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Chaos theory and Artificial Intelligence

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posted on May, 4 2018 @ 07:40 PM
Is chaos theory necessary for artificial neural systems?

I love this song

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: DpatC

You will love this:

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: DpatC
Is chaos theory necessary for artificial neural systems?

I love this song

LOL....yes it is and no it isn' is the only way to simulate human ability.....however we will NEVER be able to generate enough directed energy to compute at the volumes and speeds needed to replicate how we surf can be no artificial neuro-system IMHO.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: one4all
BS-meter went right through the roof.

Please define "artifical neuro-system".
Please define "directed energy to compute at the volumes and speeds"

You sound like you know stuff let´s find out if you´re just being broad or actually know something.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: DpatC

When you design machine learning or false AI you have to cover a wide field of knowledge and philosphy. Think about how language is made up, biologic knowledge about neurons, reality and how we perceive it, our sensory input, our sleep patterns and dreams.

Also, if you have children you get an idea how the human brain learns through reflecting past situations. For example itterating sentences like
(everything is translated to english)
"grandpa car tok-tok-tok, mama car tok-tok-tok, sister not car"

each and everytime they say something like that they watch your reaction and you are part of the feed-back loop. The brain is connecting neurons while it itterates through such realizations. It really helps if you think about the world in single objects that have properties & functions. Properties would be the color of a car, function stuff like steering, shifting etc.

Last week she came to me (~2 years old) pointed on the 3D printer and said "printer drawing" while trying to place a printed object on the plate. Gave her a single extruded layer and explained her that it "stacks the drawings" and I think she understood that because she then said "printer drawing same until big".

Anybody just learning the concepts of (f)AI & machine learning without drawing connections to the real world will have a very hard time designing such structures. So to answer your question, chaos theory is not necessary but the more you know about the world, the better you get in understanding what you are trying to "copy".

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: verschickter
a reply to: one4all
BS-meter went right through the roof.

Please define "artifical neuro-system".
Please define "directed energy to compute at the volumes and speeds"

You sound like you know stuff let´s find out if you´re just being broad or actually know something.

I know mother nature....and everything can be considered conceptually instead of literally if you can handle the data load

The first thing you need to learn is this....people are wired artificially...we have genetic directives which abrogate the natural patterns nature has embedded within our root code.....this is a critical first in a nutshell...from birth until about seven or so your pineal gland is operating at full normal capacity..beyond this age it begins to change its natural patterning and as a result YOUR ENTIRE THOUGHT PROCESSES ARE FORCED TO ADAPT AND COMPENSATE AND LOSE go from being a birthed CONCEPTUAL AND VISUAL THINKER or a 3D thinker / non-typical thinker to a literal or language based or 1D thinker/typical thinker.....remember you MUST MAKE THIS CHANGE and the process will vary in experience from person to person from pure joy of learning this way to pure torture at learning this way....this scope and contrast are because everyone who is a typical thinker or the MAJORITY who are 1D thinkers must attatch meanings to literal words and language....they must then attatch words to concepts they is the crux of how people are controlled enmasse...and language is the tool of choice in this process because it is ALL-POWERFUL IN THE LITERAL WORLD.

Artificial neuro-system.....would be part of a machined genetic or a literal machine intended to replicate the naturally ocurring neuro-capacity/potentials of a human being.

Directed energy could be defined as the juice we run to drive computing power in traditional methods....but in other methods the energy source is non-traditional as are the conduits it rides as is the reciever which gathers it and then manages it short the next step in the pursuit of this vanity driven goal or replicating the human ability will be catalysed by a new understanding of energy and what it is how it can be contained and what it can do for us....

The volumes and speeds at which a humans brain considers potentialities gleaned from live interaction with the reality we all share and manifest together in real time requires a chaos theory based form of macro-management ...we dont exist...we manifest our existance....out of chaos......sooooo the first thing A.I has to have as a baseline for its learning curve is a conceptual understanding of the chaos theory or how it works with group-manifested reality.

Right here the buck stops because there is no currently available white-technology which can even begin to approach the sheer power needed to atrificially parse the Chaos theory in code....and oddly enough this is because of REDUNDANCY.....which is something programmers do not consider possibly due to the organic nature of the concept.....the Chaos theory presents far to much redundancy for current computers to handle ...imagine taking every possible spoken word derived from thought in english then putting it on an organised linear graph and then changing ONE SINGLE letter or word or sentence or you change everything each time you interrupt the natural pattern or do you change nothing when you do this...because to a non-organic computer you are changing everything so many times it is inconcievable and the data-load is so exponentially great and constantly growing that it cannot be processed ...but to an organic based information system you are really changing nothing the calculations which by proxy bury the traditional computing methods and models are not even considered by a different methodology.

The power needed to run traditional computing methods is the Achillies heel of the entire focus....of A.I.....there CAN NEVER POSSIBLY BE ENOUGH POWER generated to represent the Chaos theory and to be of what happened to Tesla and how Edison was promoted...then apply this to todays computer industry and go back and research the beginnings of the computer Industry and the baseline techologys and how they were developed and marketed...... because everything you want to know is available within the public domain.

Think diverse energy concepts and think energy containment and methodologies...from a purely natural perspective....then think about trying to replicate the human experience.Energy CONTAINMENT is your keystone question to solve.

edit on 5-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:43 AM
What a word salad. Have you actually worked in this field or is this just fantasy? Don´t answer, it´s a rethorical question.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: verschickter
What a word salad. Have you actually worked in this field or is this just fantasy? Don´t answer, it´s a rethorical question.

I am not so sure I would trust the people who work in this field to be able to evolve their own I said look at Tesla and how he was suppressed because the real methods and potentials of computing available to us far far surpass what we are being fed.....but you have to go back and find the suppressed engineering and research attatched to this issue....just like you can follow Edisons energy Industry path back to find divergance from Tesla you can also follow back the path of the computer industry and look for areas of contrasting DIVERGANCE.

Jeepers creepers....this could be harder than I considered....ok...think crystals ok....think energy sources and conduits which would most efficiently work with this energy containment I work in this do would break the way be carefull ...consider what Tesla was able to accomplish with his sympathetic vibration and energy interjection experiments....sometimes a very subtle conduit and volume is required at resonance frequency.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: verschickter
What a word salad. Have you actually worked in this field or is this just fantasy? Don´t answer, it´s a rethorical question.

If you are a computer nerd which everyone under forty is SHOULD see the template of the human experience reflected in absolution within all computer concepts and technologies....conceptually a computer is simply replicating naturally occurring states of existence or experience....computers take typical one dimensional thinkers into a 3-D world.....however we must never forget that there are people who are naturally born 3-D or VISUAL thinkers that are literally human computers in the ways we currently frame computing...that if it weren't for the pineal gland shut-down we would ALL be visual thinkers and we would not need computers like we do now.....less language more concepts...symbology instead of overburdening literacy.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 06:42 AM
Look to the right in my avatar what this is, where it was built and why I allow myself to challenge you on what you write.

Jeepers creepers....this could be harder than I considered....ok...think crystals ok....think energy sources and conduits which would most efficiently work with this energy containment I work in this do would break the way be carefull ...consider what Tesla was able to accomplish with his sympathetic vibration and energy interjection experiments....sometimes a very subtle conduit and volume is required at resonance frequency.

That does not make sense at all. I guess "the people working in this field" are too dumb. Including me (retired).

You throw words like crystals, energy sources, conduits around but you can´t make a coherent thought out of them. I just can´t take you serious. Maybe come up with some actual knowledge about the topic then we can talk.

Before that, you´re just wildly speculating without any baseknowledge. And stop acting like you need to explain a concept to me, if you want to do that please use correct language. That would be a start.

We can talk about the philosphy part but that´s just that.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 07:18 AM
The brain is wired to see patterns or structures in a chaotic system when no pattern or structure exists. If you are referring to using AI to spot trends in data, it is possible until the trend changes then an AI's neural connections will need to change or the data will need to be relearned. Over many trend changes, the AI will generalize to the point that it becomes useless. This makes AI not very good with chaotic systems.
edit on 5-5-2018 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: verschickter
Look to the right in my avatar what this is, where it was built and why I allow myself to challenge you on what you write.

Jeepers creepers....this could be harder than I considered....ok...think crystals ok....think energy sources and conduits which would most efficiently work with this energy containment I work in this do would break the way be carefull ...consider what Tesla was able to accomplish with his sympathetic vibration and energy interjection experiments....sometimes a very subtle conduit and volume is required at resonance frequency.

That does not make sense at all. I guess "the people working in this field" are too dumb. Including me (retired).

You throw words like crystals, energy sources, conduits around but you can´t make a coherent thought out of them. I just can´t take you serious. Maybe come up with some actual knowledge about the topic then we can talk.

Before that, you´re just wildly speculating without any baseknowledge. And stop acting like you need to explain a concept to me, if you want to do that please use correct language. That would be a start.

We can talk about the philosphy part but that´s just that.

Look down at the linkey....what this is where it was built and why I don't consider your perspective to be a challenge at all...and I consider it a teaching I am grateful for.

Listen you know very well how difficult it is to try to offer anyone formally educated an opportunity to broaden their horizons without threatening their status quo safety-zone....but this is how progress is I will not give up on if I am going to introduce you or anyone else to your own future without any you know what a caudaceus coil is....what a tensor beam is....if not please research it before you dig yourself any deeper into the black-hole you insist on building. 18&ajaxhist=0

Your conceptual understanding is irrovcably connected to and limited by your accepted verbage...ya know what I mean pal....sometimes you dont posess a word for a concept you are being come on now ...this is called learning and new words sometimes come with the program....and by the way the learning part is a 2-way street....research auto-didact while you have Google warmed up please....because I dont wish to continually be availed of requests for my credentials...I can do whatever you do at whatever level you are doing it at if I have acess to your data...then I can take everything much much further and faster along than most people.

Postulating is not wildly speculating and things only seem like wild speculation to you because you lack background knowledge upon which you may postulate instead of seeing only speculation.

I am not acting like I have to explain concepts to you...I am trying to do so...I cannot do it all at have to find your own way.

For example if I asked you what a neutral dimension zone was or what a neutral dimension generator is or how it works could you explain it to me...maybe you could if you had the same definition of neutral dimension zone as I have.....these are if I told you that some types of Craft we see flying in the skies are simply Neutral Dimension Craft...not UFOs...and that the technology behind them is very very simple and easy to build and operate....well unless you could keep up to me CONCEPTUALLY LEAPING FROM TREE-TOP TO TREE-TOP PROVERBIALLY how could I expect you to grasp what I am teaching you.But if I explain what a neutral dimension zone is and show you some examples of nature creating these zones...well then you could begin to put things together on a conceptual basis without the need for an overabundance of literall exchanges or now you can research super-cavitating torpedos and Victor Grebennikov and David Hamel and and ...well once you are done this homework then we can talk more.

Remember the first link I gave you to Mona need to give me your perspective of everything that is depicted in that picture of her.

edit on 5-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: DpatC

Chaos is necessary for order to emerge.

Chaos can and does produce evolutionary advances in nature.

The second law of thermodynamics basically says that everything tends towards disorder/chaos/increase of entropy.

Is your artificial neural system closed?

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: one4all
I suggest you read up on me before you try to "teach me something". I don´t know everything and I am not a specialist on every field imaginable. But let me tell you one thing: The stuff that I know and did, I did it pretty damn good.

You went from imaginary beams to auto-didacts (that I count myself to) over cavitating torpedoes to UFOs in one hell of a word salad that read like the rambelings of a drunk person.

So I suggest you work at your writing style before you try to teach others. You sir are a google-warrior, come back to me to talk about (f)AIs when you actually worked with them. And by that I don´t mean download a neural-network framework and play with it.

You only itterate what you read, you have done zero in that field but allow yourself a condescending tone "to widen the horizont". Come to Germany and explain it in front of my old team how dumb we are and how smart you are.

2 minutes and everyone turns their backs to you, because you sound like a lunatic unable to string together coherent thoughts.

Again, please explain how you build an AI from crystals (except for clocking), "energy" and "conduits". Please enlighten an electrical engineer with over a decade of breaking-edge AI research.

You can´t and that´s why your post above looks like it does. A heap of words that make no sense.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: verschickter
a reply to: one4all
I suggest you read up on me before you try to "teach me something". I don´t know everything and I am not a specialist on every field imaginable. But let me tell you one thing: The stuff that I know and did, I did it pretty damn good.

You went from imaginary beams to auto-didacts (that I count myself to) over cavitating torpedoes to UFOs in one hell of a word salad that read like the rambelings of a drunk person.

So I suggest you work at your writing style before you try to teach others. You sir are a google-warrior, come back to me to talk about (f)AIs when you actually worked with them. And by that I don´t mean download a neural-network framework and play with it.

You only itterate what you read, you have done zero in that field but allow yourself a condescending tone "to widen the horizont". Come to Germany and explain it in front of my old team how dumb we are and how smart you are.

2 minutes and everyone turns their backs to you, because you sound like a lunatic unable to string together coherent thoughts.

Again, please explain how you build an AI from crystals (except for clocking), "energy" and "conduits". Please enlighten an electrical engineer with over a decade of breaking-edge AI research.

You can´t and that´s why your post above looks like it does. A heap of words that make no sense.

Now you are gotcha on file....synopsis is....hard to handle the pressure of competition when you don't have any pre-game data to work now I know where you are coming from ...if I had your old team and you in a room for long enough who knows what I could am not sure you could sit on your hands and hold your breath for two full minutes without telling the world how smart you and your cronies are and how no one better challenge that supposition.

I suggest you work on your people skills you sound like an offended old Professor.....hanging on to the what ifs and the I could haves.....fighting for the A706A8F942A0BBDC14FCA706A8F94&FORM=VDQVAP

I asked you to do some homework and you refused...just chose to complain.....what was in the first link I provided...the picture of Mona Lisa....what is in the picture.....if your credentials are as you claim you should be able to illuminate everyone as to what is in the picture.....furthermore....what is a caudaceus coil and what can and does it do and how can we apply it...and further to that you now have MORE HOMEWORK....learn who Wilbert Smith was and familiarise yourself with his work so you can explain to me how his work is sympathetic to the concepts David Hamel is teaching us.....have you discovered the process and relevance of the Mantis Shrimp and its unique talents .

Then research Royal Rife and tell me how his ideas and inventions work together with Wilbert Smith and David Hamel and Victor have been a stubborn boy and need more stimulation so you may also outline the PRIMARY contribution to this conversation each of these great minds has made.....each one has a different but sympathetic concept in hand.

I am glad you have accomplished some breaking edge research because it will go hand-in-hand with the cutting edge revelations I am trying to lead you to....but as they can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink....tis true by the way.

You ask the right questions and it is because you are direct and simply wish a replacement for your current perspective if one frame your questions in a concrete demanding way that precludes your taking the students want it all and you want it now and you will figure it out on your own at your own I know all about how you feel.......but you choose to vet these NEW incoming ideas using your OLD you see the dichotomy in this man.....seriously..... you don't have a baseline from which to accurately or properly asses the new data paths I am providing you with....there is to much conceptual leaping and not enough literall support for cannot make the leap of faith you had to have taken when you were less indoctrinated to your career and field of study.

Word salad count yourself as an auto-didact huh....MMmmmm.....well whatever I guess........the general idea is that you leap from concept to concept with me.....I have been trying to hand you the baton....but you have no idea where to jump in and take over....tis ok I understand and this is why I give you homework to help you not help cannot keep up need the rest of your team and you all need a program director with the abiity to optimise you all.....maybe you can call your they can help you give me some answers...remember your homework or is that below learning below you possibly....sounds like you and your team must have already solved everything from the origins of the Universe to the Caramilk Secret ...nuthin left to learn now right.

Maybe your Team would like to help you express your thinking behind what a neutral dimension zone is.....what dimensions outlined by the Royal Mantis have a team so why should I do all the work for have left all of my questions un-answered...right then.
edit on 5-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: one4all

I am not sure you could sit on your hands and hold your breath for two full minutes without telling the world how smart you and your cronies are and how no one better challenge that supposition.

1) First of all, I only told you, so you know a bit background about me. That´s what you normally do when discussing such a technical topic and don´t know each others. I admit it might sound condescending but you have to understand something. I won´t let some stranger, who has never worked in that field, talk 10+ years of intensive AI research and before that 25+ years electronics engineering away, like you just did so nonchalant.

You seem to think that if you´re in R&D, you go straight after the textbooks. That´s a false conclusion. There are no textbooks you could read, we write them, so to speak.

2) When someone comes along and gives me the impression he thinks he could do it better, while he gives me a term like "tensor beam", which the only result that handled that topic in relation to your other keywords is this:
and then you browse the root and see it´s a private website (nothing against that) that handles art, family and science, set´s up some kind of prejudice combined with the other mumbo-jumbo you strung together by the overextensive use of ""

3) Anybody is welcome to challenge me on concepts or my understanding about artifical intelligence & machine learning. If you want to do that please do so in an understandable manner. Since you speak of autodidacts, besides the little bit oxford english I learned in school as a second language (in the 70s), I learned english grammatics from reading books and a fat dictionary. So my english is not the best but at least you could try.


I suggest you work on your people skills there slappy you sound like an offended old Professor.

I am old. I may sound like an old Professor.. could be connected that they also know their stuff. Indeed I am a little bit offended also I should not. Nobody is perfect.

5) Again, please explain how you build an AI from crystals (except for clocking), "energy" and "conduits". Please enlighten an electrical engineer with over a decade of breaking-edge AI research.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: eManym
The brain is wired to see patterns or structures in a chaotic system when no pattern or structure exists. If you are referring to using AI to spot trends in data, it is possible until the trend changes then an AI's neural connections will need to change or the data will need to be relearned. Over many trend changes, the AI will generalize to the point that it becomes useless. This makes AI not very good with chaotic systems.

Good thoughts. I´ll make it short: The principle of AI is to mimic human intelligence. Re read. Think pilosophic. What is intelligence. It´s the highest level we are capable to understand, it´s our own intelligence. That´s extremely important to keep in mind.

With that you naturally get all the problems we have, too.

-We can overthink things or not think at all where thinking would be crucial. When we do stupid things, we underthought the situation and didn´t took all necessary paramenters into consideration.
-We need to learn, learning entails mistakes. Important is that we are able to see our mistakes and draw conclusions how to avoid them in the future. We also need to judge our mistakes in levels, although those levels are not numerical values.
-"Bad luck", the gruesom world (death and famine) or situations that can not be forseen or calculated. When we encounter those, we need to be able to cope (compute) with it. Some never really do (trauma).
- Generations. We learn from past generations, or not. We inherit.

All that above is the recipt for true artifical intelligence. But where is the soul, the "me" in there?

It´s a second layer of intelligence! It´s our subconsciousness. That´s the hard part to decode as it contains our emotions (not only) and those feed back to what the first level is doing.

This all is key to "mastering" chaotic systems like our world is. Every AI also needs training (growing up), an environment that constantly gives feed back (reality) and it needs to be guided (meaning of life).

To get back to where we started, the solution to the problem you are seeing is:

Throw more "AI" at it! Ladys and Gentlemen, maybe it´s not obvious to someone who just casually (not judging anyone) knows about AIs! You can copy an AI, make other AIs watchdogs, let them compete. The only thing that stops you from doing it is energy and the amount of processors and memory you can manage.

This is crucial to realize!

What you also often hear is that with binary systems you can´t have true AI. That you need quantum computers. That´s not entirely correct. Just because a processor is serial computing does not mean you can´t run true AI on binary systems. AFAIK we are not at true AI (100% human intelligence + emotions from subconsc.).

It´s just that quantum computers leverage a principle that we also use in our wetware. A quantum computer does not compute every possible solution at the same time. The posibilities of the probable solution cancel each other out.

That´s what we do when we try to solve a problem.

I hope this is understandable and people really read it because I put much effort into it.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 04:39 PM
We've had billions of years worth of evolution to get us where we are thats been with all sorts of problems so top species survived and that creates bits and bobs in how we got to where we are so probably if you could create a virtual earth and do all possible calculations from when the first cell split but we don't know every event that lead to us, a couple of hungry dinosaurs at the right place at the right time and the breeding pair that led to the human race would of never bred.

We don't have really the processing power for this sort of thing yet mainly due to the size of the electricity bill and the size of the place you'd need to slap it down to do the calculation and while distributed sites might be good the latency might be a problem but some of the most massive dinosaurs had secondary brains which seemed more to be handle some of the more basic tasks closer to the required organ/limb etc.

We're probably a good few itterations of learning enough as trying to make an artificial human, computers can't poop and that been around for a very long time so something as small as that is a task on its own.

Remember in comp sci classes in the 1990's when I did it the lecturers had said in theory it seems possible but the scale would basically be like moving computing back to the same sort of level as it was when they started post WW2.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: DpatC
Is chaos theory necessary for artificial neural systems?

Short answer is no.

There are many "branches" of AI: Expert Systems, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, etc.

Chaos theory can and does play a part but it is not the primary driver in any of them. The area that it does play a semi major role in - is neural networks - as by definition, a well designed Neural Network AI system models the human mind as closely as possible.

And the human mind is chaotic - make no mistake. BTW - we have very little idea of how our own minds work, so this is guesswork built upon guesswork. But we do get it right sometimes.

God bless us...

Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited, etc.

edit on 5/5/2018 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2018 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: verschickter

originally posted by: eManym
The brain is wired to see patterns or structures in a chaotic system when no pattern or structure exists. If you are referring to using AI to spot trends in data, it is possible until the trend changes then an AI's neural connections will need to change or the data will need to be relearned. Over many trend changes, the AI will generalize to the point that it becomes useless. This makes AI not very good with chaotic systems.

Good thoughts. I´ll make it short: The principle of AI is to mimic human intelligence. Re read. Think pilosophic. What is intelligence. It´s the highest level we are capable to understand, it´s our own intelligence. That´s extremely important to keep in mind.

With that you naturally get all the problems we have, too.

-We can overthink things or not think at all where thinking would be crucial. When we do stupid things, we underthought the situation and didn´t took all necessary paramenters into consideration.
-We need to learn, learning entails mistakes. Important is that we are able to see our mistakes and draw conclusions how to avoid them in the future. We also need to judge our mistakes in levels, although those levels are not numerical values.
-"Bad luck", the gruesom world (death and famine) or situations that can not be forseen or calculated. When we encounter those, we need to be able to cope (compute) with it. Some never really do (trauma).
- Generations. We learn from past generations, or not. We inherit.

All that above is the recipt for true artifical intelligence. But where is the soul, the "me" in there?

It´s a second layer of intelligence! It´s our subconsciousness. That´s the hard part to decode as it contains our emotions (not only) and those feed back to what the first level is doing.

This all is key to "mastering" chaotic systems like our world is. Every AI also needs training (growing up), an environment that constantly gives feed back (reality) and it needs to be guided (meaning of life).

To get back to where we started, the solution to the problem you are seeing is:

Throw more "AI" at it! Ladys and Gentlemen, maybe it´s not obvious to someone who just casually (not judging anyone) knows about AIs! You can copy an AI, make other AIs watchdogs, let them compete. The only thing that stops you from doing it is energy and the amount of processors and memory you can manage.

This is crucial to realize!

What you also often hear is that with binary systems you can´t have true AI. That you need quantum computers. That´s not entirely correct. Just because a processor is serial computing does not mean you can´t run true AI on binary systems. AFAIK we are not at true AI (100% human intelligence + emotions from subconsc.).

It´s just that quantum computers leverage a principle that we also use in our wetware. A quantum computer does not compute every possible solution at the same time. The posibilities of the probable solution cancel each other out.

That´s what we do when we try to solve a problem.
I hope this is understandable and people really read it because I put much effort into it.

It is understandable....and also appreciated....I believe the wildcard in the equation is emotions and the role they play in navigation......the role they play providing balance...or checks and balances....remember ones physical state and condition have a direct influence upon emotions....and vice-versa......then we must consider the parasitic influences upon the human condition and the part they must pay in the equation...for these pay a vital role in our existence and also in our demise...then we have the hormonal part of the equation we must consider and these things can be measured.
The measuring part is to get an idea of how balance is sought out and achieved ...because this will differ from person to person...macro-quantities........because everyone must have a loosely knit protocal to begin the process with.. one that will telescope inwardly and become more refined as it goes along.
A computer is a model of ALL of a human being....not just the MIND of a human being.....this is where mainstream research is in err.....contemplate for a moment the input of your SKIN into this overall there a placeholder provided for this part of the there a placeholder for emotions....if the Chaos theory is autonomous then could it be possible that any management process would also require such an we need placeholders to represent these critical ingredients....the values of these placeholders will be determined at a future point...hence the values inputted are quite meaningfull and meaningless at the same time if you are loking for immediate impacts to measure your progress by....these values will stabilise within the equation but there must be placeholders created to enable the processes.
In short you are bringing to many numbers into the equation....when you dont need to....rather you are originating to many numbers from one source or one section of the are not utilising any protocal to find and maintain balance...because this is a FUTURE will not even recognise POTENTIALS....because of the speeds you must learn to be anticipatory and your modelling must also be anticipatory which means you require intuition and empathy......your tools are in the majority literall tools and you need Intuitive and empathetic tools to perform your finest work with...your finishing work if you will.

Pattern recognition is the key to keeping up with the speeds of calculation if you will...the only word I can think of is fluidic.....everything has parameters and boundaries....every conduit or path...must be measured and must be graphed so we can postulate minimums and maximums....the interactions of every process must be measured and graphed......for we are truly looking for points of contrast not points of symbiotic action when we seek management tools or opportunities.
So in short....if I asked you what value within the overall equation the inputs and impacts at a minimum and at a maximum can be provided by your skin.....what would your answer to me be....basiclly if a human was modelled into a computer what would the tangible value of the models skin be.....ooops.....I guess maybe most researchers are simply looking at a model of a human head and then attempting to replicate its processes....remaining willfully ignorant of the critical roles the entire body plays in the cerebral realm of management.

At the end of this day when it is over you will find you have been brought around to the issue of have no choice....everything will keep bringing you back KNOW the impacts exist yet are forced to attribute them to the wrong catalysts or sources.....because no one knows how to parse telepathy into the equation....well we just touched on this process in the above comments,and I have given you links and names of people who have also touched upon this area of study unknowingly.
There is a difference between identifying something by process and in trying to copy an impact....numbers lend themselves to literall perspectives which lend themselves to seeking out impacts then reverse engineering their paths....but this method is slow and requires to much energy.
edit on 6-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

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