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originally posted by: CB328
Show me the proof that the universe is materialistic as you say
Well the fact that matter at the macro level follows predictable patterns that we can measure and verify seems like proof to me. Now if you are talking about quantum physics that is another story, though it still seems to be all about pieces or matter and energy affecting each other.
originally posted by: TheBandit795
Hi all,
I'm no expert in this, but I find it very interesting. There are some videos that I've found to explain in detail why consciousness is fundamental. There are a lot of scientists who claim this as well (more on that later).
This is one of them:
Furthermore there is a researcher who is really good at explaining this in easy to understand terms (for laypeople like myself)
His name is Bernardo Kastrup. Here's one of his latest articles: Thinking Outside the Quantum Box
The problem is that quantum theory contradicts our intuitive understanding of what “real” means. According to the theory, if two real particles A and B are prepared in a special way, what Alice sees when she observes particle A depends on how Bob concurrently observes particle B, even if the particles—as well as Alice and Bob—are separated by an arbitrary distance. This “spooky action at a distance,” as Einstein called it, contradicts either local causation or the very notion that particles A and B are “real,” in the sense of existing independently of observation. As it turns out, certain statistical properties of the observations, which have been experimentally confirmed, indicate the latter: that the particles do not exist independently of observation. And since observation ultimately consists of what is apprehended on the mental screen of perception, the implication may be that “the Universe is entirely mental,” as put by Richard Conn Henry in his 2005 Nature essay.
Here he goes more in detail (pdf file):
Making Sense of the Mental Universe
EDIT: Adding another one of his articles:
Should Quantum Anomalies Make Us Rethink Reality?
Inexplicable lab results may be telling us we’re on the cusp of a new scientific paradigm
Every generation tends to believe that its views on the nature of reality are either true or quite close to the truth. We are no exception to this: although we know that the ideas of earlier generations were each time supplanted by those of a later one, we still believe that this time we got it right. Our ancestors were naïve and superstitious, but we are objective—or so we tell ourselves. We know that matter/energy, outside and independent of mind, is the fundamental stuff of nature, everything else being derived from it—or do we?
In fact, studies have shown that there is an intimate relationship between the world we perceive and the conceptual categories encoded in the language we speak. We don’t perceive a purely objective world out there, but one subliminally pre-partitioned and pre-interpreted according to culture-bound categories. For instance, “color words in a given language shape human perception of color.” A brain imaging study suggests that language processing areas are directly involved even in the simplest discriminations of basic colors. Moreover, this kind of “categorical perception is a phenomenon that has been reported not only for color, but for other perceptual continua, such as phonemes, musical tones and facial expressions.” In an important sense, we see what our unexamined cultural categories teach us to see, which may help explain why every generation is so confident in their own worldview.
So to salvage the current paradigm there is an important sense in which one has to reject the predictions of QM regarding entanglement. Yet, since Alain Aspect’s seminal experiments in 1981–82, these predictions have been repeatedly confirmed, with potential experimental loopholes closed one by one. 1998 was a particularly fruitful year, with two remarkable experiments performed in Switzerland and Austria. In 2011 and 2015, new experiments again challenged non-contextuality. Commenting on this, physicist Anton Zeilinger has been quoted as saying that “there is no sense in assuming that what we do not measure [that is, observe] about a system has [an independent] reality.” Finally, Dutch researchers successfully performed a test closing all remaining potential loopholes, which was considered by Nature the “toughest test yet.”
The only alternative left for those holding on to the current paradigm is to postulate some form of non-locality: nature must have—or so they speculate—observation-independent hidden properties, entirely missed by QM, which are “smeared out” across spacetime. It is this allegedly omnipresent, invisible but objective background that supposedly orchestrates entanglement from “behind the scenes.”
It turns out, however, that some predictions of QM are incompatible with non-contextuality even for a large and important class of non-local theories. Experimental results reported in 2007 and 2010 have confirmed these predictions. To reconcile these results with the current paradigm would require a profoundly counterintuitive redefinition of what we call “objectivity.” And since contemporary culture has come to associate objectivity with reality itself, the science press felt compelled to report on this by pronouncing, “Quantum physics says goodbye to reality.”
originally posted by: neoholographic
What's the basis outside of belief?
I get into a lot of debates surrounding these issues and it amazes me how many scientist and people in general act like the universe must be explained in materialistic terms. There's no reason why this is the case. There's no evidence that an objective material universe exists but still this must be the case.
Let's define materialism:
Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all things, including mental aspects and consciousness, are results of material interactions.
Why is this the case? Why does the universe have to have a material explanation?
Did some scientific Moses come down from Mt. Sinai with tablets that said:
Thou shall explain the universe only in terms of materialism.
What's the basis for materialism in science?
originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: dug88
You sound ridiculous. You said:
It's funny, you've spent this whole thread blasting science, yet you quote physicists....sorry you quote the media's interpretation of the work of physicists....
LOL, this isn't the media's interpretation of physics and this is why I posted videos of everyone from Brian Greene to Leonard Susskind saying the same thing.
Here's a lecture from Susskind:
You don't need a third dimension of matter. In fact, the laws of physics prohibit this. All of the information needed to describe a 3D object can be expressed in 2 dimensions. If you try to express a 3D object in terms of 3D volume, you will exceed maximum entropy and the 3D object will collapse into a black hole.
We see information is paramount when it comes to quantum teleportation. Information from point A is teleported to point B and what we call a particle doesn't contain the information anymore and becomes an incoherent mess.
You and others have to provide more than just vacuous hyperbole. I can care less as to how much this offends your materialistic sensibilities.
You don't refute anything that has been said or provide any actual studies, articles or published papers to support anything you're saying just gibberish. You said:
In the end we'll never know what the universe is. It's never going to happen ever...we'll never stop trying to figure it out...but we'll never get it.
Nope, in the end, YOU MAY NEVER KNOW, because you don't want to accept what experiment after experiment is saying about the nature of reality. You can keep sticking your head in the sand and living in the cave of ignorance, but others don't have to.
There's no evidence that an objective 3D material universe exists and you or no one else has presented any evidence to support such a notion. Just these meaningless statements void of any substance.
There's no reason why the universe has to be explained in the context of materialism.
originally posted by: Astrocyte
lol @ there is no evidence that a material universe exists.
What happens to a brain that ceases to manifest a particular function - such as recognizing another persons face and being able to 'know' them based on that 'information'? This state, called "prosopagnosia", happens, and ones its recognized at the descriptive, diagnostic level, lo and behold, the injury to be found is almost ALWAYS in thefusiform gyrus
What does this then mean? It means your consciousness 'arises' like 'a mist' from specific brain interactions between different 'nuclei' in the subcortex and the six layers of the cerebral cortex (with it's 16 billion neurons).
I could literally go through the brain at a fairly detailed level and provide evidence for what these specific nuclei 'do'.
Do you know what evidence science can muster? Comparative evolutionary biology reveals the presence of a formative homology (or shared structure) between all animals with a brain. Evidence like this, which was not known by Darwin, makes evolution virtually indisputable - undoubtedly, based on evidence each person can explore and ascertain on ones own - and this makes the theory of evolution the most epistemologically plausible explanation for how things work.
Now, Platonic idealism claims the exact reverse of this picture (I bet you believe this yourself). It is the only other possibility.
Now, even more importantly, "scientific materialism", or 'physicalism', is true by recognizing the need to start from the origin of things, and work from there. This is how every situation is worked out; I bet you can barely have conversations in your own life that don't make reference to, and rely upon, 'origin' metaphors. In fact, it would be impossible to even say anything coherent without noting the significance of cause and effect, and therefore, if cause and effect are the most important categories for clear thinking, the person who seeks to ignore is playing with reality as if it didn't at the same time mean "playing with your own self-structuring". I love quoting Eco here:
“So we attempted to do what was not allowed us, what we were not prepared for. Manipulating the words of the Book, we attempted to construct a golem.” “I don’t understand….” “You can’t understand. You’re the prisoner of what you created. But your story in the outside world is still unfolding. I don’t know how, but you can still escape it. For me, it’s different. I am experiencing in my body everything we did, as a joke, in the Plan.” “Don’t talk nonsense. It’s a matter of cells….” “And what are cells? For months, like devout rabbis, we uttered different combinations of the letters of the Book. GCC, CGC, GCG, CGG. What our lips said, our cells learned. What did my cells do? They invented a different Plan, and now they are proceeding on their own, creating a history, a unique, private history. My cells have learned that you can blaspheme by anagrammatizing the Book, and all the books of the world. And they have learned to do this now with my body. They invert, transpose, alternate, transform themselves into cells unheard of, new cells without meaning, or with meaning contrary to the right meaning. There must be a right meaning and a wrong meaning; otherwise you die. My cells joke, without faith, blindly.” – Umberto Eco, Foucaults Pendulum, pg. 566, Harcourt, 1988
In other words, if you continue to pursue your "to the left, to the left" (like in the Beyoncé song) ideology, you will continue to reason along the lines of a way of thinking that allows you to feel safe. The universe is nice this way: it provides succor to even delusional, even evil propositions, simply because its basis in symmetry - which means, symmetry between physically separate, individual human selves - in "moments of being recognized by an other", is the real source for psychological action, and with this source, now 'abstractized' as the self's relationship to the 'universe at large', the self gets carried away with the thought that everything it does happens in some 'mental realm' - as if there wasn't a physical brain producing specific, complex functions, which - if you were to take it away, would probably mean an irreversible transformation of what we could call "experience".
In other words, in a body, you can have control by organizing your awareness around this 'point'. But take the body away? I'd imagine you lose all control - all leverage - over psychological and perceptual experience. Cognition - the capacity to "do", probably goes by-by as well; or, perhaps, like in actual reality, maybe 'love', gives freedom (even ontologically, after death); whereas the stuff in this human society of ours, going by thousands upon thousands of years, is based in rote action, wishfulness, pridefulness, shame-phobia (pretty much only the Jews emphasize it in their holy writings), and most of all, a completely idealistic way of relating to ideas and actions. To 'fetishize', seems to be consonant with 'paganism'. Its the putting of an insignificant self-organized value, deriving its existence from actual interactions experienced by the self in relation to "not being recognized or known" (i.e. "respected", treated as a person with value to offer), over the cause and effect facts that ultimately make us what we are.
To have such a negative relationship to what is felt by me to be a simple 'matter of fact' thing, is to ignore what trauma has done to you and deny that it has any importance.
Do you know what mourning is? It's a mammalian homeostasis response to profound loss to an object the self is attached to. There's even a part of our brain dedicated to representing the PANIC of not having the longed for other. It is the source of the emotion - and no "magic" will make that dynamical process go away. We can dissociate; we can pretend, and imagine, and idealize, that the physical world doesn't work by constantly repeating laws, but we will screw ourselves emotionally as well as in our relationships if we decide to relate to the world this way.
Anyways, humility precedes sanity. You really need to accept your fundamental 'equality' with the other - neither better than, nor worse than - if you're ever to resolve the conflicts within your psychoneurological experience.
It's all symmetry. Unfair or illogical reasoning motivated by anger is not symmetrical: it does not honor what reality tells you is real. It's you ignoring reality and arrogantly superimposing your wish for it to be different.
Anyways, my position is that of CS Peirce: objective idealism. This means mind is the basis of things, but it is impossible to say 'how' that is. "Objective" means there are primary forces which apply at all the different scales we look at, implying that there is a 'ordering' to the universe which is beyond human control to change.
originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: dug88
I have provided you with tons of evidence and you haven't refuted anything. It's just a hodge podge of nonsense. You said:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...what you have posted is not enough to make claims the universe is that way...none of the scientists you actually reference say at any point yup the universe is definitely a 2d hologram. what you have posted is not enough to make claims the universe is that way...none of the scientists you actually reference say at any point yup the universe is definitely a 2d hologram.
Listen to what you said:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
That's the point of the thread and nobody has presented any evidence to refute the evidence I presented.
Again, by your own words:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
I've presented evidence that the 3rd dimension is an illusion based on the evidence. Can this change? Of course but there's no evidence right now to refute what I'm saying and the evidence keeps getting stronger year after year.
You can believe whatever the # you want. Personally I have no problem accepting our existence will probably remain a mystery until long after any of us are dead and even then it'll still probably be just our best guess. We haven't figured it out in the last 10000 years or so...probably not gonna happen any time soon.
originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: dug88
What? Do you understand how science works? It works by presenting evidence which strengthens the theory. According to you, I did just that. You said:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
This is science. I've presented evidence that hasn't been refuted.
You haven't written anything of substance like evidence that points to maximum entropy of a volume of space being proportional to it's 3D volume.
You haven't done anything but bloviate about nothing. You say things like this:
You can believe whatever the # you want. Personally I have no problem accepting our existence will probably remain a mystery until long after any of us are dead and even then it'll still probably be just our best guess. We haven't figured it out in the last 10000 years or so...probably not gonna happen any time soon.
This is asinine nonsense that has nothing to do with the thread. You present no evidence and your responses are devoid of any science.
We have figured a lot of things out and that's why you're typing on a computer right now. This is why you can watch a flat screen TV and GPS a location. It's because we have figured many things out about the nature of reality. This is a VACUOUS comment that's meaningless. We're debating current evidence. If you're right, people might as well stop working on things like gene therapy or quantum computers because according to your vacuous statement we will never figure anything out.
Again you said:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
Yes, I presented EVIDENCE. You haven't presented a shred of evidence to refute anything I have said.
originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: dug88
More bloviating. No evidence. Do you know you're in a Science and Technology forum? You have no understanding as to how science works. You said:
The only person claiming anything about the universe is you. I looked through the things you presented...decided it's about as good as any theory we've come up with so far...and left it at that. I just pointed out we really won't know for sure either way.
Yes, we will know for sure either way and that's why you accumulate evidence. You talked about the EXACT TRUTH. That's just nonsense. Science has never been about exact truth.
At the end of the day we can be sure that Quantum Mechanics describes the universe and General Relativity describes gravity on a classical scale.
This is because of EVIDENCE. You said:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
This is why I asked you to refute what I'm saying because this is how science works. You present evidence and then you present evidence that can refute the evidence presented. What are you on a science and technology forum for if you're talking about exact truth? That has nothing to do with science.
Now, in order to refute quantum mechanics, you have to present evidence that explains things like photons or the way electrons behave around a nucleus. Over time, quantum mechanics accumulates evidence and we can be sure the quantum mechanics is correct.
You would need to present evidence that replaces QM or shows that hidden variables are behind QM or entangled particles are connected by wormholes. You have theories that gravity is an emergent property or theories of quantum gravity.
Again, I want to remind you that you're in a science and technology forum. Science never talks about exact truth and yes we can know for sure either way because of the accumulation of evidence. We know for sure that QM describes the universe at planck scales. There's questions and other theories but these things needs evidence. Evidence doesn't provide exact truth, it can strengthen or weaken a theory. Again, you said:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
Here's a newsflash, this is what you're supposed to do when your debating science.
originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: dug88
NEWSFLASH on a Science and Technology forum people debate...SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY!
You made this asinine comment:
I wasn't debating you because I don't care.All I know is whether or not matter really exists if you stand in front of a #ing truck a whole lotta matter's gonna get squished..whether it's 2d, 3d whatever. So in the end hologram or not I live every day of my life affected by material do you. This is why we look at the world this way. If you don't believe me try standing in the middle of a busy road for a while and tell the truck it's a hologram mostly full of empty space as it crushes all that emtpy space you're made of into a pulp of empty space.
Science focuses on material things because that's kinda the way everything that affects us works.
The universe may be a hologram or not but for anyone that's not a theoretical physicist ot really doesn't make the slightest difference. All of the things most of us interact with every day work on a material level so that's where our science focuses.
Some of this is just incoherent babble but based on some of the things I can decipher, you're saying you don't care and if the universe is a hologram it doesn't make the slightest difference. Question:
This makes no sense at all. People debate these issues on this forum because it does make a difference to them. People debate issues like AI, Quantum Computing, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity and much more on this SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY forum because the nature of reality and our latest scientific understanding of these things makes a difference to them.
You're asking why do people care about debating the latest theories in Science in a Science forum!!! That's asinine.
You said:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
That's all? What else is there when you're debating scientific theories? That's like saying:
You've posted evidence that supports quantum entanglement...that's all.
You've posted evidence that supports the Higgs Boson...that's all.
I can go on but anyone can see how ASININE that sounds.
In Science what else is there? You provide EVIDENCE that either strengthens or weakens a theory. There's no exact truth.
originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: dug88
Please :
Now you say this:
If you have such a great theory...instead of ranting on an internet board do what other sc
This is a debate on the Science & Technology Forums where people debate theories or technologies and present evidence either for or against the theory or discuss some cool new technology.
This isn't the Above Top Secret Journal. I don't need to submit posts to a peer review board. This is a place to debate and present evidence for or against a theory. I did just that according to you:
You've posted links to evidence that supports the theory of a non-3d universe....that's all...
Read what you said LOL. YOU'VE POSTED EVIDENCE THAT SUPPORTS..........
This is what you do on a Science & Technology Forum. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Maybe it's because you talked about "exact truth" in a science debate.
You're complaining that I'm talking about scientific evidence on a forum that's about SCIENCE!!
The Fermilab holometer aims to test one interpretation of the so-called holographic principle, which states that the amount of information that can be crammed into a region of space and time, or spacetime, is proportional to the region's surface area. If the holographic principle holds, then the universe is a bit like a hologram, a two-dimensional structure that only appears to be three-dimensional. Proving that would be a big step toward formulating a quantum theory of spacetime and gravity. The principle implies a kind of information shortage that, according to the experimenters, makes it impossible to say precisely where an object is. The holometer aims to prove that position is inherently uncertain. Not everyone cheers the effort, however. A co-inventor of the holographic principle says the experiment has nothing to do with his brainchild. Others say they worry that the experiment will give quantum-gravity research a bad name.
Professor Kostas Skenderis of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton explains: "Imagine that everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions (and your perception of time) in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field. The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a three-dimensional image is encoded in a two-dimensional surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card. However, this time, the entire universe is encoded."
Although not an example with holographic properties, it could be thought of as rather like watching a 3-D film in a cinema. We see the pictures as having height, width and crucially, depth—when in fact it all originates from a flat 2-D screen. The difference, in our 3-D universe, is that we can touch objects and the 'projection' is 'real' from our perspective.
In recent decades, advances in telescopes and sensing equipment have allowed scientists to detect a vast amount of data hidden in the 'white noise' or microwaves (partly responsible for the random black and white dots you see on an un-tuned TV) left over from the moment the universe was created. Using this information, the team were able to make complex comparisons between networks of features in the data and quantum field theory. They found that some of the simplest quantum field theories could explain nearly all cosmological observations of the early universe.
Professor Skenderis comments: "Holography is a huge leap forward in the way we think about the structure and creation of the universe. Einstein's theory of general relativity explains almost everything large scale in the universe very well, but starts to unravel when examining its origins and mechanisms at quantum level. Scientists have been working for decades to combine Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum theory. Some believe the concept of a holographic universe has the potential to reconcile the two. I hope our research takes us another step towards this."
But some experts on the holographic principle think the experiment is completely off-target. “There is no relationship between the argument [Hogan] is making and the holographic principle,” Bousso says. “None whatsoever. Zero.” The problem lies not in Hogan’s interpretation of the uncertainty relationship, but rather in “the first step of his analysis,” Bousso contends.
Bousso notes that a premise of special relativity called Lorentz invariance says the rules of physics should be the same for all observers, regardless of how they are moving relative to one another. The holographic principle maintains Lorentz invariance, Bousso says. But Hogan’s uncertainty formula does not, he argues: An observer standing in the lab and another zipping past would not agree on how much an interferometer’s beam splitter jitters. So Hogan’s uncertainty relationship cannot follow from the holographic principle, Bousso argues.
The experiment can do no good in testing the holographic principle, Bousso says, but running it could do plenty of harm. The holometer has garnered an inordinate amount of attention in the blogosphere and in press accounts, he says, raising unrealistic expectations. “They’re not going to have a signal and then there is going to be a backlash saying that the holographic principle isn’t valid, and we’ll look like we’re on the defensive,” Bousso says. “That’s why I’m trying to get the word out [that the experiment won’t test the principle] without appearing to make excuses.”
What's the basis for materialism in science?