBJ. He was a threat like Potus is.
57. Titanic and Hindenburg were done to eliminate anyone standing in the way of the Fed Resv.
58. Most airplane crashes are not accidents.
59. MH370 happened so that Rothschilds could keep patents from Freescale.
60. L. Fuddy (who confirmed BO's BC) was only person to die in the plane went down.
61. Election/voter fraud is real. Soros owns many voting machines and dead people/illegals are voting.
62. MS13 was the muscle for Obama and HRC.
63. Seth Rich who found out about Sanders being cheated leaked emails to WL and was killed for it. Justice for Seth Rich.
64. Amtrack collision with GOP on board was a blatant attempt by TPTB to regain control.
65. Loop Capitol is a slush fund for Soros/Cern/Iran (for kickbacks/bribes). Also tied to SEIU.
66. G4S security has ties to Soros/SEIU and FF's.
More being exposed everyday.
edit on 1pm514America/ChicagoMon, 14 May 2018 19:25:30 -050025572018-05-14T19:25:30-05:00 by wanderingconfusion
because: (no reason given)