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-@TH3WH17ERABB17-Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings- PART -V-

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posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
What has been in the shadows has now been shown in glorious light. Thank you for that. Many see random dots to connect, I'm just seeing one. Evil resists and good prevails.

There we go! Need more to come out from Lurking!

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 10:25 PM
Has Q ever mentioned, either directly or as a 'who' question, Doug Band?

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: CoramDeo
Is there a pattern to those post numbers?


Nothing beyond what you have there.

I'm horrible with numbers.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: tiredoflooking

I want to know what is causing these increases in autism and WHY.

Vaccines are the delivery system for many things, and I am not discounting in the least their ability to cause disorders such as autism in children. However, keep in mind that the amount of diagnoses of autism have well as those of ADD/ADHD and other disorders that require heavy use of pharmaceuticals and often, psychological intervention...and that is more important. Just because a child is diagnosed with something does not mean the child actually is suffering from anything. It is a fact that many cases of "autism" are nothing more than misdiagnosed physiological effects of food allergies. That is a FACT...but not a fact that the medical industry wants you to hear. Why do you think that is?

Medicated children are compliant, easily influenced children. So are children under the care of any health professional who requires complete solitude and privacy while interacting with the child. Special needs children have valid reasons for being put into specialized groups, isolated from their peers and treated differently. There are valid reasons for taking these special children into closed environments where their parents are not given immediatste access. No one, including the parents of those children are going to argue with that...and those who do, or refuse to medicate their kids or allow them to be sucked into the system, are persecuted.

Remember the vicious backlash against those anti-vaccine parents? They were smart...they knew something was wrong, and they were vilified for it. Right here on ATS, as a matter of fact. They were afraid of making their kids sick. They probably had no idea they were also likely saving their souls and their minds from being completely controlled by the Hivites.

That reaction...the brutal backlash and the encouragement of others to join one of (((Their))) hallmark behaviors. Take a spoiled, entitled child's toys away when they get caught misbehaving, and you'll see the exact same reaction...and if they have an audience, it'll be even worse.

It is very true the numbers are higher than they should be due to over diagnosing.

I saw this in early days when I started programs with my little one. So many kids that I could plainly see were not autistic, were not adhd. New parents who, for different reasons, were sure their kids were.

At the same time numbers are really going up. I have seen this even in my peer group. I also took my son to my pediatrician who works out of Sick Kids Hosp. In Toronto. Shes ancient, lol, and has seen it all. Still practising.

She told me at first she believed it was just more dx's happening but she now believes there is definitely actual increase.

I am now keeping my boy out of any programs where I can't be there for just the reasons you said. It is hard to know what is best, home schooling right now and with some outer support. He is doing really well.

Is it dna or heavy metal build up or gmos or vaccines or gut micro biome?

I know one thing , these kids are special and some are so talented at certain projects.

I always get the feeling there is some purpose behind their creation.

Everyday I see more and more of them. I had kid in my 20s 1 in my 30s and this one on my 40s ...only now am I seeing, both younger and older, new mums pop up with kids showing more and more autistic traits.

Time will tell I guess.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Of course I recognize there's something important going on here, doesn't make it any less laughable.

So fighting sex trafficking,arresting pedos,cleaning up corruption are all laughable topics to you. Good to know. Why are you here exactly?

That's clearly not the laughable aspect of this thread.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Was it the Nazi Yeti?
I bet it was the Nazi Yeti...

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

originally posted by: Perfectenemy

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Of course I recognize there's something important going on here, doesn't make it any less laughable.

So fighting sex trafficking,arresting pedos,cleaning up corruption are all laughable topics to you. Good to know. Why are you here exactly?

That's clearly not the laughable aspect of this thread.

More folk are getting "red-pilled" and waking up to international crime connections and methods. I think that's the important takeaway. Sure there are some blind alleys, but overall more folk are becoming aware of the scope and reach of corruption.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Just FYI That first page of posts is a synopsis and page reference for research of the previous 4 threads.

If they didn't get posted we'd have people come in saying we never help them understand what Q is so they don't have to read thousands of posts... oh wait that happens anyway.

So we're mean/unhelpful if the summary doesn't get posted (and even when it does and they don't want to bother read it) and we're laughable if it does get posted... sigh

If you dig in you might actually enjoy the crazy ride, if nothing else Q has got people who never researched to dig deep into connections of people and groups and agencies in ours and the worlds Govts and uncovered a LOT of really hinky stuff.

It's a pretty wild ride. There will be a LOT more voters hopefully who will research now instead of voting off the little pamphlet they send you in the mail.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: tiredoflooking

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: tiredoflooking

I want to know what is causing these increases in autism and WHY.

Vaccines are the delivery system for many things, and I am not discounting in the least their ability to cause disorders such as autism in children. However, keep in mind that the amount of diagnoses of autism have well as those of ADD/ADHD and other disorders that require heavy use of pharmaceuticals and often, psychological intervention...and that is more important. Just because a child is diagnosed with something does not mean the child actually is suffering from anything. It is a fact that many cases of "autism" are nothing more than misdiagnosed physiological effects of food allergies. That is a FACT...but not a fact that the medical industry wants you to hear. Why do you think that is?

Medicated children are compliant, easily influenced children. So are children under the care of any health professional who requires complete solitude and privacy while interacting with the child. Special needs children have valid reasons for being put into specialized groups, isolated from their peers and treated differently. There are valid reasons for taking these special children into closed environments where their parents are not given immediatste access. No one, including the parents of those children are going to argue with that...and those who do, or refuse to medicate their kids or allow them to be sucked into the system, are persecuted.

Remember the vicious backlash against those anti-vaccine parents? They were smart...they knew something was wrong, and they were vilified for it. Right here on ATS, as a matter of fact. They were afraid of making their kids sick. They probably had no idea they were also likely saving their souls and their minds from being completely controlled by the Hivites.

That reaction...the brutal backlash and the encouragement of others to join one of (((Their))) hallmark behaviors. Take a spoiled, entitled child's toys away when they get caught misbehaving, and you'll see the exact same reaction...and if they have an audience, it'll be even worse.

It is very true the numbers are higher than they should be due to over diagnosing.

I saw this in early days when I started programs with my little one. So many kids that I could plainly see were not autistic, were not adhd. New parents who, for different reasons, were sure their kids were.

At the same time numbers are really going up. I have seen this even in my peer group. I also took my son to my pediatrician who works out of Sick Kids Hosp. In Toronto. Shes ancient, lol, and has seen it all. Still practising.

She told me at first she believed it was just more dx's happening but she now believes there is definitely actual increase.

I am now keeping my boy out of any programs where I can't be there for just the reasons you said. It is hard to know what is best, home schooling right now and with some outer support. He is doing really well.

Is it dna or heavy metal build up or gmos or vaccines or gut micro biome?

I know one thing , these kids are special and some are so talented at certain projects.

I always get the feeling there is some purpose behind their creation.

Everyday I see more and more of them. I had kid in my 20s 1 in my 30s and this one on my 40s ...only now am I seeing, both younger and older, new mums pop up with kids showing more and more autistic traits.

Time will tell I guess.

The problem is that it was the medical industry who decided what were autistic traits and what were not. If you look at the influences on parenting alone over say, the last 50 years, there is a definitive conditioning there. We are, as a society in general, less tolerant of behavior that is normal for developing children and expect our kids to be more like miniature adults. So after decades of conditioning as to what is normal behavior and what is not, we rely too heavily on the medical establishment to tell us how to raise our children...and what to expect from them as if kids are made from cookie cutters rather than individual human beings with individual and unique minds and capabilities. This is not one bit accidental.

Here's a disturbing hypothetical: If you were a diabolical mastermind hellbent on not only controlling the planet, but creating an entirely different world in which the indigenous race are given an overhaul, tailor-made to serve your needs and desires, you're going to want to make sure you've got the best of everything.

First, you alter their DNA and make them smarter, more versatile...the offspring learn faster, are more intelligent and stronger, taller...the very best breeding stock you can get. You keep doing this over and over until you've got an entire generation that are exactly what you're looking for. Then, you have to find a way to isolate them and take them out of a normal home environment and put them into a very structured and highly controlled environment, where they are monitored and everything pertaining to their lives revolves around that very rigid structure and control.

However, you still have to deal with the parents...for numerous reasons. So the very best way to get parents to comply is to make them think the whole thing is their idea. Make them think there is something wrong with their children, so that they will be sure to agree to whatever you say needs to be done. And the problem has to be both widespread and disturbing enough to warrant these people's do the right thing by their kids.

So you might slowly condition people's perception of what is normal and what is not. You might alternate between social pressure and guilt, fear and the perception of reward. And the whole while, you're playing God with their DNA, waiting for the right mix at the right time. Like creating your own custom made army of slaves.

You might even create a specific number of these candidates. You could do anything you wanted in this hypothetical.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Has Q ever mentioned, either directly or as a 'who' question, Doug Band?

No mention of him in Q crumbs. Lot of in HRC/Podesta mails.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

That's clearly not the laughable aspect of this thread.

Look...the whole premise of this thread...that we are receiving classified intel from Donald Trump...looks utterly laughable from an outside perspective. I share your laugh. I sometimes chuckle at the absurd insanity of it all and our audacity to actually believe we are communing with the President to bring down an international conspiracy. It sounds so hilarious when you tell those not involved.

But once you have been laboring, researching, writing and posting about leaked intel for 5 months, like we have, you realize that the information is actually verifiable and reliable and you just keep researching, regardless of naysayers and attacks by the mass media.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: LurkNoMore

originally posted by: MetalThunder
What has been in the shadows has now been shown in glorious light. Thank you for that. Many see random dots to connect, I'm just seeing one. Evil resists and good prevails.

There we go! Need more to come out from Lurking!

I was actually kind of concerned that you had disappeared on us. Glad to see that's not the case.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: dashen

Polar Persons. Dammit!

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Has Q ever mentioned, either directly or as a 'who' question, Doug Band?

A friend from the other side recommends a video for you :

Cenk Uygur: Doug Band/Teneo Emails Are "Rosetta Stone" Of Clinton Corruption

We arent suppose to link wiki leaks here but search for this as well:

Re: Draft of Doug's Teneo et al memo

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: tiredoflooking

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: tiredoflooking

I want to know what is causing these increases in autism and WHY.

Vaccines are the delivery system for many things, and I am not discounting in the least their ability to cause disorders such as autism in children. However, keep in mind that the amount of diagnoses of autism have well as those of ADD/ADHD and other disorders that require heavy use of pharmaceuticals and often, psychological intervention...and that is more important. Just because a child is diagnosed with something does not mean the child actually is suffering from anything. It is a fact that many cases of "autism" are nothing more than misdiagnosed physiological effects of food allergies. That is a FACT...but not a fact that the medical industry wants you to hear. Why do you think that is?

Medicated children are compliant, easily influenced children. So are children under the care of any health professional who requires complete solitude and privacy while interacting with the child. Special needs children have valid reasons for being put into specialized groups, isolated from their peers and treated differently. There are valid reasons for taking these special children into closed environments where their parents are not given immediatste access. No one, including the parents of those children are going to argue with that...and those who do, or refuse to medicate their kids or allow them to be sucked into the system, are persecuted.

Remember the vicious backlash against those anti-vaccine parents? They were smart...they knew something was wrong, and they were vilified for it. Right here on ATS, as a matter of fact. They were afraid of making their kids sick. They probably had no idea they were also likely saving their souls and their minds from being completely controlled by the Hivites.

That reaction...the brutal backlash and the encouragement of others to join one of (((Their))) hallmark behaviors. Take a spoiled, entitled child's toys away when they get caught misbehaving, and you'll see the exact same reaction...and if they have an audience, it'll be even worse.

It is very true the numbers are higher than they should be due to over diagnosing.

I saw this in early days when I started programs with my little one. So many kids that I could plainly see were not autistic, were not adhd. New parents who, for different reasons, were sure their kids were.

At the same time numbers are really going up. I have seen this even in my peer group. I also took my son to my pediatrician who works out of Sick Kids Hosp. In Toronto. Shes ancient, lol, and has seen it all. Still practising.

She told me at first she believed it was just more dx's happening but she now believes there is definitely actual increase.

I am now keeping my boy out of any programs where I can't be there for just the reasons you said. It is hard to know what is best, home schooling right now and with some outer support. He is doing really well.

Is it dna or heavy metal build up or gmos or vaccines or gut micro biome?

I know one thing , these kids are special and some are so talented at certain projects.

I always get the feeling there is some purpose behind their creation.

Everyday I see more and more of them. I had kid in my 20s 1 in my 30s and this one on my 40s ...only now am I seeing, both younger and older, new mums pop up with kids showing more and more autistic traits.

Time will tell I guess.

The problem is that it was the medical industry who decided what were autistic traits and what were not. If you look at the influences on parenting alone over say, the last 50 years, there is a definitive conditioning there. We are, as a society in general, less tolerant of behavior that is normal for developing children and expect our kids to be more like miniature adults. So after decades of conditioning as to what is normal behavior and what is not, we rely too heavily on the medical establishment to tell us how to raise our children...and what to expect from them as if kids are made from cookie cutters rather than individual human beings with individual and unique minds and capabilities. This is not one bit accidental.

Here's a disturbing hypothetical: If you were a diabolical mastermind hellbent on not only controlling the planet, but creating an entirely different world in which the indigenous race are given an overhaul, tailor-made to serve your needs and desires, you're going to want to make sure you've got the best of everything.

First, you alter their DNA and make them smarter, more versatile...the offspring learn faster, are more intelligent and stronger, taller...the very best breeding stock you can get. You keep doing this over and over until you've got an entire generation that are exactly what you're looking for. Then, you have to find a way to isolate them and take them out of a normal home environment and put them into a very structured and highly controlled environment, where they are monitored and everything pertaining to their lives revolves around that very rigid structure and control.

However, you still have to deal with the parents...for numerous reasons. So the very best way to get parents to comply is to make them think the whole thing is their idea. Make them think there is something wrong with their children, so that they will be sure to agree to whatever you say needs to be done. And the problem has to be both widespread and disturbing enough to warrant these people's do the right thing by their kids.

So you might slowly condition people's perception of what is normal and what is not. You might alternate between social pressure and guilt, fear and the perception of reward. And the whole while, you're playing God with their DNA, waiting for the right mix at the right time. Like creating your own custom made army of slaves.

You might even create a specific number of these candidates. You could do anything you wanted in this hypothetical.

👆 I think you are truly on to something here.

They aren't f#cking getting mine is all I can say!

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: tiredoflooking

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: tiredoflooking

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: tiredoflooking

I want to know what is causing these increases in autism and WHY.

Vaccines are the delivery system for many things, and I am not discounting in the least their ability to cause disorders such as autism in children. However, keep in mind that the amount of diagnoses of autism have well as those of ADD/ADHD and other disorders that require heavy use of pharmaceuticals and often, psychological intervention...and that is more important. Just because a child is diagnosed with something does not mean the child actually is suffering from anything. It is a fact that many cases of "autism" are nothing more than misdiagnosed physiological effects of food allergies. That is a FACT...but not a fact that the medical industry wants you to hear. Why do you think that is?

Medicated children are compliant, easily influenced children. So are children under the care of any health professional who requires complete solitude and privacy while interacting with the child. Special needs children have valid reasons for being put into specialized groups, isolated from their peers and treated differently. There are valid reasons for taking these special children into closed environments where their parents are not given immediatste access. No one, including the parents of those children are going to argue with that...and those who do, or refuse to medicate their kids or allow them to be sucked into the system, are persecuted.

Remember the vicious backlash against those anti-vaccine parents? They were smart...they knew something was wrong, and they were vilified for it. Right here on ATS, as a matter of fact. They were afraid of making their kids sick. They probably had no idea they were also likely saving their souls and their minds from being completely controlled by the Hivites.

That reaction...the brutal backlash and the encouragement of others to join one of (((Their))) hallmark behaviors. Take a spoiled, entitled child's toys away when they get caught misbehaving, and you'll see the exact same reaction...and if they have an audience, it'll be even worse.

It is very true the numbers are higher than they should be due to over diagnosing.

I saw this in early days when I started programs with my little one. So many kids that I could plainly see were not autistic, were not adhd. New parents who, for different reasons, were sure their kids were.

At the same time numbers are really going up. I have seen this even in my peer group. I also took my son to my pediatrician who works out of Sick Kids Hosp. In Toronto. Shes ancient, lol, and has seen it all. Still practising.

She told me at first she believed it was just more dx's happening but she now believes there is definitely actual increase.

I am now keeping my boy out of any programs where I can't be there for just the reasons you said. It is hard to know what is best, home schooling right now and with some outer support. He is doing really well.

Is it dna or heavy metal build up or gmos or vaccines or gut micro biome?

I know one thing , these kids are special and some are so talented at certain projects.

I always get the feeling there is some purpose behind their creation.

Everyday I see more and more of them. I had kid in my 20s 1 in my 30s and this one on my 40s ...only now am I seeing, both younger and older, new mums pop up with kids showing more and more autistic traits.

Time will tell I guess.

The problem is that it was the medical industry who decided what were autistic traits and what were not. If you look at the influences on parenting alone over say, the last 50 years, there is a definitive conditioning there. We are, as a society in general, less tolerant of behavior that is normal for developing children and expect our kids to be more like miniature adults. So after decades of conditioning as to what is normal behavior and what is not, we rely too heavily on the medical establishment to tell us how to raise our children...and what to expect from them as if kids are made from cookie cutters rather than individual human beings with individual and unique minds and capabilities. This is not one bit accidental.

Here's a disturbing hypothetical: If you were a diabolical mastermind hellbent on not only controlling the planet, but creating an entirely different world in which the indigenous race are given an overhaul, tailor-made to serve your needs and desires, you're going to want to make sure you've got the best of everything.

First, you alter their DNA and make them smarter, more versatile...the offspring learn faster, are more intelligent and stronger, taller...the very best breeding stock you can get. You keep doing this over and over until you've got an entire generation that are exactly what you're looking for. Then, you have to find a way to isolate them and take them out of a normal home environment and put them into a very structured and highly controlled environment, where they are monitored and everything pertaining to their lives revolves around that very rigid structure and control.

However, you still have to deal with the parents...for numerous reasons. So the very best way to get parents to comply is to make them think the whole thing is their idea. Make them think there is something wrong with their children, so that they will be sure to agree to whatever you say needs to be done. And the problem has to be both widespread and disturbing enough to warrant these people's do the right thing by their kids.

So you might slowly condition people's perception of what is normal and what is not. You might alternate between social pressure and guilt, fear and the perception of reward. And the whole while, you're playing God with their DNA, waiting for the right mix at the right time. Like creating your own custom made army of slaves.

You might even create a specific number of these candidates. You could do anything you wanted in this hypothetical.

👆 I think you are truly on to something here.

They aren't f#cking getting mine is all I can say!

Rock on!!!

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: dashen

It's an epidemic.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:51 PM
I made a new thread that people might want to get a look at. It's rooted in some very recent discussion from Dr. Corsi....

Hillary Clinton and 9/11

Mostly because these subjects ALL seem to keep bumping into each other, as well as cropping up on a daily basis, especially if you view events in this light.

Of course the subject is taboo, and The Plan can never mention it w/o loosing credibility, something it needs to survive.

Obviously, the Deep State cannot be undone without 9/11 disclosure, imo. The two things cannot be separated. It's the ultimate prize for the American people, and it is THE thing that is taking the Deep State into a deep panic.

I'm not even a Truther, but I look forward to the day it's no longer Quarantined subject.
edit on 4-4-2018 by FlyingFox because: Clean up

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:58 PM

edit on 5-4-2018 by LurkNoMore because: Pic added

posted on Apr, 5 2018 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
a reply to: crankyoldman

Where is the counter research? To much bandwagon here. Needs a counter balance. Enter Sir Dodo at your service.

Interesting question............ though opposition is a construct, depending on perspective but let's see who fits the bill.

Seems there is an obvious answer to your question: the rest of the population.

You could say the endless shillage concerning Q is the opposition but more appropriately if we Q knights are 40 million, then the other 7billion are the counter, those who do not believe or are indifferent. Because they are not vocal does not mean they do not count.

Of course if you accept Q as more truth then fiction it is the dark that are the opposition - formidable and they are.

I seem cynical on that polarity for polarity sake, I'm not one that convinced that every football team needs half the team to be in opposition with the other half to be successful.

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