posted on May, 7 2018 @ 03:36 PM
I don't think there is a direct partnership between fast food, big pharma, insurance and hospitals at all- however:
If one were to exist you would have too look at a few key points.
1) Doctors receive only 1-2, and never more than a handful of college hours about "nutrition"
2) Nutrition could be described as "everyday foreign contaminants people put into their bodies, and their effects". High fat, salt and protein is
good- anything with sugar or sugar imitators is deadly/poisonous. Chemicals from everything probably not good either. Brain bioaccumulates all the bad
stuff, and also can't get fed on sugar diets as well as not.
3) Fasting, it's gonna change the waistline of America, their grocery/healthcare bottom line, and the key is one meal a day, 40-48 hour fasts,
intermittent DRY fasts. If the answer to most things is simple, and I figured it out, I suspect my government knew as well- since they captured the
research from the Nazi feeding studies and all their other research as well confirming that low-cal is the true starvation.
4) The "push" for healthier choices resulted in no beneficial changes and seemed like an ad rollout for a new market of people who wanted "healthier
looking" presentation and advertising, which resulted in the same or worse waist line.
If McDonald's afraid of losing me to fasting, they don't have to worry. I break my 20hr daily fast with 5 cheeseburgers and a coke. They went up on
Hot n Spicy's, my go to food. Criminal! After that I might not eat again, or I'll squeeze in another meal with the family. I still manage to train
jiu-jitsu fasted, no problem. I prefer fasted states for most things and only eat when the "work" for the day is done, and I am ready to go Homer
Simpson on the couch before the (super sensitive) insulin crash gets me.