posted on Apr, 14 2018 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to:
Not to worry, you are not that young; I am 55, born very late in life.
Thankfully, I've had the chance to seek out and learn all the stories. Finding the scrap book I've referred to in the OP was not something I ever
expected. And, the pieces of the puzzle which were missing, that this book filled in are staggering!
I too come from Irish blood, only 1/4 myself; my father 1/2 and my GM 100% (perhaps my GF too, but I am not sure).
I'm sorry you feel so anti-war toward WWII. Honestly, I'm not sure what life would be like today had the Axis been permitted to prevail. Frankly, I
don't think you do either.
1922 was a far different time than 1941. It is interesting you would make that GF fought in WWI. I have many stories there as well,
but unfortunately not nearly the memorabilia.
Take care.