posted on Apr, 6 2018 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to:
Sounds fishy. Literally.
Why weren't the pets exposed/killed? Why wasn't UK authorities concerned with the obvious pets?
Why use a chemical weapon with an obvious and spooky sounding Russian name? Why not use something widely available that any terrorist-chemist can
concoct in the bathtub, so to speak? VX, Sarin, or even some organic biological toxins (based on reading material @ DHS).
Could be a Russian assassination plot, but their proximity to Porton Down facility strikes a nerve in the skeptical part of my brain. Along with the
rapid accusations (appeared propaganda-ish, remember the ricin scare when MOD used it as an excuse to deploy tanks/soldiers at Heathrow?) and a
refusal to provide samples of the agent for independent analysis/verification of facts in accordance with existing treaties and International
Besides, Russian prefer radioactive elements as their weapons of choice. Especially if, as some have hypothesized, Russia wanted to "put the World on
notice." If this were the case, they'd have certainly used an agent with an assured effectiveness (including no real treatment) such as Polonium.
Then again, that's just the "conspiracy theorist" in me talking...
edit on 4/6/2018 by JBurns because: (no reason given)