It's simple, really.
Observe any creature in nature (humans included): It would be sheer stupidity to expose yourself to a potential harmful, lethal, undefined threat
without first finding out as much as you can about them - such as, "do they mean to help or harm us"?
could be paramount to suicide -perhaps as an entire species. The evolution 'game' would be over -for us.
"HEY, YOU Bubble-headed GUYS OUT THERE- WE'RE OVER HERE!!!! [ oops... ]
Could 'they' just as likely be extant to help us? Perhaps. But it would be supreme folly to assume such a thing.
Exacerbating this dilemma is the unavoidable conclusion that if they are here, or we summon them, and they show up - they will be exponentially more
advanced than us. Conclusion: If friendly, they may be able to help us -a LOT! Or, if unfriendly...
Ask any living thing interested in survival: BEFORE venturing forth, you should first determine if a potentially stronger, (much, much stronger)
visitor is "friend or foe".
As Hawking tried to warn us: The Europeans were the "Advanced Aliens" that showed up in the New World oh those centuries ago -to open arms. It didn't
turn out too well for the native Americans...
BTW, just my humble opinion: You can fear or not, shout or not, hide or not. It won't matter. Benevolent or Malevolent intent is something that
will manifest, if and when it happens, whether we "want" it to or not.
Speculation: there is both good and evil, scaled objectives, and perhaps many species already in play on the Earth's stage. If we're lucky (and yes,
luck has a role to play), then the balance is on the good side as it relates to
Homo Sapien Sapien well-being -and we'll be protected.
Sure would be nice to know the facts, though...
edit on 5/22/2018 by Outrageo because: ?