posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 06:11 PM
Here's a very long article regarding Reagan. It mentions a few sightings Reagan had. Also a section titled the Spielberg encounter half way down
the page.
Reagan article
Here is part of the Spielberg section that caught my attention.
There were also rumors around that the government had some input into "E.T." such as in how the alien was to be portrayed. In Spielberg?s 1977
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" the aliens had been presented as thin childlike beings with large heads. (similar to accounts given by
abductees) In "E.T." the alien had changed. It was now portrayed like a creature unheard of in any UFO account, even though it was built by the same
person who had built the Close Encounter aliens. No explanation was given as to why the alien image was being changed.
The model for the 1982 E.T. alien ended up being based on a snapping turtle embryo. It was given the eyes of Albert Einstein and the derriere of
Donald Duck. Spielberg stated he intended to create "a creature only a mother could love."
Rumors, however, abounded that someone inside the government had told Spielberg that the alien model used in "Close Encounters" was too close to the
truth, and the model had to be changed. The accusation was never proved and Spielberg has never commented on it.
Very interesting. It's a bummer that he never got the chance to disclose what he knew about Ufo's.
[edit on 20/3/05 by flashburn]