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Germany's Echo Awards Presents Best Album Award To ‘Anti-Semitic’ Muslim Rappers

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posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 06:03 AM
Last Thursday, Germany's Echo Awards awarded these two rappers with the best album award, for their recent release “Jung, brutal und gutaussehend 3.”

For weeks, the fact that the two rappers had been nominated for the award had caused controversy in the German press due to their alleged anti-Semitism.

On the album, Farid Bang raps about his training regime, boasting that “my body is more defined than an Auschwitz prisoner’s.”

When these two clowns accepted their award, many in the crowd booed and some even walked out. If that wasn't bad enough, they received their award on Holocaust Remembrance Day, which was also celebrated on April 12.

No movie, TV show, rock star, etc. will dare touch the subject of jihad and sharia, despite the millions slaughtered. But Muslims mocking Holocaust victims garner awards.

Campino, lead singer for the German punk rock band, Die Toten Hosen, received a standing ovation from the Echo Award crowd, for the comment he made during his acceptance speech for the rock award.

He started by saying that provocation in music is generally an important and good thing. But he went on to say that tolerance stops “when people make insults that are misogynistic, homophobic, right-wing extremist, or anti-Semitic.”

There are those that say Chancellor Merkel's strategy of allowing Muslim immigrants into Germany is so they will eventually rid Germany of its Jewish population.

Article from 01/26/2018:

Jewish leaders like Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Jewish Community of Munich and Northern Bavaria, express frustration with the situation. Knobloch laments the fact that, more than 70 years after the Holocaust, Jewish public life is not possible without police protection.

Hatred emanating from the more than 4 million Muslims living in Germany exacerbates traditional forms of anti-Semitism.

German Jews are concerned about the 1.5 million Muslim refugees who entered Germany in 2015-16 because many come from countries where hatred of Jews is doctrine.

“Just one act of anti-Semitism is one too many in Germany,” said German government spokesperson Steffen Seibert.

“Just one act of anti-Semitism is one too many in Germany,” said German government spokesperson Steffen Seibert. Evidently the Deutsche Phono-Akademie could care less what Steffan Seibert had to say.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 06:14 AM
I personally am sick and tired of having the Shoa pushed down our throats...

Time to get on with the future and stop being called anti semetic whenever pro people find an excuse to whinge and whine...

The FUTURE.... stop ramming the past down our throats...

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Sometimes people are BLINDED by the truth. How do you explain this ACTUAL event? How do you JUSTIFY this? Future of what exactly? More anti-semitic insults from the Germany's Muslim community? Thank your Chancellor for that Sh!t Storm.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Sometimes people are BLINDED by the truth. How do you explain this ACTUAL event? How do you JUSTIFY this? Future of what exactly? More anti-semitic insults from the Germany's Muslim community? Thank your Chancellor for that Sh!t Storm.

Not my chancellor... Brit In France and sick of the whinging...

Time to step forward instead of ramming the past down peoples throats all the time.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 06:33 AM
These guys are clowns, and their fans are between 10 and 25.
These two wannabe gangsters are story tellers for the younger generations, which believe that nonsense they tell.
These hipster rappers(Hipster Hoppers, as i named them xD) have nothing in common with the Hip Hop culture, they just make money(the pocket money of their teeny fans) with sprechgesang, recitative. Stolen from the Hip Hop culture!

And as a german i don´t care about such wannabe hip hop stars, wannabe gangsters with their fairy tales. Same for that useless award they got, where the mainstream music industry celebrates itself and it´s best products. Nobody in Germany, who has anything to do with the Hip Hop culture, listens to the lies and fairy tales of these generation of german "gangster rappers", except young boys and some young girls which are at puberty.

But if they rap lines like: “my body is more defined than an Auschwitz prisoner’s.", they show how stupid they are, making unintended jokes about themselves. But is it really too much, too politically incorrect nowadays? Is that really anti-semitic?

And to be honest, people like Charlotte Knobloch, they like to be in the victims role and use every little fart to create a thunderstorm out of it.

I am not excusing anti-semitism, but the freedom of expression and the freedom of speech should not be touched because of a cult that even is underrepresented in Germany. And i am not saying that any other cult out there would be any better or worse than the jewish cult, they are all the same, useless and create only problems, these so called religions!

edit on 16 4 2018 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Time to grow a pair of balls... full stop.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I understand what you're saying, but some people are taking a dispassionate response to this (Like the other poster on this thread). It's not about "growing a pair of balls." It's about standing up to misogynistic, homophobic, anti-semitic or hateful insults. I applaud the rock artist Campino and those people in the Echo Award ceremony crowd that booed and/or walked out. Lets see some German rap artist, grow "a set of balls" and sing negatively about Mohommad, Jihad or Sharia Law and see what happens. They'd be lucky to still be alive, let alone win an award for best album. Yet it's OK for these Muslims to make fun of an Auschwitz prisoner in a death camp and win an award in GERMANY of all places? I'm not Jewish, but this is appalling.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I understand what you're saying, but some people are taking a dispassionate response to this (Like the other poster on this thread). It's not about "growing a pair of balls." It's about standing up to misogynistic, homophobic, anti-semitic or hateful insults. I applaud the rock artist Campino and those people in the Echo Award ceremony crowd that booed and/or walked out. Lets see some German rap artist, grow "a set of balls" and sing negatively about Mohommad, Jihad or Sharia Law and see what happens. They'd be lucky to still be alive, let alone win an award for best album. Yet it's OK for these Muslims to make fun of an Auschwitz prisoner in a death camp and win an award in GERMANY of all places? I'm not Jewish, but this is appalling.

You can say my name you know!

Does it hurt to read that people should look towards the future instead of always ramming the past down our throats?

The older anti semetic génération are in the past now so time to move on now methinks instead of whinging.

Kindest respects


posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 07:52 AM

“when people make insults that are misogynistic, homophobic, right-wing extremist, or anti-Semitic.”

Of course left wing extremism is all good.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 07:57 AM
An American bitching over freedom of speech
As far as I remember, Pamela Geller hosted a "Draw Muhammad Contest" in support of free speech couple of years ago. Now her feelings are hurt because two rappers from a country thousands of miles away mentioned Jews in their lyrics.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

It's music. It's art. It's expression.

Sometimes people express themselves in ways we may find odd or inappropriate, personally.

This is pretty tame compared to what you can hear in many forms of American music.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:00 AM
Maybe on some level this is an attempt by some(those choosing award recipient) to in essence splash cold water on the faces of those in a trance. Trying to, somewhat covertly, awaken more to the realities of the eventual demise of europe.

If that were the case, the results seem promising. Boos from the crowd, walkouts and negative press and people realizing the double standard pointed out in the OP article.

That would be the clever way to do it, most people don't like being told directly their problems or how to change. Very few are capable of self reflection and the honesty needed to reevaluate their own "truths".

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:03 AM
I don’t know how the Germans value free speech compared to the U.S., but I think it is important to allow all speech...even that which we don’t ageee with to keep a truly fair and free society. I don’t always like what others say, but I support their right to say it...we can see how even in the U.S. there is a movement by the Left to censor speech they don’t like. We need to avoid that type of censorship at all costs.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
I don’t know how the Germans value free speech compared to the U.S., but I think it is important to allow all speech...even that which we don’t ageee with to keep a truly fair and free society. I don’t always like what others say, but I support their right to say it...we can see how even in the U.S. there is a movement by the Left to censor speech they don’t like. We need to avoid that type of censorship at all costs.

Dude.. we are all for free speach.

But did you learn about history? Bc GERMANY, of all countries?

We do not do antisemitism and there are several million causes to this
(There is no punctuation mark for this sentence bc there is not a single mark heavy enough.)
If you want to held your free-antisemitism-speech high, you are talking to the wrong people.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: shawmanfromny

It's music. It's art. It's expression.

Sometimes people express themselves in ways we may find odd or inappropriate, personally.

This is pretty tame compared to what you can hear in many forms of American music.

Yes. But they got a f***ing PRICE for it. On live tv. In front of a large crowd of heavy media-influencers.
There is no way this is justified, at least no way we can understand this.

BTW: several (at least two at this moment) other winners of Echo awards 2018 gave them back already.
edit on 16 4 2018 by ManFromEurope because: grammar...

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

yeh but if we dont learn from our past we are doomed to repeat it , hence why we keep going through with all these illegal conflicts because we dont wake the # up to their plan!

Im sick of us all pretending that our collective governments are doing anything for the people they represent!

it's US vs them, us being the people of earth , against every sociopath in government who wants others to die to line their pockets

we just keep letting them win!

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

You call it whinging right ,but im sure you'd have a different opinion if you were related to anyone from the jewish community that had survived the holocaust

Why are you fed up hearing about it ?

Does it offend you or hurt you to hear that humans are complete #s to one another ?

It was one of the most traumatic and inhumane acts committed by our species against our own species
and you are done hearing about it , so we should all just move on aye ?

we are all human, we all have emotions, some deal with them differently , I cant speak for you , some people react strongly to their emotional states , others just suppress their emotions and never speak about them.

By suppressing our emotions we end up being less human !
so we should just stop listening to our emotional states and "get on with it"

to deny our emotional states is to deny what is a part of being human.

and is to deny our humanity is what leads to these barbaric acts!

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Even racist anti-Semitic assholes have a right to free speech.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Lagomorphe

yeh but if we dont learn from our past we are doomed to repeat it , hence why we keep going through with all these illegal conflicts because we dont wake the # up to their plan!

Im sick of us all pretending that our collective governments are doing anything for the people they represent!

it's US vs them, us being the people of earth , against every sociopath in government who wants others to die to line their pockets

we just keep letting them win!

I feel you... I really do and was in your position about 20 years ago mate...

I am well over 50 now and have served queen/country and animal and had enough of the taurine fecal matter that was fed to my grandparents (cannon fodder) their parents (more Cannon fodder in the Ardennes) and our future generations of peace keeping soldiers.

Look towards a bright and positive future...

Kindest respects


Ps. Lags Jr is joining the French paras in September with the hope of keeping peace...

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

I understand the importance of free speech , but free speech can cause the deaths of many millions for some reason some of us humans are pretty gullible and easily led .

For those who can reason and are not controlled by their emotional states brought on by environmental feedback
free speech is not an issue. However there are humans who are completely controlled by their emotional reactions and once emotionally triggered cannot rationally resolve their emotional states and so become enraged.

This is where problems start to occur.

Whilst I am for free speech , all forms of free speech as we as human beings, are not children and can control our emotional states and are reasonable and simply ignore any speech that is hateful or just bang out of order!

I do see the importance of discouraging others from using such forms of free speech ,as the door swings both ways
you can say anything you like but be prepared for the consequences see the unreasonable and emotionally charged humans I mentioned before!

As for Europe, well it makes sense to limit speech on that subject , because of the sheer volume of people killed and the hate it inspires , and the memories it brings back !
For a large proportion of Europeans its a touchy subject !
Maybe in another 100 years when we have moved on and actually learned from our past mistakes!

It's still too raw a subject, also the EU was the first time that Europe had seen peace in over 2000 years maybe even more!

We need to create a new society which actually does protect the people , then and only then when we have a system of governance that puts people and planet before profit , can we truly have free speech!
because only when the people are happy , they wont give a flying # what anyone says!
the reason why no one will care then is because the positives shall outweigh the negatives
there will be more unity and peace , than division and chaos !

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