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This is some thing that i share, but as you read you will see why i cannot back this up.

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posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 02:57 PM
majic... your right. if i could name roads i would..

If i could afford to go look for myself, i would.

If i could prove the blimp, i would.

But i can't. So, I'll not post hearsay on the site, ever again.

Accept my award with good grace, and until i have names, places, dates, times, roads, zip codes, material samples with photographic proof, i will be quiet.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 03:19 PM
Being Very Clear On This

Originally posted by MadGrimbo
Accept my award with good grace, and until i have names, places, dates, times, roads, zip codes, material samples with photographic proof, i will be quiet.

I'm not saying you shouldn't post. I'm just asking you to be honest and not try pulling our legs.

If you're not sure or don't know, that's fine. In fact, admitting those things is a mark of integrity.

I live in the western U.S., and keep my ear to the ground, but I would be lying if I were to say I know everything that goes on around here.

I'm skeptical, that's all. Some things aren't adding up in your posts.

Be a skeptic. Question everything and demand that it make sense, and you and I will be on the same team.

Make that pledge, and I would be honored to welcome you aboard.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 03:46 PM
MadGrimbo, did you come up with the heavy lift blimp idea yourself?

Actually the idea for using blimps or dirigibles for heavy lifting has been floating around (
) for a while. I don’t think that anyone has developed a working system yet.

Furthermore, Blimps and the like are not all that practical in areas that are subject to sudden thunderstorms, (like parts of the western U.S. and certain seasons in Florida).

If your friend was part of joint training exercises and he is in the military police, then I would almost expect that training to include the construction of temporary prisons and holding areas.

Look at the last two gulf wars. Dealing with large numbers of enemy POWs was a major headache and can hinder offensive operations. You would want your people to be able to build secure camps quickly and the only effective way to train for that is to actually build them in field conditions.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 05:47 PM
No, its all what i got told.

Thats all i know, its all i can know, as i was not there. i just wanted peoples thoughts on it, as i want to know if it is/ or is not true. thats all.

The Blimp, as he said, had buried engines inside on the top, with loads of vents around the edges, so it could spin round on the spot. I have a drawing he did, and thats all... i cannot prove it, and i cannot disprove it.

So im leaving it alone.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by MadGrimbo
The Blimp, as he said, had buried engines inside on the top, with loads of vents around the edges, so it could spin round on the spot.

That makes no sense. It certainly could not be a blimp with internal engines.

Are you sure he wasn't pulling your leg?

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 08:09 PM
I think some of you are getting all worked up about something that is extremely routine: armed forces of allied countries are constantly sent to other allied countries on training exercizes. Some examples:

My son is Canadian Army. He recently completed winter training in Northern Ontario - with some US Rangers participating. He's run into Marines on his base.

I recall seeing US A-10 Warthogs at a Canadian airport, near one of our training ranges.

NATO has a major air training facility in Labrador.

British troops are constantly in and out of Alberta for training.

Canadian troops do their FIBU training at Fort Drum in upper New York State.

And so on, and so on. Handfuls of foreign troops in the US means nothing, except they are getting some training out of country.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 01:02 AM
Even if it was true I am far from worried. Thanks to the second ammendment I have the right to keep and bare AR-15's and other hardware. With them I would be happy to open a large can of whoop ass for any invading military.

Based on the large amount of weapons just my close friends have it leads me to believe the U.S.A. has a very large citizen army just waiting to put the smack down on some invading (insert country here) army. We also would have the home field advantage. I seriously doubt someone from (insert country here) could take a Louisiana summer for more than 1 day.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 10:56 AM
I think that someone has read too many Mack Maloney books.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 09:43 PM
This reminds me of the story about China planning an invasion and had 90,000 troops stationed in American citizens said bring it on and have a good time fighting well armed citizens. While foreigners from different countries supported it because of there hatred for the US. Anyways... go easy on the mad dude, he was just telling us a story between him and his friend. He was mistaken... no biggy. Most people from different countries would have told us about it and then parade around the site tryin to worry Americans about an invasion against the US. He seemed worried about it and wanted to see if anyone from the US had heard of it and to give us warning about it. If anything we should be happy that someone from outside the US was worried about us.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 11:49 PM
I would agree theres so much Anti America (envy) out there it is nice to see someone from another country actually concerned for us.

On another note the anti-America thing going on in this and other sites is what fuels me to arm myself.

All I can say is Theres going to be some suprised China/Russia troops when I am punching thru there 3/4 inch steel tanks and APC's with my .50 cal sniper rifle.


posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by butters30
I would agree theres so much Anti America (envy) out there it is nice to see someone from another country actually concerned for us.

On another note the anti-America thing going on in this and other sites is what fuels me to arm myself.

All I can say is Theres going to be some suprised China/Russia troops when I am punching thru there 3/4 inch steel tanks and APC's with my .50 cal sniper rifle.


Thats the American way... I'm so damn proud... *tear*
Thats only if they break through our military 1st... so don't get to excited... j/k

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:25 AM
Interesting. I have a family friend in California who has been telling us about certain places being built for the governor and mayor. Huge batteries are being installed. Nuclear shelters and huge canned food inventories have been witnessed.

He installs containment for the batteries so he's been there. He's a little kooky, but doesn't usually lie about this kind of stuff.

Thought it was interesting, may pertain to this may not.

If even a shred of this is true I think it should be in the RATS section.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:28 AM
The only drawback Id see in our "civilian army" is not being organized. Sure there are militias here and there and you, your brother, and your dad own a gun but communication is the most important thing. If we wanted to take back our country we would need to have communication with all the seperate armies all over the country. I just bought a nice handgun and will soon be getting a rifle in preparation of whats to come but I dont know a single soul out here who would join me in the battle. Ive just started to go to the range though so maybe I'll make a few friends.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by MadGrimbo
" No, i have been there for a year, building and testing secure camps, along with some French and german troops."
I asked him how they kept it secret.
" we get the US to close all the roads into the areas we are building, and the guards who take over make sure no one comes near."
asking him who the guards were, he said they belonged to wakenhut, and were all ex-US military.

[from Majic]
(...)no one I know, know of, am related to, or “who knows somebody” has ever reported a road closure by Wackenhut or any other private security firm(...)
Wackenhut doesn't have authority to close public roads, and believe me, if anyone I know or that knows them was forced to detour from a public road by some rent-a-cop, there would be plenty of discussion about it. Snow closures and closures for hazardous spill cleanups get enough complaints as it is. Some recent mudslide closures around Caliente caused some major grief.

This is the second time I run across an incident involving Wackenhut, which is not just another security company, since it is involved in intelligence operations.

The first time had to do with an article titled “UFOs & EBEs” by Linda Moulton Howe, the UFO expert, published in the Aug.-Sept. ’98 issue of the magazine “Nexus”. This is what she tells….

“Since my new book, Glimpses of Other Realities- Volume II: High Strangeness, was released (…) I have heard from several ex-military and ex-intelligence people from around the country. They say the documents and military voices in my new book have true information about United States Gov’t. knowledge and cover-up of non-humans interacting with Earth.

“And a month ago (…) I was put in phone contact with a man I will simply call ’Kewper’ to protect his identity at his request. Kewper served as a First Lieutenant (…) and was a CIA administrator at an Army base (…). (…)


“(…) he was not certain he wanted to go on the public record. (…) I called him again to ask if he might now be willing to do a radio interview as long as his real civilian name was withheld. (…) Kewper surprised me when he immediately said, ‘I’m afraid your phone is tapped.’ He’d had a call (…) from a man who did not explain who he was or for whom he worked, and did not address Kewper by name but simply started talking. And this is what Kewper told me on the record, under the condition that I edit out subjects that the unidentified caller said were still sensitive.”

Then, after the transcription of the interview, she places a short “Epilogue” where she explains that…

“After this audiotaped interview was broadcast [on the radio] I learned from Kewper that he’d contacted a phone company executive in his city to inquire about the source of the anonymous call to him (…). He was told that the source was the Wackenhut Corporation, a security operation that works for the National Reconnaissance Office and other sensitive military and intelligence agencies in the United States.”

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:36 AM
I find this interesting for one reason only. It seems doubtful (though anything is possible) that this is anything more than a missunderstanding or missinterpretation of very vague information that was given. I see no reason to outright accuse someone of lying or fabricating a tale without evidence though. Until I see any, I'm giving this post the benefit of the doubt even though, like I said, it seems more likely that it's a missinterpretation of a more routine series of events.

The reason this interests me however is this: the mention of "blimps" which covertly carry supplies and materials for equaly covert purposes. Now, maybe the term "blimp" isn't really accurate. This is far fetched I know, but in Sept. of 2004 there was an article on that caught my eye: Now, the reason this clicked in my mind was because when I showed it to my father (a former green baret who served in Vietnam as well as Korea, and subsequently spent some time as a low level operative in the CIA) he surprised me with an extremely unsurprised and calm reply: "I've heard about those for years now. I don't get what the big deal is. They're just supply transports that combine some irrationaly classified systems with the most basic concepts you could think of. Hell," he said, laughing, "if they put enough helium or hot air into them, they might actualy gain a decent altitude and be of some real use..."

The other thing that clicked was this part of the article:

In earlier reports, NIDS outlined a tentative correlation between reported sightings of Triangles and the locations of Air Mobility Command and Air Force Materiel Command bases in the United States."

Now I'm as skeptical as anyone, I'm probably reaching, and it's probably nothing, and totaly unrelated. But for some reason it popped up in my brain when I read this post, so I figured I'd share.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by MadGrimbo
He then went on to build another camp. he has built 6 so far.
Each one is made for 1000 people max, is as he puts it, " super secure",
Mad Grimbo

Why would they make such small camps? 1000 people does not seem like very many. We build prisons bigger than that and more of them.
Thats much more alarming to me.
Tons of no-US troops train in the US all the time, White Sands hosts at least a hundred foregn troops every year, for exercises. The bases here have german troops stationed here.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by MadGrimbo
This started as a search to verify some things a friend of mine has told me.
I was in chat here on ATS last night, and people started to verify what i had been told.

How interesting! Is it possible that those people can read your mind? Website issue, but too paranormal . How do you feel?
Had a lovely chat last night?

Yes, it is important what you say and what you don't. but it is not enough!!

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