posted on May, 11 2018 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to:
Let me preface this update with, My sister just told me what people are reporting on her local group she's in that has to do with AV scanner activity,
in other words this kind of stuff. It's kinda like a city wide neighborhood watch for crime and accidents. So it is NOT the official story although
some comes from 'sources' in Law enforcement in the group. It's heresay at the moment. Now on to what's been related so far!
The Sheriff Assigned to Highland was still on his way to the school when this happened, but arrived shortly after the incident. He helped the security
get the school locked down and clear the buildings in case the shooter was still there or there was more than one, while backup was arriving. All this
was arrival time for most everyone, before school started so there weren't a ton of people there yet.
Apparently the shooters dad turned him in. Apparently he had run away the night before and after the shooting he called his dad and told him what he
did and where he was(he'd run out of the school to a local grocery store and made the call). So dad called the cops to go get him and where he said he
dumped the gun. They are saying something stopped him, he got spooked or had second thoughts or saw a guard or something. No one knows for sure yet
what his motive was or why he left.
So the kid who got shot got grabbed by a parent and hustled down the road to the hospital, then that guy called the parents and cops to let them know
where the injured kid was. So before that they knew someone was shot but that's why no one knew who for awhile, because he was already at the
So one other bit coming out was our kids instead of posting videos to twitter about a shooting were texting all their friends who hadn't arrived yet
to stay away and calling the cops and telling them what they saw/heard to direct them to the kid.
I know I'm biased because as many issues as we have this is really a great place to live. I'm really proud how our kids handled themselves and how our
LEOs swooped in like Batman and had this thing over in a really short time.
If I hear more I'll update since the news is "mostly" ignoring follow up. It's being talked about for like 20 second sound bites heh.
ETA: still waiting to hear if this was gang related or not. But it sounds to me like a "jump in" initiation OR a disturbed kid. No one knows yet!
edit on 5/11/2018 by Lilroanie because: (no reason given)