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Alien dreams

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posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 03:59 PM
Hi everyone, I am new to this post and I need some answers. I am 31yrs. old today and I am a christian. I believe in the demonic realm, I can sense spirits I have also heard spirits, and seen a demon. I happen to be in deliverance ministry. God speaks to me through many of my dreams, but here lately I have been troubled about two dreams I have had about aliens.Afew years ago I drempt that a little green alien was trying to find me. I was so scared I ran and hid. I really did not think anything about it until last week I had two dreams. I drempt that I was looking out my window and the stars were moving all around and falling. I decided to walk outside and there was a spacecraft over the house. Only it was the outline of the ship but it was lit up. Then a man came walking toward me but he looked like one of my friends. I wasn't scared so I went on the ship with him. At that point I felt a little hazy I remember laying on a table. He went and put on a suit with a clear helmet on that covered his head. I also remember he gave me this liquid to drink which had no taste. I remember thinking this must be to make me go to sleep. Then it switched to I was at my grandmothers house my husband and I were in the bed. We were in the middle bedroom, the middle part of the window was open and the wind was was blowing. As I looked out the window there he was in the back yard. No words were spoken but I knew he wanted me to come on. So I crawled out the window and went to him. That was it, I remember telling my husband that I felt really weird. I to have felt for awile that i was being watched. I would love to have anyone's opionin. Thank you, Crissella

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 04:11 PM
well i cant tell you where these dreams come from but i can tell you i have had some similar ones. In the last one ive had i was being chased by little grey aliens all over my home town and they couldnt find me. Seen some crazy stuff in that dream. I remember when i was a kid i dreamt me and my friend locked ourselves in the closet but the tall slim ones entered the house and opened the closet and thats when i woke up. The best advice i can give you when you are being chased is to turn around and face your fears. Yell at them to leave you alone. Might sound silly but it worked for me

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 04:36 PM

this is where the word "Lucid" helps.

try, in your dreams to guide them. take control, like i did. I was being hunted by green monsters, and in my dream i got angry, imahgined having a big gun, and in my hands it appeared. Now my bad dreams are bad only for the monsters who get shot to pieces. I control my dreams.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 09:17 PM
Thank you both for your reply, I will try my best to take control in my dreams. I know when I was younger I was very afraid of the dark. i would always sleep under the sheets. I have seen an apparition that scared me half to death. I usually mark these things up having discernment in the spiritual realm. I will surely pray about these things to. Thanks, Crissella

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 02:49 AM
Yea im sure those were just dreams with soem significance.Maby something happend to you before that might of caused a dream like this.
Iv had many dreams with the ``greys`` in it.The wierdest was when i went to the mirror and saw myself slowly turn into a hybrid.But i knew this was a dream due to the fact that i had troubles before.

dreams often give off signals of a problem rather than reality.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 05:43 AM

[edit on 2/18/05 by justakid88]

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