posted on May, 14 2018 @ 11:11 PM
The racial labels and baiting only have one draw back, not every one going to get along with.
There are Muslims that hate other groups of Muslims, oh wait I meant Regions and Demography. Then there are Nazis accusations thrown at the
nationalists, meanwhile while the accusations are baseless an inaccurate.
All the while all this immigration, especially with Islamic migrants in such waves may bring up alot of anti semitism. Which moronicaly ironic...
And let not forget Comedy and Sarcasm, it free speech a bread an butter, just if not nice better not to say it at all.
What next, us white democrats are going to tell the African American s they can't use the word their slave master gave them, even it slang
edit on 14-5-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)