posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 04:36 AM
Originally posted by slank
Im gay, but this sounds like a silly protest to make. Giving these penguins the options and letting them decide is letting nature take its course.
What's to protest?
Please dont take offense to me saying what I said I was Chief of security in the biggest gay resort in my area for many years and never have I had a
gay bone in my body , but that didnt keep me from protecting the lives of those in my charge I actually have many people whom I have association with
(platonic) of course but they respect that and dont incourage me to be anything but thank me for being straight and still having the conviction to
keep them safe with out reguard to their sexual assignment/preference.
Interestingly these penguins are an example of gay behavior in the other portions of the animal kingdom.
This actually reminds me of a stratement from the movie jurassic park nature will find a way.
The whole point of gay rights is to let people be who they are. Don't force people to be straight, don't force people to be gay. If youre bi you get
twice as many sex partners!
Amen , besides how are we even sure these animals can even understand their actions , why not test and see, I think it was both fair and just to do
what the zoo did and if anything I would have thought that gay rights just got a boost today , they were given a choice and chose not to change , yet
noone is talking about beating , or killing them , they just in a simple way wanted to help them understand the choice they had. And to be quite
honest it would serve the cause even more if these girls turned out to be the same way in the abscence of straight male influence, that would mean
they to made a choice not to prod at the males but to get on with life.
[edit on 13/2/2005 by drbryankkruta]