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The Holy See and The Black Goo

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posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 05:53 PM
parasitic black goo? ah its this guy
[img ][/img ]

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

If you look into Catholic related conspiracies, you will find that they, the Catholic heirarchy, are under suspicion by many.

Their glorification of Jesus' mother, Mary, is considered odd by most, since Jesus nor the Bible gives any instruction for all this extra ritual, ceremony, etc in Mary's name... she seems, at times, to have an equal, or even superior status, to Jesus... Sometimes Catholics receive messages from Mother Mary. See Our Lady of Fatima Prophecy and the other "Our Lady" locations and prophecies.

They are accused of worshipping "her".

The explanation given by theorists is that they are not worshipping Mary. They are supposedly worshipping the ancient Female "pagan" goddess, with many names...

Maybe this being is where you find "Mother"?

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 01:50 AM
So is this actual gravitonium?

Yeah, the X-files had some black goo too.

Some alien stuff that came out of the ground in Scandinavia or Russia.

edit on 4 21 2018 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: WanderingMrM

If you look into Catholic related conspiracies, you will find that they, the Catholic heirarchy, are under suspicion by many.

Their glorification of Jesus' mother, Mary, is considered odd by most, since Jesus nor the Bible gives any instruction for all this extra ritual, ceremony, etc in Mary's name... she seems, at times, to have an equal, or even superior status, to Jesus... Sometimes Catholics receive messages from Mother Mary. See Our Lady of Fatima Prophecy and the other "Our Lady" locations and prophecies.

They are accused of worshipping "her".

The explanation given by theorists is that they are not worshipping Mary. They are supposedly worshipping the ancient Female "pagan" goddess, with many names...

Maybe this being is where you find "Mother"?

Interesting, if you really think about it. It really paints a whole new picture!

If indeed it is a female that they worship, could it be possible that the Devil is actually a chick?

I mean it's sort of leaning that way I guess.

They call her Mother the dark ones do, but humans call her the fallen one.

So maybe God or whoever it was had a big falling out with this female entity?

Hahahaha that would actually make a good TV show!

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: WanderingMrM

If you look into Catholic related conspiracies, you will find that they, the Catholic heirarchy, are under suspicion by many.

Their glorification of Jesus' mother, Mary, is considered odd by most, since Jesus nor the Bible gives any instruction for all this extra ritual, ceremony, etc in Mary's name... she seems, at times, to have an equal, or even superior status, to Jesus... Sometimes Catholics receive messages from Mother Mary. See Our Lady of Fatima Prophecy and the other "Our Lady" locations and prophecies.

They are accused of worshipping "her".

The explanation given by theorists is that they are not worshipping Mary. They are supposedly worshipping the ancient Female "pagan" goddess, with many names...

Maybe this being is where you find "Mother"?

Interesting, if you really think about it. It really paints a whole new picture!

If indeed it is a female that they worship, could it be possible that the Devil is actually a chick?

I mean it's sort of leaning that way I guess.

They call her Mother the dark ones do, but humans call her the fallen one.

So maybe God or whoever it was had a big falling out with this female entity?

Hahahaha that would actually make a good TV show!
the oppressive strings of the god goo is more terrifying. I would rather be free than forced into happy Oblivion.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

oh good one , I completely forgot Morgellons there could be a relation


Maybe black goo and nanites live in / or even produce raw oil. In a way I believe Black Goo is used to terraform our planet. There is a connection Thule/Falkland/islands - Black Goo . As I think the nanites are inactive need raw oil to survive (as fuel) are able to create oil from organic matter and only become active under certain conditions.
It could be possible that ET is already here in the form of nanites...

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: frenchfries

If I remember right in the X-Files the goo was used to control the population -

X Files wiki (Colonist)
Purity, more commonly referred to as black oil, and called the "black cancer" by the Russians, is an alien virus that thrived underground on Earth, in petroleum deposits. The virus is capable of entering humanoids and assuming control of their bodies. It has sentience and is capable of communicati

what if BP was messing with weapons research knowing if anything went wrong they could blame a failure in their drilling.

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Well could be , BP should know raw oil. but Something just doesn't add up when it comes to (raw oil / Black goo).

Very Far Fetched but : Oil = Very old substance and it might be (partially) artificial in origin. Well If an advanced civilisation wanted to control human development they could do it by means of oil deposits.

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 10:58 PM
Hint: Don't trust any Christians who are not following the 10 commandments and who are in some sort of weird group you never heard of to begin with.

Such as Mormons and there so called aliens souls. Christianity is so divided, it is no longer a joke.

I think it has more to do with the missionary curse crusades. "Don't preach what you don't do."
The churches have been fully infiltrated by mad men. I mean if KKK fake Christianity doesn't wake up Americans, nothing will.
If you want to see real Christians start digging history back.

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

I have read the following theory on a few websites - makes one think - is oil really scarce?

Russian scientist Professor Vladimir Porfir’yev announced that “crude oil and natural petroleum gas have no intrinsic connection with biological matter originating near the surface of the earth. They are primordial [originating with the earth’s formation] materials which have been erupted from great depths.”

If your eyeballs didn’t fall out when you read that, you might want to read it again.

He said oil doesn’t come from anything biologic, not, as conventional wisdom dictates, from the fossilized remains of dinosaurs and/or ancient plant matter. It comes from very deep in the earth and is created by a biochemical reaction that subjected hydrocarbons (elements having carbon and hydrogen) to extreme heat and intense pressure during the earth’s formation.

Russians referred to this oil (any oil, really) as “abiotic oil” because it is not created from the decomposition of biological life forms, but rather from the chemical process continually occurring inside the earth.

I know, easy for Porfir’yev to say. But it turns out it was more than just a theory.

Because shortly after the Russians discovered this, they started drilling ultra-deep wells and finding oil at 30,000 and 40,000 feet below the earth’s surface. These are staggering depths, and far below the depth at which organic matter can be found, which is 18,000 feet.

Interesting, eh?

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 02:57 PM
I keep thinking bp is plague lol

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Russians referred to this oil (any oil, really) as “abiotic oil” because it is not created from the decomposition of biological life forms, but rather from the chemical process continually occurring inside the earth.

Didn't know about that. But I bet that if people start to investigate oil there might be more to it than meets the eye. Crude Sour Oil may have some unknown properties. Just saying here.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: frenchfries
side note :

I heard the same stories about 'black goo' from mlozi (witchdoctors) in central africa. Without that stuff the mlozi weren't able to do their magick. I asked once to see the stuff (payed for). Which turned out to be nothing special.
Be mbote tribe told me that it could melt rocks and could change people in animals. Many years later I heard more of less the same story 'kind of' with regards of the falklands islands / Thule islands...
I've never seen any effects of Black Goo myself but the story is well known in Africa.

Maybe it's sentient , or maybe was used to terraform our planet... who knows. Exiting story for Sci-fi me guess.

I know this is an older post, but I was wondering if you could maybe share your source regarding black goo / African black magick? I've been researching black goo lately, and am looking for more historical context. Thanks!

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: fireslinger

originally posted by: frenchfries
side note :

I heard the same stories about 'black goo' from mlozi (witchdoctors) in central africa. Without that stuff the mlozi weren't able to do their magick. I asked once to see the stuff (payed for). Which turned out to be nothing special.
Be mbote tribe told me that it could melt rocks and could change people in animals. Many years later I heard more of less the same story 'kind of' with regards of the falklands islands / Thule islands...
I've never seen any effects of Black Goo myself but the story is well known in Africa.

Maybe it's sentient , or maybe was used to terraform our planet... who knows. Exiting story for Sci-fi me guess.

I know this is an older post, but I was wondering if you could maybe share your source regarding black goo / African black magick? I've been researching black goo lately, and am looking for more historical context. Thanks!

Do a video search for "Harald Kautz Vella black goo". This guy knows a good deal about it. Can't find the Bases video where he talks about black goo.

Also try the link below. =ChBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvEAM6AggpOgUIABDNAlC7B1iImQFggJ4BaANwAHgAgAG2AYgBiAqSAQQwLjEwmAEAoAEBqgEQbW9iaWxlLWd3cy12aWRlb8ABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-video

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

your dream-vision .... used black goo as the symbol you would understand...

in other communications to peoples/individuals the symbolism differs...

the great wonder in heaven, Revelation 12:, had the Dragon spew out a Floodto kill the woman & child
(a cosmic event in Virgo, sun/moon/12 stars in sept 2017)

the 'Flood' of Rev 12: was also your Black Goo

And this Corona Virus-COVID19 pandemic out of China, which started in 2019 is also the Revelation 12 Flood and also is your black goo

having black-goo and the south American, Jesuit as Pope...involved in the vision/dream can mean several different things... but mostly the instruction to you that the Papal SEE is a twist on the Beast from SEA...& the Flood spewed out by Dragon to kill woman & child of Rev 12

the covid mutations are dark-sinister variants upon which to build the vaxx framework that will result in a non-living parasite inhabiting the surviving patients...the 'black goo' will propagate a neural connection with 'host' who is fully vaxxed

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: St Udio

I don't think the religious connection is valid at all. Flood means a flood of water.

What I do find fascinating is that at least subconsciously, this substance has been in literature and the public psyche for a while now and pops up in odd places.

Before X-Files it was in a lot of pulp fiction, like from Weird Tales. Also in some occult texts, about Choronzon and I think it is in Crowley's the Vision and the Voice; I haven't checked yet.

This thread inspired me to post an old story:

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: miri2019

Thanks, I'm familiar with Harald, he's great.

However, he doesn't seem to share sources when saying things like (paraphrasing) 'black magicians have used black goo for rituals'

Is that in the Dead Sea Scrolls / other ancient texts? And if so, which texts and where?

That's the kind of info I'm looking for right now, to more accurately trace the origins of black goo.

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