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BREAKING: Congress Wants To Spend Millions Searching For ET

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posted on May, 11 2018 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: ZombieZygote
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Meanwhile there are millions of REAL lives currently living in poverty in this country. 😡

What an effin joke.


posted on May, 11 2018 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

I pretty much agree...but $10 million is only a drop in the bucket for our federal budget, even though the U.S. federal government has most likely been aware of peaceful ET alien incursions of our planet in the past recent history. Yet I'm willing to allow the $10 million slide by for SETI.

"We could find aliens by spotting their satellites."

"A new suggests that if geostationary satellites are thick enough around an alien world, they could be spotted with telescopes already hunting for undiscovered planets.
Sufficient material orbiting a exoplanet causes a small dip in starlight before and after the body of the world makes its transit. Scientists have used this method to discover rings around planets outside the solar system and even around distant solar system bodies.

excerpt quote source:

posted on May, 11 2018 @ 09:43 PM
> $10 million in NASA funding for the next two years "to search for technosignatures, such as radio transmissions

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement is now well establlished, and proves that instantaneous - or at least super-luminal - interaction is real. Any advanced civilization would not only be well aware of this, but would long ago have made use of it for interstellar communications.

The reason why SETI-type projects yield null results is because only technological primitives - such as Earthmen - use electromagnetics for "long" distance communication.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: ColinT
> $10 million in NASA funding for the next two years "to search for technosignatures, such as radio transmissions

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement is now well establlished, and proves that instantaneous - or at least super-luminal - interaction is real.
Yes quantum entanglement is well established and yes there are sources saying something about correlations being superluminal, but that hasn't been proven. The superluminal claim is based on the assumption of a particular interpretation of quantum mechanics (such as the Copenhagen interpretation taught in textbooks), but there are other interpretations of quantum mechanics such as Everett (aka "many worlds") in which the results of entanglement experiments are not evidence of anything superluminal, but are considered entirely local (meaning not faster than light). So far, nobody has devised a way of knowing which interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct.


Q12 Is many-worlds a local theory?

The simplest way to see that the many-worlds metatheory is a local theory is to note that it requires that the wavefunction obey some relativistic wave equation, the exact form of which is currently unknown, but which is presumed to be locally Lorentz invariant at all times and everywhere. This is equivalent to imposing the requirement that locality is enforced at all times and everywhere. Ergo many-worlds is a local theory.

A surprising number of well known physicists, including Stephen Hawking, have said they think this interpretation may be the correct one, probably because it just takes the Schrödinger equation at face value.

Q1 Who believes in many-worlds?
"Political scientist" L David Raub reports a poll of 72 of the "leading cosmologists and other quantum field theorists" about the "Many-Worlds Interpretation" and gives the following response breakdown [T].

1) "Yes, I think MWI is true" 58%
2) "No, I don't accept MWI" 18%
3) "Maybe it's true but I'm not yet convinced" 13%
4) "I have no opinion one way or the other" 11%

Amongst the "Yes, I think MWI is true" crowd listed are Stephen Hawking and Nobel Laureates Murray Gell-Mann and Richard Feynman.
I think his sample was biased because in the wider community I think there aren't as many physicists who have given a lot of thought to the various interpretations...and the Copenhagen interpretation is the textbook standard so you'll find a lot more support for that in a broader survey, but still I think everyone participating in the survey will admit they are just giving their own opinion and nobody has ever proven which interpretation is correct.

Any advanced civilization would not only be well aware of this, but would long ago have made use of it for interstellar communications.
Maybe an advanced civilization has figured out the correct interpretation of quantum mechanics, but we haven't.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 11:08 AM


posted on May, 12 2018 @ 12:32 PM
> Maybe an advanced civilization has figured out the correct interpretation of quantum mechanics, but we haven't.

Maybe advanced civilizations have done away with QM entirely:
edit on 12-5-2018 by ColinT because: Add reference.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: ColinT
> Maybe an advanced civilization has figured out the correct interpretation of quantum mechanics, but we haven't.

Maybe advanced civilizations have done away with QM entirely:
Scientists don't claim to have all the answers, and they'll tell you that.

They will acknowledge some of the claims at that link like they haven't developed a unified field theory to harmonize GR and QM. However that link goes way past fringe into woo and says things like General Relativity is a delusion:

In spite of the enormous amounts of time, money and effort expended in developing GR, it has yielded nothing whatever of practical benefit to Mankind. Even worse, it has fostered a complete misunderstanding of what gravity and inertia truly are. It has obviously passed its 'use-by date' and is well overdue for replacement.
What about GPS? Without an understanding of GR we wouldn't have that, and that's of practical benefit to mankind. Maybe someday a better theory will replace GR but it will have to explain why GR made so many accurate predictions just as GR had to explain why Newtonian mechanics made so many accurate predictions, which was because GR simplified to Newtonian mechanics in the limited case.

Even if advanced aliens have a better understanding of nature than we do, it would be interesting to see if they also have some portion of their population with less developed critical thinking skills who can't tell the difference between alternative views which may advance science, and woo. We certainly have that problem on Earth with our human population as the link you provided demonstrates.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 09:53 PM
> an understanding of GR

IMO you're confusing an understanding of GR with an understanding of Nature. Our theories are not derived from philosophical and conceptual insights into Nature, but simply by ad hoc adjustments to make them correspond with observations. The corrections to Newtonian gravity provided by GR are also present in other theories, e.g.

The blind adherence to established doctrine that is enforced today is characteristic of religion, not science.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 11:38 PM
This is a long time coming!

a reply to: shawmanfromny

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

You're welcome ATS.

I played a part in getting this funding some legs to walk around with.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 04:46 AM
Spend millions of dollars . . . .

or the American government could just ask the people from ATS for free.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 05:00 AM
Skeptics, walk down the lane of possibility for a moment. This is a diagram of the orbit path of oumuamua .

Notice anything odd?

Which planet does oumuamua approach at closest distance?

How far is oumuamua from the other planets in the diagram?

If this is some type of scout.

We are likely to see whatever it reports back to... eventually. It's probably considerations like this, that are forcing our current mad dash to get space tech rolling.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: Archivalist
Skeptics, walk down the lane of possibility for a moment. This is a diagram of the orbit path of oumuamua .

Notice anything odd?

Which planet does oumuamua approach at closest distance?

How far is oumuamua from the other planets in the diagram?

If this is some type of scout.

We are likely to see whatever it reports back to... eventually. It's probably considerations like this, that are forcing our current mad dash to get space tech rolling.

Not very likely it's a scout.

Even if it was. How would it find us?

It came from beyond our solar system.

It is very exciting though. And, should be passing Jupiter's orbit right now.

I think it's too slow to have organic intelligent life onboard.

Would take too long to report back to whatever you're suggesting.


edit on 13-5-2018 by blackcrowe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

This is a good idea. Sometimes, promising technologies comes out of research like this.

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