posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:36 AM
Im back of years of being away. Since I cant prove nothing and don't have links or proof, I will put this in predictions and prophecies. As many have
noticed, many of the big cryptocurrency's have been crashing. Especially Bitcoin! Dont be fooled, the bubble is not bursting for cryptocurrency's .
The people with the big bucks have been buying up these cryptocurrency's in the hundreds of millions and selling them at a high and buying at a low,
just as they do with the stock markets. For example, say I buy 500 million in Rippel XRP and soon after the price goes up, then I sell and makes alot
of money and then the price goes down and I buy up more. This wont go on very long. Many remote viewers have looked into Cryptocurrency's and have
said that by 2030 if you have not invested in them, it will be too late because they will be too mainstream by then. Very good remote viewers say that
Bitcoin will not do very good because of the high transaction cost and how slow it is in the coming years. If you have bitcoin and taken a loss, now
is the time to cash out before you get nothing for it. Ripple is to over take all cryptocurrency's by 2030 by being the most used and traded. By 2030
the wales/Rockefellers/Illuminati as they are called would have bought up alot of Ripple XRP to control it and make it not worth investing in but more
of buying for financial security. I predict by 2030, if you have not invested in Rippel XRP, especially 2018/2019, you will be very angry with
yourself. The thing with cryptocurrency's such as bitcoin and Ethereum is they can be mined. People are buying state of the art systems to mine these
mathematical calculations in reward for a virtual coin, and that requires alot of resources, electrical power and commuting power. That electrical and
commuting power is not sustainable especially in these times. They are trying to crash bitcoin because they know it wont survive in the future because
of its resource hungry platform, high fees and slow transaction time. They dont want Ripple XRP to be manipulated by Bitcoin anymore. Dont be
surprised to see Bitcoin crash and other cryptocurrency's that can be mined crashed too, that mining power could be used alot better for humanity
than to solve pointless mathematical calculations that dont benefit nothing.