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Why Kanye REALLY Scares the Bejeezus out of the Establishment

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+16 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 07:51 AM
With all the brouhaha over Kanye's love for Trump, this hasn't gotten much attention publicly, but you can bet it's getting lots of attention in the darkest corners of politics:

Kanye West to launch Chicago activist organisation - report

The rapper was born in Atlanta, Georgia but was raised in the Windy City by his mother Donda, who passed away in 2007. According to, Kanye wants to establish a group in her name which will send activists in to troubled parts of the city to offer help and funds.

Kanye's friend and long-time collaborator Malik Yusef tells the gossip website that the star has even roped in several other famous Chicago natives including Common, Chance The Rapper, and Vic Mensa to help him.

Sources tell TMZ that the organisation, dubbed Donda Social, will send team members into neighbourhoods facing severe problems with housing, education, gun violence and drinking water to ask residents about local problems. Kanye and his partners will then fund solutions.

Interesting idea... and it might just work. Kudos to Kanye for actually trying to find real solutions! And for highlighting the gross failures of those who pretended to want to do the same. For example:

Since returning to Twitter earlier this month (Apr18), the 40-year-old has turned political and even criticised former U.S. President Barack Obama for failing to change Chicago, the city where he entered politics, for the better.

I am especially intrigued -- and hopeful! -- by the reference to "drinking water"... It's long been known that many areas of Chicago are plagued with lead-tainted water. It's also long been known of the many many detrimental effects of lead poisoning, especially on children, from autism to violence.

Chance the Rapper, one of Kanye's partners in this endeavor, was one of the few who tweeted his support for Kanye's tweet-fest this past week with his own tweet -- "Black people don't have to be Democrats" -- and subsequently bowed to pressure and posted an apology and clarification, but --

He doubled down on the fact that Democratic leaders in Chicago have not helped alleviate the violence and poverty that plagues many of its residents.

“My statement about black folk not having to be democrats (though true) was a deflection from the real conversation and stemmed from a personal issue with the fact that Chicago has had generations of democratic officials with no investment or regard for black schools, neighborhoods, or black lives.

“We have to talk honestly about what is happening and has been happening in this country and we have to challenge those who are responsible, as well as those who are giving them a pass
,” the rapper concluded. “If that happens to include I love, someone who is my brother-in-Christ and someone who I believe does really want to do what is right, it’s not my job to defend or protect him. It’s my job [to] pick up the phone and talk to him about it.”


It's pretty darn pathetic that all the Kanye crybabies have is... well... crying and complaining. Kanye is ready, willing and able to put his money where his mouth is and actually do something practical and proactive and productive about the problems in Chicago. He is willing to work with anyone and everyone willing to do the same. Even Trump. Bitching and moaning is easy. Getting the job done is hard. Those who can, do. Those who can't, just sit on their high-horses bitching and crying and moaning and trash-talking those who are.

At the same time, cleaning up Chicago -- and politics all over this country -- is going to require many different people, from many different walks of life, all contributing and cooperating and expanding their perspectives. It's going to require people to really listen and learn from others and find that proverbial middle ground and level playing field. Most of all, it's going to require respect and integrity and determination -- something sadly lacking in politics and society today. But Kanye's got a good start, and a strong and loyal wife behind him:

"Most people (including myself) have very different feelings & opinions about this. But this is HIS opinion. I believe in people being able to have their own opinions, even if really different from mine," Kardashian, a Democrat, wrote on Twitter, referring to West.

"Kanye will never run in the race of popular opinion and we know that and that’s why I love him and respect him," she added.

Now when he spoke out about Trump... Most people (including myself) have very different feelings & opinions about this. But this is HIS opinion. I believe in people being able to have their own opinions, even if really different from mine.

Wow. Imagine that. A wife standing by her husband. Even when they disagree! These two sure aren't playing foot soldiers for the PTB in their divide-and-conquer campaign against the people!!!

Even more crazy... a husband and wife who have been crapped on and trashed by society again and again and again, and still have the strength and courage of their convictions to be true to themselves and each other -- despite the best efforts of the haters!!!

If I were in politics and raping and pillaging and bleeding the people dry, living high on the hog while the people were suffering, I'd be scared too. Not because "Trump." But because Kanye and his people are preparing to expose their dirty secrets and bring them all down. I hope and pray so...

I expect this OP to get about as much respect as Kanye gets, and that's okay. I'm happy to be the outlier because doing the same things we've been doing will only continue giving us the same piss-poor results. We need new people and new ideas to find true solutions.


posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:13 AM
It´s just Kanye West, another sellout hero, another silly VIP with known mental problems, one of the few known uncle toms, is he really that important?

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I'm a massive fan of nineties hip-hop but Kanye came onto the scene when in my opinion, real hip-hop was dead.

Now that I'm starting to see that he has heroic ambitions, I'm thinking that his mediocre hip-hop was a blessing in disguise.

+16 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
It´s just Kanye West, another sellout hero, another silly VIP with known mental problems, one of the few known uncle toms, is he really that important?

And so it begins...

Just more trash talk? That's all you've got??? Sure is easy talking trash about someone you don't even know on an anonymous internet forum... someone trying to do good on his own dime...

But okay. If you want to be that person, that's your choice. Thanks for proving my point.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Huh? He's been diagnosed with mental problems? Source please. I think he's important now that he's one of the highest selling rap artist who got red pilled.

I honestly don't think he supports trump but the crazy left started character attacking him he doubled down like Kanye always does.

All this really proves is that of you're a black republican you're an uncle tom by default.

+8 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

, one of the few known uncle toms

A: That's insulting someone for using their own brain and initiatives to do good in the world.

B: It's extremely racist.

Are you one of those neo-liberal nutbars who think that a conservative black person must be on a payroll?

Shame on you.

edit on 29-4-2018 by Wide-Eyes because: Forgot to quote

edit on 29-4-2018 by Wide-Eyes because: ☝

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: Boadicea

Now that I'm starting to see that he has heroic ambitions, I'm thinking that his mediocre hip-hop was a blessing in disguise.

I have to confess that I'm not a Kanye fan... I think my kids are, so I've probably heard at least some of his music, but I couldn't tell you what.

But your comment made me think of an old quote: "The inferior mind knows what sells; the superior mind knows what is right." Perhaps Kanye and his music falls in there somewhere? I suspect Kanye and his music were inspired on a higher level than most.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

If the Republicans want Kanye, let them have 'em. He has a tendency to embarrass himself though. Keep that in mind.

And remember, he's a gay fish.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:32 AM
i find it interesting that you say "even Trump". why not 'even Obama". Do you think Kanye actually believed in Obama rhetoric and him failing was cold water in his face, or do you think he knows that Obama was just fake as heck politician, who used black people to increase his power and money? It will be interesting if Obama throws in any money to this, to improve his "hometown"

I would say the reason this scares people in power, this shows that the individual is better for the community then the government, people with their money can make more of a difference, then the government can with the individual's money.

After seeing what Kanye can do as an individual, do you vote for the person saying only the government can help you, or will you vote for the person who says, limited government allows the individual to make more of a difference.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
a reply to: Boadicea

If the Republicans want Kanye, let them have 'em. He has a tendency to embarrass himself though. Keep that in mind.

And remember, he's a gay fish.

I guess if your entire identity is based on party affiliation.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
a reply to: Boadicea

If the Republicans want Kanye, let them have 'em. He has a tendency to embarrass himself though. Keep that in mind.

And remember, he's a gay fish.

More trash talk...

And... um... just a little clue here... that's Kanye's choice. And only Kanye's choice. But I'm thinking it won't happen. Kanye's not stuck in that left/right paradigm echo chamber. Obviously.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Everyone has a tendency to embarrass themselves and everyone says weird sh1t sometimes.

Don't judge someone by their words. Judge them by their actions.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

"The inferior mind knows what sells; the superior mind knows what is right."

Very profound. Either or both ways, he's obviously smart.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: SocratesJohnson
i find it interesting that you say "even Trump". why not 'even Obama".

My apologies. Given the context of the criticism against him, and by whom, I thought it was obvious: The current climate of political correctness demands that people with brown skin hate Trump or risk being ostracized and bullied by the PC masses.... as evidenced by the very first reply in this thread calling Kanye an "Uncle Tom."

Do you think Kanye actually believed in Obama rhetoric and him failing was cold water in his face, or do you think he knows that Obama was just fake as heck politician, who used black people to increase his power and money?

I'll take Kanye at his word, as quoted in the OP:

Since returning to Twitter earlier this month (Apr18), the 40-year-old has turned political and even criticised former U.S. President Barack Obama for failing to change Chicago, the city where he entered politics, for the better.

It will be interesting if Obama throws in any money to this, to improve his "hometown"

LOL!!! Maybe a token donation for appearances' sake... but if Obama had wanted to "fix" anything then he would have and Kanye wouldn't need to do what he's doing now.

I would say the reason this scares people in power, this shows that the individual is better for the community then the government, people with their money can make more of a difference, then the government can with the individual's money.

Excellent point -- and thank you for adding it! You're right. Government depends on the people being dependent on them... can't have any uppity folks of any color actually proving the power of the people (individually or collectively.)

After seeing what Kanye can do as an individual, do you vote for the person saying only the government can help you, or will you vote for the person who says, limited government allows the individual to make more of a difference.

I really REALLY hope we find out it's the latter... and maybe Kanye can help that along. Maybe even inspire other wealthy folks to do the same.

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
It´s just Kanye West, another sellout hero, another silly VIP with known mental problems, one of the few known uncle toms, is he really that important?

Uncle Tom?


Wonderful Progressive Thoughts You have.

The true colors shine through
edit on 29-4-2018 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

KANYE KAN! I can see it now😃

Gotta admit I can’t stand the bloke or his wife. For me they epitomise pretty much everything that is wrong with the cult of celebrity. Rude, arrogant and does stoopid attention grabbing crap.


if he is going to get in there, get his hands dirty and try and do some good then fair play to him and I wish him well.

Whilst he has wealth beyond what most can comprehend it doesn’t mean he can afford to fund change, at best I think he might raise awareness.

However his image is part of the issue. Rap/Hip Hop or whatever you want to describe it as does have an unfortunate relationship with gang culture. People aspire to be like their role models and to date he has set a pretty horrendous example.

The problems in all inner cities rise from the same issues. Primarily education, employment, living standards/ housing and the failing prison system. How does he drive change there?

He talks about the water supply, is that from lead pipes or contaminated ground water. Neither is an easy fix.

The only fix long term solution is a change in the outlook of the nation and a drive to create a utopia where every individual contributes to the advancement of society.

That just isn’t gonna happen as there is to much profit for individuals to be made from exploitation of the masses.

On the bright side - if he moves to politics he might quit with the music 🍺

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 09:35 AM
Kanye has about 3 projects about to drop. Everyone understands this is just a troll right? Publicity? For his new projects?

Listen to the song “Lift Yourself” he released right after his Trump tweets.

The lyrics:

Poopy-di scoop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-di-scoop-di-poop Poop-di-scoopty Scoopty-whoop Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop Poop, poop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-diddy-scoop Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop

Lmao. I bet the same people who believe this is anything more than a marketing stunt also believe Roseanne Bar is a Trump supporter too. News flash, these people are just playing you for support and money. You know, those Hollywood types you’re always wary about?

If I was really conspiracy minded about it all, I’d ask why a confidant of Minister Farrakhan that’s been publicly known as crazy for a long time suddenly decides to link himself to Trump.

I’ve been saying for the past year I need to find something to sell to Trump supporters because they’ll believe anything with Trump attached to it. And look what Kanye does...

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: DrBobH
a reply to: Boadicea

KANYE KAN! I can see it now😃

Gotta admit I can’t stand the bloke or his wife. For me they epitomise pretty much everything that is wrong with the cult of celebrity. Rude, arrogant and does stoopid attention grabbing crap....

He is quite the character! And he's made his mistakes. He also seems to learn from his mistakes. From what I know about him, he can be quite introspective and probably his greatest critic. Though I doubt his self-criticisms are for the same reasons as his loudest critics.


if he is going to get in there, get his hands dirty and try and do some good then fair play to him and I wish him well.

I like hearing that! Me too

He talks about the water supply, is that from lead pipes or contaminated ground water. Neither is an easy fix.

As I understand it, from leaded pipes.... and old leaded paint, and perhaps soil.

I actually think this is one place Kanye could make a huge difference as an individual... or with other individuals. While a city-wide fix has proven difficult, on the individual level, a relatively inexpensive reverse-osmosis system in the home removes lead and lots of other toxins from water. Adequate levels of Vitamin C can not only prevent or decrease lead poisoning, there has also been positive results in treating existing lead poisoning. If so inclined, Kanye and his friends could fund these RO systems for affected families... buying he bulk, he could probably get a pretty good deal too.

This is just one way individuals could make a HUGE difference without any help from Uncle Sam.

The only fix long term solution is a change in the outlook of the nation and a drive to create a utopia where every individual contributes to the advancement of society.

I agree... but that's just the beginning. As a society, we must also be willing to contribute to the advancement of the individual.

That just isn’t gonna happen as there is to much profit for individuals to be made from exploitation of the masses.

Only thanks to crony capitalism. That needs to end as well. But first we need to shine a big fat spotlight on it and exterminate all the roaches as they scatter.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 09:53 AM
Kayne west is actually the dungeon dragon of Roman Zolanski. Makes me sick to think what's happening next. Humans just became a sub-species.Maybe USA needs more mindcontrol. I'm starting to wonder , what kind of puppet is the president when hE thinks that's cool ? Or is Kanye West really God or is it that Upperclass djins rulez , look for the grafity no coordinates needed just twitter.
edit on 4292018 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: frenchfries
Kayne west is actually the dungeon dragon of Roman Zolanski. Makes me sick to think what's happening next. Humans just became a sub-species.Maybe USA needs more mindcontrol. I'm starting to wonder , what kind of puppet is the president when hE thinks that's cool ? Or is Kanye West really God or is it that Upperclass djins rulez , look for the grafity no coordinates needed just twitter.

Roman Zolanski, huh?

And the thought that someone might actually do something real and tangible to help people makes you sick? Really???

Okay... got it.

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