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Appeals court: Indiana abortion law signed by Mike Pence unconstitutional

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posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

but, they don't have their own unique dna, some of those cells might contain their mother's dna, or their siblings... and can we also mention that the little tyke is also corrupting mom's dna in the process of developing into a human being???

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Pence knew that this bill would be struck down as unconstitutional. It was a political statement that only cost the taxpayers in the long run. All these stupid anti-choice bills are nothing but legal money pits for tax payers.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: DBCowboy

but, they don't have their own unique dna, some of those cells might contain their mother's dna, or their siblings... and can we also mention that the little tyke is also corrupting mom's dna in the process of developing into a human being???

Anything to justify murdering an unborn child.

All you have to do is say, "It's legal".

I get it.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite

Call it murder if you like, it doesn't bother me. Again, I will NEVER tell another woman what she can and cannot do with her own body. Not my responsibility.

It takes some stretch of imagination to be able to *murder* that which is unable

to exist on its own?

VERY FEW PEOPLE ARE PRO ABORTION. Some are anti-abortion, and the rest of us are PRO CHOICE!!!!! Get it.

I wish NO WOMAN would have an abortion, but I live in the real world. I remember that it was pretty bad before Roe V. Wade. Women were dying from illegal abortions. Coat hangers WERE used. Mexican abortions botched. Women punching themselves in the stomach area. Yeah, let's go back to that.

For a woman to face death in the attempt to terminate shows the desperation

of the position she's in!!!

Wait for it ....... all the men, the other half of every pregnancy

spouting "She should have thought of it before the sex"

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: eletheia

supposedly, god left men in charge,
maybe they should be the ones thinking a little more about their actions and less about our reactions?

edit on 21-4-2018 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:28 AM
All I'll say on the topic (since it's a waste to even enter these threads, I don't know why I do it) is that we are a species of tool-making primates that aren't very smart.

We see a result of a bad behavior and develop tools to compensate and justify the behavior but are still not smart enough to change the behavior.

As a species, we are pretty dim and still have a long ways to go.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

We see a result of a bad behavior and develop tools to compensate and justify the behavior but are still not smart enough to change the behavior.

What behavior? Men having sex with women type behavior?

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:37 AM
Pence is the only reason I don't want to see Trump booted out of office.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: crtrvt

Although I agree with some of your points, not everyone who is pro-life is a conservative or christian. I'm for sex ed at the appropriate age and for access to birth control. In my world view I just don't see how ending the life isn't murder. I know you disagree with that and I accept that but to think that Im a misogynist simply because I believe in protecting children is wrongheaded.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Face it they only care about babies floating in amniotic fluid. They don't give a # about the living breathing ones.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

You make too many points for me to address on a Saturday morning. However, it's clear we have differing world views. I'd point out a couple of things however. Not all children who would have otherwise been born would be born into poverty. The issue of poverty, imo, shouldn't be dealt with by eliminating lives. The issue of poverty will always be with us on some level but there are ways of making our society more just that don't include the elimination of life. I agree that as a society we suck at taking care of our less advantaged. I fight against it on a daily basis in my career. But pointing out the failings of the past doesn't mean we should just try to eliminate, or allow to be eliminated, the classes that we failed to assist during those times.

I don't want to call anyone names or try to ascribe improper motivations to any point of view. So I'm tired of the reverse happening, that I'm considered some sort of troglodyte for believing in saving the unborn children's lives. Economic arguments against saving life never have held sway with me.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

. In my world view I just don't see how ending the life isn't murder.

I'm curious to know how you define "life". What should be the consequences of this "murder"?

I know you disagree with that and I accept that but to think that Im a misogynist simply because I believe in protecting children is wrongheaded.

Nothing wrong with protecting children. But, forced birth isn't protecting children.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:55 AM

More unwanted kids, more hungry mouths, more poverty

Spreading misery while taking everyones' money is what Republicans are good at.

Besides, where else are they going to get enough uneducated people to vote for them?? Rich people alone aren't enougn.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:05 AM
right-wingers want the poor to suffer....everything they do on a state and federal level works toward that goal. they don't want to pay them a decent wage, have decent living conditions, be allowed to vote, be educated, have clean water, eat healthy foods, have health care....they want as many of the poor to die.....look at the legislation they pass...don't listen to their words, look at the actions they've taken over decades to make sure the poor suffer as much as they can get away with. they only want the "already-rich" people to survive.........and yet, dumb ass poor people keep voting for them, thinking they give a s**t about them....and now look at trump and the republican congress, cutting benefits that might help the poor get out of their rut, while passing MASSIVE tax to the's happening f'in right in front of your eyes, and people refuse to see it......

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

If I had to pick a definition of life I would say when there is a heartbeat, which is usually in the 4th or 5th week I think. My definition may not be right but the sliding scale definition in Roe v. Wade, to me, is worse. How do you define life?

As to you second point, there's the rub. I think it is protecting children and you don't. Rational minds can disagree without the need for the use of derogatory names.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Sorry, as to consequences, I don't think that the mother should face any consequences other than being legally forced to be a witness against the doctor, person, or institution that performed the abortion (if it was an illegal abortion. I understand abortion is the right path in a small minority of situations). I think the performer of the abortion as well as the organization of the performer should be held criminally liable with a large fine as the maximum penalty.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

I am just pointing out some of the paths our ancestors chose to take when our population's needs our resources (either through hard times or the hoarding of those resources...)

But pointing out the failings of the past doesn't mean we should just try to eliminate, or allow to be eliminated, the classes that we failed to assist during those times.

and, we aren't eliminating any specific class of people now, are we? we're allowing women (rich or poor, white or black, whatever, to decide based on their own individual circumstances) preferably through birth control, but sometimes crap just happens... and well when it does we give them the option to abort unless the fetus has reached the stage of viability.. while we also opened up economic pathways that gave them more options as far as what role they wished to play in life outside of wife and mother.

many of the pro-life people are also against most of the most effective methods of birth control... because well, their last defense against pregnancy is to make the uterus an inhospitable place to inhabit. as they are comprehensive sex education preferring instead to just tell the kids to just not have sex. but margaret sanger wasn't jailed for teaching the little kiddies how to prevent pregnancy, it was married women that were lined up at her clinics seeking the knowledge and ability that those of the more affluent classes were flying away to europe to learn!!!
and what are we getting from the "pro-life"party, the republicans? why should men have to pay for insurance policies that cover maternity care and birth control, we can't get pregnant or have babies..... as if they have no part whatsoever in the reproductive process and of course, no male alive ever benefited from their mom's prenatal care while they carried them for nine months!
they are out to strip everything from food stamps and healthcare to special education in schools.... because well, it doesn't benefit them. only, it does. affordable healthcare can prevent an epidemic of disease from going thru their kid's school or their workplace. special education can be the difference between a dependent lifestyle and a productive taxpayer for some people... they are just too short sighted and obsessed with the few missing dollars from their paychecks to see it.
and, they will push for stupid laws in an attempt to ban abortions, regardless of why a women wants (or needs them), allow hospitals to deny abortions to suffering women even when they know that the baby is doomed to death, and then claim that it's not their problem if they ever get their way and create massive problems.

banning abortions isn't gonna solve anything, although it very well could create more problems than our society can handle in a humane way...
if you want to cut down on abortions, you need to address the reasons why women are choosing not to have babies in our current society along with providing them with the means to avoid pregnancy.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Hurray for the Baby Killers ! When they Finally Meet their Maker there Will be Hell to Pay............

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 11:40 AM
Now if we can just get him to stop electrocuting the gays we’ll be in business.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

The definition of life is very broad....sorta like anything that eats, poops, procreates and dies. But life isn't a substance or a thing, it's a process, a never ending process that existed as a spring board for our beingingness long before we existed. For the question of life in the world as we know it, in my opinion, one's life is the point of existence between birth and death.

Women, if we had a choice, wouldn't choose to be surprisingly fertile for a few days every month, and in fact, most women consume birth control pills, take shots and insert things up us, just so we can survive our monthly fertile time without accidentally procreating.

But worse, far worse of a situation, is the woman who wants a child, becomes pregnant, only to receive a catatrophic diagnosis of fetal anomalies that may cause life threatening problems for both baby and mom, not to mention her family, and having to make the hard decision to abort. It's wrong to deny a woman in that situation a abortion.

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