Does anybody know if the Fincastle competition or whatever it morphed into is in at the moment..lists of ASW aircraft from different nations operating
around Machrahanish..?
Thanks Zaph...I thought it had became that just wondered why there was various ASW platforms popping up on ADSB in the Irish Sea over the past few
days..! a reply to: Zaphod58
I’ve seen the 52’s close up over the years..even got shown around one during gulf war part 2 when I was temporarily based at Fairford...beast of a
thing!! There’s quite a lot of interesting things floating about on ADSB and if you look at their “tracks” you can figure out what their role
is...!!! a reply to: Zaphod58
Whilst we are on about seeing things on ADSB any ideas what this is been there or about for a few days now...anything to do with the exercise you