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Mobile Phone Cancer Warning as Malignant Brain Tumours Double.

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posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:35 AM
Full title is: The Telegraph UK Publishes Article, “Mobile Phone Cancer Warning as Malignant Brain Tumours Double.” D’uh.
I come across articles like this on occasion and I always wonder what could be done ?

The population is wired for sight an sound and probably feel they cannot exist without their mobile devices and wireless connections.. I am as guilty as anyone living in the sticks as I do. My T.V. movies come via the internet. ATS comes via the internet and much of my stateside/world news..

Anyway consider this a public information kind of thread for those who might care.. I have been reading how 5g is gonna be bigger and badder ... Good news for me I have outlived many of my generation but I do worry about the kids who start at a very early age clambering for a cell phone..

In April, The Nation wrote an article that also included stories about “fierce debates among scientists.” They compared The Telecom Industry to “Big Tobacco” and “Big Oil” and referred to them as “Big Wireless.” Democracy Now and NPR did follow-ups on the article.

This isn’t the first time someone has compared “Big Wireless” to “Big Tobacco.”

There have been fierce debates for several decades despite government, independent, industry, and military research that has already proven that exposure to cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation as well other sources of Electrical Pollution (Electrosmog) cause harm.

Many scientists already insist that there is enough scientific evidence that proves all sources of Wireless Radiation should be reclassified as Carcinogenic – not a “Possible Carcinogen.”

According to Dr. Anthony Miller, longtime World Health Organization advisor:

…radiofrequency (RF) radiation from any source – such as the signals emitted by cell phones, other wireless and cordless and sensor devices, and wireless networks – fully meets criteria to be classified as a “Group 1 carcinogenic to humans” agent, based on scientific evidence associating RF exposure to cancer development and cancer promotion.
Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the US: The Role of Cell Phone & Cordless Phone Use

Cell Phone Radiation Associated Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising: Scientific Documentation
Cell Phone Associated Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising

There is evidence that the numbers of people diagnosed with the type of brain tumor linked to cell phone use- glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is increasing as documented in some US and international cancer registries.

Glioblastomas (the type of brain cancer linked to cell phone radiation) and central nervous system tumors are increasing in young Americans, in precisely the areas of the brain that absorb most of the microwave radiation emitted or received by phones.

On this page we are maintaining a list of the scientific documentation of these cancer increases as well as the science linking cell phones to brain cancer. (Scroll down for scientific citations). Some facts:

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 06:01 AM
I know that HAM radio operators have a higher cancer rate due to RF exposure. Of course, they can use hundreds of watts output, but they aren't putting the transmitter right up to their heads. You can shield yourself from the transmitter when using HAM radios as well.

There is RF pollution everywhere though, not just cell phone and WiFi signals. Power lines and transformers put out a lot of RF. Just drive around with the AM radio on and you'll pick up the interference hot spots. I have a small multi-frequency radio that will pick up RF interference from the gaggets and electrical wires in my home. Some radios go crazy around cell phones.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I did not know that, thanks for the info.
CDC Study: 150% Increase in Autism in U.S. Kids Since 2000. Researchers Suspect Environmental Risks and Triggers. 2012 Research Determined WiFi Radiation Disrupts Blood Brain Barrier, May Cause Leaking.

“Researchers aren’t sure what causes autism, although they suspect environmental risks or triggers.”

Bloomberg must have interviewed the wrong researchers. There is actually government, independent, industry, and military research that has already proven that cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation as well other sources of Electrical Pollution (Electrosmog) are “environmental risks and triggers” for many health issues – behavioral, emotional, mental and physical. -research-determined-wifi-radiation-disrupts-blood-brain-barrier-may-cause-leaki.html

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

My brother-in-law died from a massive GBM in July. He was 53.

Strangely, he was a professional baseball player in his youth, and there is a weird high percentage of pro pitchers who die from GBM (he was a pitcher).

But I do wonder about the cell phone connection, but not in his case since he had a cell phone for the same amount of time as, say the rest of us in the family have had, and as far as we know none of us have a GBM. Why some people and not others?

edit on 5-5-2018 by KansasGirl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 07:11 AM
So, the brain tumors supposedly happen because you hold the phone to your head, right? I don’t know too many people who use their phone that way anymore. Young people mostly text these days, instead of talk. The people I see who use their cell phone a lot, use those blue tooth devices instead of holding the phone to their head. So I would think that brain tumors would be decreasing. Now, if there’s such a thing as hand cancer, my teen daughter would probably get it, as she is holding her phone a LOT. But she never puts it to her head.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
So, the brain tumors supposedly happen because you hold the phone to your head, right? I don’t know too many people who use their phone that way anymore. Young people mostly text these days, instead of talk. The people I see who use their cell phone a lot, use those blue tooth devices instead of holding the phone to their head. So I would think that brain tumors would be decreasing. Now, if there’s such a thing as hand cancer, my teen daughter would probably get it, as she is holding her phone a LOT. But she never puts it to her head.

Mobiles phone networks use frequencies from 1.8GHz to 2.3GHz. Bluetooth devices use frequencies at 2.4 GHz. 5G services will use frequencies at 5GHz like some wi-fi routers.

The theory is that the radiation doesn't cause the cancer directly, it causes cells in the blood-brain barrier to open receptors and allow virus particles through.

edit on 5-5-2018 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

The EM radiation from cell phones isn't even ionizing radiation. However, the sun does bath us in ionizing radiation on a daily basis. With that in mind, and given all the EM pollution in our environment, and chemicals in our food/water, I would just say life causes cancer. Who wants to live forever anyways?

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 12:37 PM
I think this is fantastic news.

The world is full of assholes who can't put down their damn phones and interact with society in a meaningful, productive way.

This is the thinning of the idiot herd. Natural selection on display.


Let's tax the everloving s# out of people with unlimited data plans. You people are health hazards to yourself, apparently. If I'm gonna be paying for your damn brain tumors, you gotta pay up.

Remember the plight of the smoker.

posted on May, 6 2018 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: 727Sky

My brother-in-law died from a massive GBM in July. He was 53.

Strangely, he was a professional baseball player in his youth, and there is a weird high percentage of pro pitchers who die from GBM (he was a pitcher).

But I do wonder about the cell phone connection, but not in his case since he had a cell phone for the same amount of time as, say the rest of us in the family have had, and as far as we know none of us have a GBM. Why some people and not others?

All sorts of things are thought to be carcinogenic - pesticides, insecticides, household cleaners, cigarette smoke, hydrocarbons like benzene, even burnt food like toast. Some people have the genes to repair this kind of damage or filter the chemicals out of the bloodstream. Others don't.

posted on May, 6 2018 @ 02:03 AM
Mobile phones have become the plague of all humanity, while brain cancer is merely a minor 'side-effect'!

It didn't take very long to turn nearly the entire human population into a mindless pack of non-speaking, socially retarded zombies, after all!!

posted on May, 6 2018 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: stormcell

OK. Half of Australia should be dead by way of BBQ,apparently its not good for you,char grilled and all?

posted on May, 7 2018 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

lets imagine how this could impact nature selection in humans. if those getting brain tumors die off and reproduce less, will humans eventually evolve to have thicker skulls? less brainmatter? longer more agile thumbs?

posted on May, 7 2018 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the US:

This does not seem to be true.

This link In the OP cites this source:
Inskip et al., 2010

Overall, these incidence data do not provide support to the view that cellular phone use causes brain cancer.

I guess the author wasn't paying attention.

edit on 5/7/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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