posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 04:28 AM
A form of escapism.
When your chained up against your will
or locked away in a dungeon, every part of your being is dreaming of breaking free.
As the days pass by one krafts their own particular way to escape.
Now if the way of escape seems to be neigh impossible, what is it we all do?
We fantasise our escape route, we may still be being held against our will, but we never let go of our innate need to be free. To fantasize is fine on
a temporal basis, but on the other hand, it can stand in the way of the real work. The real work, of course, is cutting through the bull we have been
fed. That which stands in the way.
That which is free from an imposed reality that just doesn't fit with the way we feel we like to live.To do so would be to surrender yourself to the
desires of the jailer.If that surrender is complete our fate has been sealed. Until one day
we reawaken to the lies and ties we live in.
This view is not directly a fight against our jailers, because that will never set us free.
It's about us deciding and not being misled by the jailers.It's about being aware of the world we have fallen
prisoner to. Once we are clear about the trap we have fallen in to, we will be able to bend the bars, step through a wall and walk on water.
Somewhere sometime dancing around the Maypole eliberocelta
edit on 22-4-2018 by ancientthunder because: make space