I mashed up a couple of old posts i wrote to help someone astral project on another forum but i'll post it here too.
It's mostly about using mediation to enter the state required to astral project.
When i first heard about astral projection I read as much as a could about it. read all the techniques and theories i could about what was happening
and how to do it.
I also started lucid dreaming when i was like 8 years old. So i was fairly comfortable with being in that state of mind and being able to fly and and
what not.
It took me like three month of practice everyday and ton of reading different techniques to eventually have one. I googled out of body experiences and
stumbled across astral projection and was blown away. I just googled everything i could and read it all.
It's not completely necessary to eat super healthy but it definitely helps. As far as substances and vitamins, eat healthy food. Stay as healthy as
possible. I noticed when i go vegetarian, and cut out bread and cheese, it is a lot easier to accomplish. Look up techniques to decalcify your pineal
gland. Fish oil is one way, distilled water is supposed to help as well.
Also mediation helps with your feet on the ground, either standing or sitting, twice a day every day for about 20 minutes. What i do is try to clear
my mind completely of all thoughts, to goal is to literally lower your brain waves to theta. Feel your body and understand that it is 99.9% empty
space. Try to feel the empty space. Breath in and out deeply feeling your body breathe in air through the pours of your skin. Try to feel a magnetic
presence surrounding your body, flowing into your body on the breaths and bubbling out on the out breath. Pick a part of your body and focus on it.
Try to only feel that part of your body (say your heart chakra) and breathe in air through it keeping focus on feeling it contract on the inbreathe
and expand on the out breath. Only focus on the feeling and imagine seeing colorful energy pouring in and out of your heart. Do this from head to toe
on every part of your body.
You will start to feel an electromagnetic bubble expanding and contracting around your body. This is basically the mediation i do which seems to power
up my consciousness for the night.
When i actually try to astral project i do a very similar thing i just described. But i will actually contract and relax my muscles to help get into a
super relaxed physical state. Do this twice while laying in bed imagining colorful energy pouring into your body charging it up on the in breath, and
completely relaxing on the out breath.
you might start to feel a small vibration. If you do, relax into that and let it completely engulf your body till it feels like your are shaking.
Increase that feeling until your body feels like it is violently shaking, yo might also have a high pitch noise accompanying these vibrations. This is
completely normal, it will not hurt you, you are not in an earthquake. Keep increasing those vibrations until it feels literally violent and you can't
take it any more, you will pop out of your body and be standing next to your sleeping physical body.
Another thing that could happen is you'll end up in what feels like 3d blackness. kinda just floating around thinking with no feeling of your physical
body and nothing to see. Try to look for a speck of light or a vague mist and kinda float towards it, sometimes these will become entire landscapes
that you can explore. Or ill try to feel the ground for my feet and do the mediation i talked about. That seems to power me up while in a projection
too, then a reality will just sort of manifest itself infront of you.
Main thing is don't be afraid, none of this will hurt you, it will actually most likely benefit you.
But I remember the first time I tried. Nothing happened after breathing in and out energy forever. So I just thought to blank out my mind as much as i
could. I was able to completely blank my mind out, i made it into what i call the 3d blackness. I forgot my name, couldn't feel my body, and was just
spinning in 3d blackness. I could think, but i had no identity. It felt like i was a giant conscious bubble that was blown up bigger than that
apartment building i lived in.
From their i knew their was something to it so i practiced different techniques till one day it happened very briefly, but i knew it was real.
So the feeling your looking for is exactly the feeling you get when your falling asleep, and you trip or fall in your pre-dream and kinda jump out of
it awake. Instead of snapping out of it you just let it continue. You continue to fall into the 3d blackness.
Don't worry about not feeling any energy movement in your body. This will happen eventually when you get into the right state of mind. You have to
convince your mind that it is falling. The easiest way for me to do this without snapping out of it is to just imagine your body in well. On every in
breath you fill with colorful energy. On the out breath you relax as much as possible and picture yourself and really really feel yourself falling
down ward and sinking deep into relaxation and falling down the well. Do this enough and eventually you will feel your mind start to slip. It will
literally feel like your on a rollercoaster. Just keep going with it, deeper and deeper until you can't feel your physical body at all. Then stable
yourself out and try to focus on a speck of light and bring yourself towards it. That light speck will form into some kind of environment when you get
closer to it usually.
But honestly the thing that helps the most is 20 minutes twice a day of mediation standing on my feet. Basically doing the color energy breathing
exercise i talk about. Don't worry if you can't feel anything at first either. It will start as tiny little tingles like static electricity and
eventually after months of practice you will feel your body surrounded by electromagnetism.
Then you will notice weird psychic stuff happening. It sounds crazy, but i swear i'm telling you the truth.
edit on 14-5-2018 by booyakasha
because: (no reason given)