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What is up with the misinformation.

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posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Aljoharris

I really don't have an opinion of who masons are.

But not everyone that joins a lodge is a good person or becomes one.

My step father was high ranking member of his lodge....and he was also a child beating, child molesting , alcoholic.

He crashed his car at least 4 times that I can remember while driving drunk but never once got into any trouble about it.

Now years later after he has died I often wonder if that's because the cops in our town were also masons and covered for him?

IDK, but I can see how secret lodges with high ranking city officials being members could cause some unfair things to happen. They can protect each other.

You ever experience anything like that during your time as a mason?

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Aljoharris

Yeah...let me help you out by say that the conspiracy people think that low level masons arn't told the truth about what the leaders get up to.

So your never going to convince them of what the truth is by telling them to join.

Once again what high levels are you referring to. I'm curious what degree or order is the so called high level? Because I've been through them all, i just need help understanding what you mean.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Aljoharris

I really don't have an opinion of who masons are.

But not everyone that joins a lodge is a good person or becomes one.

My step father was high ranking member of his lodge....and he was also a child beating, child molesting , alcoholic.

He crashed his car at least 4 times that I can remember while driving drunk but never once got into any trouble about it.

Now years later after he has died I often wonder if that's because the cops in our town were also masons and covered for him?

IDK, but I can see how secret lodges with high ranking city officials being members could cause some unfair things to happen. They can protect each other.

You ever experience anything like that during your time as a mason?

I have known a few Masons get kicked out for unmasonic conduct. What you stated your father did was highly unmasonic and should have never bedn in a lodge in the first place. I am sorry that you had to deal with that. His actions are once again what we are not about or what we represent. If anyone that is a mason and condoned it are not worthy to represent us.
I cannot speak about the situation because I do not have the details nor do I know if the officers werr masons. I do invite you to send me a message and i will be willing to answer any question you have. I just request that there be respect.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Aljoharris

Since your here, have you ever read The Hiram Key?

And if so how accurate is it?

I read it along time ago and would have to go through it again to seperate fact or fiction. What specific questions do you have pertaining to Masonry in the book and I can answer them to the best of my ability, and If I cannot answer it rigjt away I will do research and get back to you as not to give out misinformation.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
But we wont because all judges are Masons!!!!! (and the cops too)

Well there you go. No conspiracy there..

Just a good ole boys club that benefits the club.

I guess you can call that a conspiracy.

He was being sarcastic.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Aljoharris

Yeah...let me help you out by say that the conspiracy people think that low level masons arn't told the truth about what the leaders get up to.

So your never going to convince them of what the truth is by telling them to join.

I have told the truth. I think you want to hear me say that there are super top secret masons that keep everything from the rest of us and we are just their pawns.
That is not the case. The truth is that there is no Master High Ranking Group. Or Higher Levels, or any of that. We are an old organisation and yes we have had prominent members of society in the organisation. You can go to under famous freemasons to see them all. But the Freemasons don't run anything besides our hospitals and research to help people who afford care to get the care they need at no cost or the various scholarships to help people who cannot afford college able to get in. As far as anything political we have nothing to do with it. Brother Roy Barnes former Governor in Georgia you had Masons on both sides that supported him and others that wouldn't vote for him at all. Same with any politician that may be a Mason. We are free in our thought and are not pursueded to support anyone we as an individual want or do not want to support. That is the whole point about being a mason. We are free thinkers. We went to war with one another in the civil war, we fought each other in the revolutionary war, we fought each other in the world wars. If there was a higher level Mason why would we have gone to war. That would defeat the purpose of Masonry because a house divided cannot stand.
I spend my time exposing fake masons and phony mason organisations they steal from people, and promise them the world and take their money meanwhile they can only hang out in that small group, and look real funny when they try to visit a regular lodge.
Honestly if you really want to see what goes on is to join. I am not recruiting you nor would i beable to be a reference because I don't know you. I will be more than happy to get you in contact with a lodge so you can have a face to face.
edit on 28-4-2018 by Aljoharris because: Needed to add info

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Aljoharris

Don't get me wrong I have no issues with masons at all.

I was just giving you a heads up on what kind of stuff will be coming your way from people of this site. So I have no idea what those people think are the "high up" masons.

But after reading through some of the posts I see they beat me to it.

As far as my step father goes I only told that story to high lite the fact that there is no such thing as a group of people that are all good. You were defending yourself and other masons which is fine but in doing so you seemed to be stating that there is no such thing as an evil mason.

Again I judge people based on an individual bases so I don't think all masons are evil just because my step dad was an evil mason.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Aljoharris

Specifically the stuff that connects masons to early christians.

The nicenes, jesus and john the babtists. pillars of jachin and boaz

Also in the book it says that the masons were the builders of the ancient megaliths such as king solomons temple and the pyramids of giza.

The most interesting parts for me are about the masons being called masons because of once having the knowledge to build megaliths.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 04:14 PM
Nimrod was a Freemason. He wasn't in the Freemason Fanclub.

AugustusMasonicus has never given George Bush the secret handshake. Maybe asked for autographed poster at some point?

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 04:31 PM
The reason people believe that masons eat children, turn into reptiles, and try to take over the world, is because on cannot accomplish anything in life without first eating children, then truning into a reptile, and taking over the world. Those are the three great lights in the lodge, followed by the particular godhead you want to Infuriate.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat
I guess you can call that a conspiracy.

I suppose someone could if they were silly enough to believe it.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Aljoharris

Don't get me wrong I have no issues with masons at all.

I was just giving you a heads up on what kind of stuff will be coming your way from people of this site. So I have no idea what those people think are the "high up" masons.

But after reading through some of the posts I see they beat me to it.

As far as my step father goes I only told that story to high lite the fact that there is no such thing as a group of people that are all good. You were defending yourself and other masons which is fine but in doing so you seemed to be stating that there is no such thing as an evil mason.

Again I judge people based on an individual bases so I don't think all masons are evil just because my step dad was an evil mason.

You are absolutely correct. No organisation or religion can say that all of their members are good.
However the organization is a good one. We do our best to weed out bad apples before even stepping foot in a lodge, not always possible. That is why we bring brothers who violate their obligation on masonic charges and depending on the severity we either suspend them or expell them. But no organisation is perfect. As stated before the phony masonic groups are evil they are out tgere to rip off people and since they use our emblems and regalia they are often mistaken by one of us. There are a group of masons who go out to expose them and i am one of them. So yes there have been evil or bad masons and we do try to rid them, and they always show their true colors before they can do any real harm because their lifestyle is incompatible with our teachings.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Aljoharris

Specifically the stuff that connects masons to early christians.

The nicenes, jesus and john the babtists. pillars of jachin and boaz

Also in the book it says that the masons were the builders of the ancient megaliths such as king solomons temple and the pyramids of giza.

The most interesting parts for me are about the masons being called masons because of once having the knowledge to build megaliths.

Let me get back to you on that and seperate legend from reality. I don't want to give you incorrect information. Thank you for the question.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 09:34 PM
Why is freemasonry loaded with saturnian symbolism? Hear of the Order or Cult of the Black sun? I am really trying to understand. If Saturn worship is considered the left hand path, why incorporate it into Freemasonry? Which is supposed to be a right hand path organization?

edit on 28-4-2018 by CosmicAwakening because: added pictures

Second pic spells mason.
edit on 28-4-2018 by CosmicAwakening because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: nOraKat
You do realize that he's being sarcastic right?

a reply to: scraedtosleep
But the truth should be told even if there are blind dismissive types out there.

a reply to: CosmicAwakening
Symbols are arbitrary and ambiguous, FYI.

As for the Rabbi, that is his opinion, but they carry no weight or authority in Freemasonry.

As for the Great Seal:

The first mention that the Great Seal was connected to the Freemasons came in 1884, when Harvard Professor Eliot Norton wrote that the reverse of the Great Seal of the US was a “dull emblem of a Masonic fraternity.” It seems the good Professor was a little lacking on knowledge and didn't have all the facts surrounding the creation. The first committee charged with creating the Great Sea was established on July 4th, 1776, and was composed of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams with Pierre du Simitiere as the artist. Ben Franklin was the only Freemason. Franklin proposed a design a scene similar to Moses at the Red Sea with the Egyptian Pharoah being overwhelmed with the phrase “Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God.” Jefferson proposal was Israel being led through the wilderness while Adam’s was of Hercules between the rugged path of Virtue and the flowery meadow of Sloth. These were all rejected. Du Simitiere contributed much to the future design, such as “E Pluribus Unum” , the shield, the Eye of Providence in the radiant triangle. The Second committee was composed of James Lovell, John Morin Scott, and William Churchill Houston with the help of Francis Hopkinson (Signer of the Declaration of Independence, helped design American flag, and designed many government seals). Hopkinson's first design had a shield with thirteen diagonal red and white stripes, supported on one side by figure bearing an olive branch and representing peace, and on the other an Indian warrior (which later be replaced with a soldier) holding a bow and arrow, and holding a shiver. The crest was a radiant constellation of thirteen stars. The motto was "Bello vel pace paratus", meaning "prepared in war or in peace“ (a theme used later with the Eagle holding the olive branch and arrows). The reverse, in Hopkinson's words, was "Liberty is seated in a chair holding an olive branch and her staff is topped by a Liberty cap. The motto `Virtute perennis' means `Everlasting because of virtue.' The date in Roman numerals is 1776.“ From this committee the following would be incorporated into the final design: the white and red stripes within a blue background for a shield, a radiant constellation of 13 stars, and an olive branch. The Third committee was composed of John Rutledge, Arthur Middleton, and Elias Boudinot with the help of William Barton (a heraldic expert). This time, the figures on each side of the shield were the "Genius of the American Confederated Republic" represented by a maiden, and on the other side an American warrior. At the top is an eagle and on the pillar in the shield is a "Phoenix in Flames". The mottos were "In Vindiciam Libertatis" (In Defense of Liberty) and "Virtus sola invicta" (Only virtue unconquered). On the reverse, there was used a pyramid of thirteen steps, with the radiant Eye of Providence overhead, and used the mottos "Deo Favente" (With God's Favor, or more literally, God Favoring) and "Perennis" (Everlasting). The pyramid had come from another Continental currency note designed in 1778 by Hopkinson, this time the $50 note, which had a nearly identical pyramid and the motto "Perennis". Barton had at first specified "on the Summit of it a Palm Tree, proper", with the explanation that "The Palm Tree, when burnt down to the very Root, naturally rises fairer than ever", but later crossed it out and replaced it with the Eye of Providence, taken from the first committee's design. Again, Congress rejected the submitted design. From this committee the following would be incorporated into the final design: eagle and a pyramid of 13 steps. The Fourth and final committee was composed of only Charles Thomson, Secretary of the Congress, who took elements of the previous committees and added “Annuit Coeptis”, “Novus Ordo Seclorum” and finally came out with the design we have today. Charles Thomson had received classical training and worked as a Latin tutor at the Academy of Philadelphia. So many theorists believe that "Novus Ordo Seclorum" translates into "New World Order" when in reality it translates to "New Order of the Ages" and America was. With assistance, we had trounced on one of the mightiest empires the world had seen in a long time. The country had limitless potential and we were establishing a "government of the people, by the people, for the people." Some of the theories include the number 13 which many speculate is a very significant number with Freemasonry. I've read about all sorts of elaborate measures taken to saturate the Great Seal with 13 because it correlates to something within Freemasonry, yet they always seem to dismiss the simple and obvious explanation of the original 13 colonies. Many point out that because Freemasonry today uses the All-Seeing Eye as a symbol and that the Great Seal has the Eye of Providence above the pyramid that they must be connected. One thing I have learned in my research and time in Masonry is that symbols do not have a singular or exclusive meaning, interpretation, or use. While both interpret to represent God, the Divine, this doesn't constitute a direct connection or that the Masons are somehow involved with the design. Symbols for a long time were the preferred method of non-verbal communication as so many were illiterate.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Actually I didn't realize you were being sarcastic.

I believe many judges are indeed Masons, as are policemen and many people in government. I don't think that's silly to believe.

I don't believe there is a diabolical Masonic conspiracy, however I think Masonic organizations and members are utilized.

I forgot what documents I saw, but there was a list of judges and next to the names of some of them, they were labelled as "illuminated", and also some other information. Yeah I know documents can be doctored but it had something to do with the way the document was obtained and other authentic traits (to make me believe it was genuine). I'll post it if comes to mind. Anyway no biggie.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

What is not opinion is that Free Masonry has many elements in it that are from the Bible (old testament / Hebrew bible), which is basically "Jewish" or whatever you want to call it.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: nOraKat
The last information I saw was that only a small percentage of judges and police were Masons. We Masons come from all walks of life.

a reply to: nOraKat
Well, the central myth of the Blue Lodge (sometimes referred to as Ancient Craft Masonry) is the building of King Solomon's Temple which is Old Testament.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat
I don't believe there is a diabolical Masonic conspiracy, however I think Masonic organizations and members are utilized.

How? Hopefully your answers is something funny like, 'unwittingly'.

I forgot what documents I saw, but there was a list of judges and next to the names of some of them, they were labelled as "illuminated", and also some other information.

Sounds believable. How about a linky?

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 02:02 AM
People sometimes refer to Freemasonry as being a "Secret Society." In one sense the statement is true. Any social group or private business is "secret" in the sense that its business meetings may be open only to its members. In Freemasonry, the process of joining is also a private matter, and its members are pledged not to discuss with non-members certain parts of the ceremonies associated with the organization.

Freemasonry does have certain handshakes and passwords, customs incorporated into later fraternities, which are kept private. They are means of recognizing each other--necessary in an organization which spans the entire world and which encompasses many languages.

The tradition of using handshakes and passwords was very common in the Middle Ages, when the ability to identify oneself as belonging to a building or trade guild often made the difference in getting a job or in obtaining help for yourself and family. Today, Freemasons make the same pledge to every member that he will be offered assistance if he, or his family, ever requests it.

Freemasonry can't be called a "secret society" in a literal sense. A truly secret society forbids its members to disclose that they belong to the organization, or that it even exists. Much of the Masonic ritual is in books called "Monitors" that are widely available, even in public libraries. Most Freemasons wear rings and lapel pins which clearly identify them as members of the fraternity. Masonic lodges are listed in public phone books, Masonic buildings are clearly marked, and in many areas of the country Masonic lodges place signs on the roads leading into town, along with civic organizations, showing the time and place of meetings.

In terms of what it does, what it teaches, who belongs, where it meets, there are no secrets in Freemasonry! It is a private fraternal association of men who contribute much toward the public good, while enjoying the benefits of the brotherhood of a fraternity.

With that being said you can know all the passwords, grips, and ritualsn, but you'll never know what it means to be a Mason unless you join.

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