a reply to:
I thought you guys were supposed to be pro-business? Or at least good at business? Launching trade wars with your biggest trade partners is
just stupid.
Who's launching a trade war? We're demanding fair treatment economically. If a trade war is launched, it will be Mexico who launches it.
If I am running a store and a certain group of people are stealing from my store, it is not bad business to stop them from stealing... even if it
ticks off others that shop there! And make no mistake, NAFTA as is is simply codified theft. We agree not to place tariffs on Mexico, and they agree
to not place tariffs on us. That sounds fine, but then their poorer economy means our businesses relocate there and we lose jobs due to it. Then their
people come here illegally and abuse our good will by soaking up money in social programs or taking what few jobs are left. That's not free trade.
That is taking advantage.
Now we have Mexico threatening us with increasing their export of poor people?
I like to try and liken these international agreements to a domestic business deal. Say you and I are discussing cooperation for mutual benefit; we
both make products the other needs. We agree on a fair amount of profit we will charge each other. Then you start making the same products I am, and
pull my other business away while not buying as many of my products. At the same time, you pay your employees so little that they need help to survive
and send them to my business so they can take food from my employees lounge. They start threatening and harassing my employees. I keep to the spirit
of the agreement and complain about it. You respond by threatening to send more people to disrupt my business.
Sorry, but that's when I set up security around my business and break off the deal we had. If you're going to undercut me and then try to sabotage me,
we're not doing a deal. That's good business. I don't care if you complain about my actions, because it's costing me money and business and employees
to keep doing business with you.
In reality, I would likely find other companies to do business with and make damn sure I never bought another single thing form you... I might go so
far as to undercut my prices, taking a temporary loss, just to shut you down.
That quote from you above just summarizes what so many people don't get: fair trade must be fair; good business does not mean letting others take
advantage; equity means both sides benefit overall. That is not what we have with Mexico.
I will agree with the suggestions I saw above that our best solution would be to help Mexico become a first world economy. I can think of nothing
that would work better. But Mexico has to agree to try and become a first-world economy, and we cannot just shovel money into a third-world economy to
make it happen.
So, unless Mexico decides overnight that they want to shrug off the corruption, stop the drug cartels once and for all, and start policing the border
and stopping the coyotes, we need a wall, we need the National guard until it is built, we need immediate deportation for all illegal immigrants, we
need prison time for anyone who harbors an illegal immigrant (both employers and politicians), and we need to start shooting anyone who crosses in the
middle of nowhere. Then, and only then, can we try to establish a more humane immigration policy. You just don't try to help a poor thief while he's
still robbing your house.