Gods he loved her! Words could not express the feelings he felt even the very moment he first laid eyes on her. They say that Cupid’s arrow flies
straight and true like Jupiter’s thunderbolt leaving you dumbstruck, not able to breath, and every waking thought devoted to your new object of
desire. It was that feeling he felt and more, so much more. Courting was encouraged by both families. In the city, finding an apprenticeship was easy
but finding one in a profession you would not even consider work was even more of a blessing. The marriage was a maelstrom and every Sabine touched
flower wove a tapestry of colors. Red hollyhock swayed along the path, the verdant green ferns, the yellow and white chamomiles were opening for a
busy day of marching to Sol Invictus’ orders (he did not believe his father that the plants followed the sun’s path during the day. One day,
stricken with a fever, he watched the spring’s blossoms slowly turn to follow the path of the sun! It was in this fevered state that he was amazed
by nature around him and helped decide his career path), even the purple hickory blossoms and lemon trees popped in a vibrancy that spring morning.
The feast! Figs, honey, walnuts, pine nuts, the festive salad, the first pressed olives (!! Did he ever thank his uncle for that?!), chick peas,
warming lentil soup, somebody even brought them sea urchins! A cornucopia fit for a king. Strong wines from the north, the salty, earthy white wines
from the south, there was even an Egyptian barley drink that looked pale yellow and watery but was deceptively strong. Songs and dancing, little
children running around playing games, and by the gods he never loved her more.
Days passed by with the ups and downs of life. Neptune’s fury for some slight perceived. Meals, arguments, the making up, talk of children, and
never during any of this did his love waiver. He knew she felt the same for him.
A town meeting happened early in the planting season after a savage earthquake. People were worried. Some wanted to move. Most wanted to stay in their
houses and in their homeland; the land where they grew up; the land where they would raise their children. To leave would be akin to banishment. The
majority agreed to stay. They would pray more and try to assuage Neptune’s fury. More prayers and laurels at the Lares shrines at the crossroads
would protect them they argued. There were to be two city sanctioned sacrifices. The ground shook but not more than normal. Their prayers seemed to be
answered as the mountain no longer glowed at night; the earthquakes also seemed to be less. Contentment eased everyone’s fears.
Two days ago, the earth began to move again. Many small shakes then it would quiet down. It had gone silent until today. The mountain began to glow
red and the earth shook with a fury unknown. Grey ash fell in midday turning the day to night. People went indoors. Those that moved around wore
sandals as the grey ash hurt to step on with bare feet.
The sun must have gone down. They could see the top of the mountain with streams of fire slowly making its way down towards the sea. They were so far
away, unlike Herculaneum. She was unfazed by any of it. Her faith in the city was as unwavering as was his love for her. He loved her all the more.
The earth shook with Neptune’s fury and hot rocks the size a child’s fist rained down. The men dowsed the roofs with water. Several fires broke
out where those who lacked faith had abandoned their homes. They were put out if they were too close to other structures.
edit on 3-4-2018 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: