a reply to:
Well here's the thing. I do agree with you and understand what you're saying, but this is not centuries ago, this is 2018 and with our research,
knowledge and technology these industries could and should do better. They take nutrition and dumb it down for the general population to make a
Think about all of the (400+) fad diets that have come and gone. All supposedly science based, proven, peer researched and even encouraged by doctors.
Fat is bad, everything needs to be low or no fat. Never mind, fat is good now, but only healthy fats. Don't eat carbs! No, eat carbs because it's your
bodies preferred source of energy. The average person only needs about 0.32g of protein per LB of body fat, yet we have "science" telling us to eat
way more than is necessary... because hey, everyone know that excess protein will make you swole! Bull-#. Cabbage soup anyone? How about Apple Cider
Vinegar? Tumeric is awesome and years ago smoking was good for you too!
Listen, I don't tell people what to eat or what not to eat (unless the pay me for that service) and I'm the very last person to demonize and/or
eliminate entire food groups. I'm simply agreeing with the OP and expressing my opinion on the matter.
It is much easier to believe that things must be genetic or inherited and I know that when someone is in pain, they just want it to stop, and that
usually comes in the form of a pill. I get it. I also understand that for the most part people just really truly don't understand a thing about
nutrition. And why should they? Ya know... some poor workin slob who has put in way too many hours, picks up their kids from school, does the school
activity # and is dead tired... last thing they want to do is go home and cook a fresh, clean, whole and healthy balanced meal. Nope, off to the drive
through because it's fast, cheap and easy. Problem is years later when the medical bills pile up and they're wondering why.
Typical client conversation:
Client: I don't know why I feel so sick and bloated and no matter what I do I can't lose weight!
LN: What does your diet look like? how many calories are you consuming a day? What's your daily activity like?
Client: I think I eat pretty healthy. I don't eat sugar or carbs or fat or gluten.
LN: Are you gluten intolerant? Have you been tested?
Client: No.
LN: How may calories do you eat a day?
Client: I'm not sure but it can't be that much.
LN: Do you have a workout routine?
Client: I wish! I don't have the time.
Do you see where this is going? And that's just a very small piece of the problem.
I have done years of research as required by my license. I can tell you with much certainty that the parts of the human diet that have darn near
existed since we've been human are very non-human these days. Like when they say today's wheat isn't your grandfathers wheat? It's true, for real, not
even made up!