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Does hate speech incite you to hatred?

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posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

I completely agree with this part of your post:

, In the United States, where racism, slavery, and violence against minorities was was once ubiquitous, and hate speech protected, the power of racists has steadily declined.

The evidence is in. They don't want us to get along, they want us to fight amongst ourselves.

How can we be on page 3 already with only 2 flags and 1 of them is mine?
Are people actually afraid to agree with you?
My God it's even worse than I thought.
Don't hit the like button, your government might find out!
edit on 2-4-2018 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Hatred has its place in the scheme of things. So does love.

Turn, turn, turn. It’s a song by The Byrds. Look it up. Maybe give it a listen.

Even though logically we know that hate is always bad, it effects the one that hates often times, more than the one you hate. Hate never has a place. Now, evolving to that plane of nonhate and peace and tranquility is very, very hard to do for us humans.

Hate, cruelty, brutality always has a place in the field of space and time. Or it simply wouldn’t exist.

The plane of nonhate is outside of that, and glimpses of it are fleeting. We can’t live there. We live here, in spacetime, with all its energies and pains and reversals and karmas and limitations.

True to an extent...but what is the real seed of hate? Fear. It should be Love and Fear.

What of the real seed of fear?

The seed of fear is a hallucination. That hallucination is you. And me. And the POS OP that couches his misanthropic hate in flowery bull#.

It is a hallucination of separation, of ego-self, that is afflicting the very source. When it is done, we will return to the source. None the worse for wear.

edit on 986Monday000000America/ChicagoApr000000MondayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: amazing

Good point, but Sometimes they San Bernadino and the Twin Towers to name two events. You now know who the Islamist is...but at what cost.

The old Jefferson quote rings a bell. "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery". The charade of safety is not worth the loss of freedom. The terrorists always find weak spots, whether it is the baggage area of an airport or the foyer of a concert stadium, all of them outside the security check-points.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: mikell
Ask some school shooters if they are tired of being bullied that seems to be a common connection.

We know that certain kids who get bullied will go to two extremes,, lashing out violently and suicide.

Or turning to his family, OH WAIT! sigh

We know that some kids won't, or try in their way and it just seems helpless to them, hopeless to them. We also know that millions of kids turn to their parents every day as well and many kids learn to be assertive and fight back.

When we become stupid enough as a society to BEG our government to weaponize words and make the use of those words a crime over offending someone, just how free are we?

Agreed. When we listen to MSNBC or FOX NEWS we listen to weaponized words every day though. Not saying we should censure them, but that if we're stupid enough to listen we deserve the society that we get.

I agree!

My problem with this whole reality version of the movie IDIOCRACY is that the society I see creeping up on me is akin to the zombie apocalypse. I am trying to warn people of what's comin as many others are. The shocker will be the zombies won't be dead!

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that Third parties, in the US are the only hope.

On this board I am known as a hard core conservative, even been called Hitler. Yet the funny thing is I am a Libertarian who does expect grown ups to act like grown ups and have personal responsibility in their life decisions. I was a Democrat my whole life until in the 80's when I got out of the military and realized the Democrats didn't care if I had a good job, but whether or not I got my unemployment extended. After that? I went Indy! But fearing HIllary would become President I registered as a Republican in PA so I could vote for Trump in the primary? Sorry, I get confused with the bs....

But anyhow, I do remember the good ole days when we judged our President on how our economy was doing, jobs and how safe we were as a country. But I guess that makes one now a days a NAZI........
edit on 2-4-2018 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

How can we be on page 3 already with only 2 flags and 1 of them is mine?
Are people actually afraid to agree with you?

Complicated subject.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Hatred has its place in the scheme of things. So does love.

Turn, turn, turn. It’s a song by The Byrds. Look it up. Maybe give it a listen.

Even though logically we know that hate is always bad, it effects the one that hates often times, more than the one you hate. Hate never has a place. Now, evolving to that plane of nonhate and peace and tranquility is very, very hard to do for us humans.

Hate, cruelty, brutality always has a place in the field of space and time. Or it simply wouldn’t exist.

The plane of nonhate is outside of that, and glimpses of it are fleeting. We can’t live there. We live here, in spacetime, with all its energies and pains and reversals and karmas and limitations.

True to an extent...but what is the real seed of hate? Fear. It should be Love and Fear.

What of the real seed of fear?

The seed of fear is a hallucination. That hallucination is you. And me. And the POS OP that couches his misanthropic hate in flowery bull#.

It is a hallucination of separation, that is afflicting the source. When it is done, we will return to the source. None the worse for wear.

Maybe...I think we come to earth to experience...everything. With an amnesia of the afterlife or the reality of being. Having said that, we have to experience polarities or opposites.. up/down, hot/cold, female/male, rich/poor and fear/love. or Democrat/republican except that last duality exposes where the real experience is and that's the middle or grey areas. We first see tall short yet most of us are medium or average . We're not black and white, we're tan. We're not hot and cold we're warm. But that's way too deep for this thread! LOL

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Guess we now know who the other flag is from......

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: mikell
Ask some school shooters if they are tired of being bullied that seems to be a common connection.

We know that certain kids who get bullied will go to two extremes,, lashing out violently and suicide.

Or turning to his family, OH WAIT! sigh

We know that some kids won't, or try in their way and it just seems helpless to them, hopeless to them. We also know that millions of kids turn to their parents every day as well and many kids learn to be assertive and fight back.

When we become stupid enough as a society to BEG our government to weaponize words and make the use of those words a crime over offending someone, just how free are we?

Agreed. When we listen to MSNBC or FOX NEWS we listen to weaponized words every day though. Not saying we should censure them, but that if we're stupid enough to listen we deserve the society that we get.

I agree!

My problem with this whole reality version of the movie IDIOCRACY is that the society I see creeping up on me is akin to the zombie apocalypse. I am trying to warn people of what's comin as many others are. The shocker will be the zombies won't be dead!

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that Third parties, in the US are the only hope.

On this board I am known as a hard core conservative, even been called Hitler. Yet the funny thing is I am a Libertarian who does expect grown ups to act like grown ups and have personal responsibility in their life decisions. I was a Democrat my whole life until in the 80's when I got out of the military and realized the Democrats didn't care if I had a good job, but whether or not I got my unemployment extended. After that? I went Indy! But fearing HIllary would become President I registered as a Republican in PA so I could vote for Trump in the primary? Sorry, I get confused with the bs....

But anyhow, I do remember the good ole days when we judged our President on how our economy was doing, jobs and how safe we were as a country. But I guess that makes one now a days a NAZI........

It's no secret, that I really liked Jill Stein and lean left on a lot of issues, but I voted libertarian this past election.

I'm okay with a liberal or progressive candidate as long as that's what they really are. I'm okay with a conservative candidate as long as I truly believe they're conservative. I have a friend who's a hard core Christian. whatever that means...and to the horror of all of his conservative friends, he couldn't bring himself to vote for Trump, he voted for the constitution party candidate. He has me eternal respect for that.

I just think that anything that gets the power away from our corrupt two party system can't be bad.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:46 PM
Perhaps it is logical to accept that a person's diatribe against another as they attack their culture (wrongly deemed as racism) and their ideology will incite a response, possibly a violent one, from the attacked. I think hate speech laws are a very clumsy way of society trying to protect its stability by trying to reduce the potency of statements and speeches against others, but ultimately, it back fires.

The intention of hate speech laws is to reduce the fractious interactions between peoples of differing cultures, but it silences those whose criticism is important as a very necessary rebuttal to unchecked ideas and thinking. Before I came on to ATS I had surfed through various online British news media, and I have to say I feel nothing but utter despair at the state of the world. There seems to be no respite from mindless troglodyte behaviour poisoning societies of all countries. Give people the freedom where they have to be responsible and disciplined in themselves, and you will witness the total rejection of said responsibility, self-discipline, and any form of self-censorship.

Obviously, I look at the world through the lens of my own perspective, which is predicated on my ideology, which itself is predicated on all the interactive experiences with others throughout my is the same for each of us. There are many ideological and cultural aspects of others that I cannot reconcile with my own ideological and cultural perspective. I make no apologies for it, but neither do I attack them. I don 't like religion and I don't like modern politics, and I will not allow either to be forced upon me.

I know how to be a decent human being with others, regardless of how I may feel about their ideology, their culture stemming from their ideology, or their (what I consider to be irrational) religious beliefs. I don't need an ancient book or a modern politician telling me how I should be...I already know in myself far better than they do.

Today's world is all about pushing one's own personal or group agenda upon others, and thus we are all embroiled in ideological and cultural warfare. It has always been this way throughout history, but today, with technology, and with the advent of the internet, we are all seeing it rapidly almost has the fractious occurrences happen. What was once hidden and slow to appear into the public consciousness, now appears in an instant, and we think it is all new, but it isn't new, it is old behaviour being witnessed rapidly and widely.

Hate speech laws are designed to silence your response to it all, and is utterly wrong. we should engage through dialogue with regard to each others diverse and disparate ideas and cultures, because if we don't we as a species will not survive ourselves. Only by confronting the differences we perceive between each other will we work through them and come to understand why we are the way we are. Politicians have no answer, they just want blanket band aids placed over every problem, so that they can say they 'fixed' things...well, one thing is for certain, all they achieve is definitely 'fixed' in the sense of corruption!

Right now, we as a species are not looking in good shape psychologically, we mentally confound and bewilder each other with a massive negative impact.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Hatred has its place in the scheme of things. So does love.

Turn, turn, turn. It’s a song by The Byrds. Look it up. Maybe give it a listen.

Even though logically we know that hate is always bad, it effects the one that hates often times, more than the one you hate. Hate never has a place. Now, evolving to that plane of nonhate and peace and tranquility is very, very hard to do for us humans.

Hate, cruelty, brutality always has a place in the field of space and time. Or it simply wouldn’t exist.

The plane of nonhate is outside of that, and glimpses of it are fleeting. We can’t live there. We live here, in spacetime, with all its energies and pains and reversals and karmas and limitations.

True to an extent...but what is the real seed of hate? Fear. It should be Love and Fear.

What of the real seed of fear?

The seed of fear is a hallucination. That hallucination is you. And me. And the POS OP that couches his misanthropic hate in flowery bull#.

It is a hallucination of separation, that is afflicting the source. When it is done, we will return to the source. None the worse for wear.

Maybe...I think we come to earth to experience...everything. With an amnesia of the afterlife or the reality of being. Having said that, we have to experience polarities or opposites.. up/down, hot/cold, female/male, rich/poor and fear/love. or Democrat/republican except that last duality exposes where the real experience is and that's the middle or grey areas. We first see tall short yet most of us are medium or average . We're not black and white, we're tan. We're not hot and cold we're warm. But that's way too deep for this thread! LOL

Yes, and hate has its place in that scheme.

Beyond that, is the source. Where there is no time, no space, no separation. Just true being, true bliss, true consciousness.

edit on 991Monday000000America/ChicagoApr000000MondayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Hatred has its place in the scheme of things. So does love.

Turn, turn, turn. It’s a song by The Byrds. Look it up. Maybe give it a listen.

Even though logically we know that hate is always bad, it effects the one that hates often times, more than the one you hate. Hate never has a place. Now, evolving to that plane of nonhate and peace and tranquility is very, very hard to do for us humans.

Hate, cruelty, brutality always has a place in the field of space and time. Or it simply wouldn’t exist.

The plane of nonhate is outside of that, and glimpses of it are fleeting. We can’t live there. We live here, in spacetime, with all its energies and pains and reversals and karmas and limitations.

True to an extent...but what is the real seed of hate? Fear. It should be Love and Fear.

What of the real seed of fear?

The seed of fear is a hallucination. That hallucination is you. And me. And the POS OP that couches his misanthropic hate in flowery bull#.

It is a hallucination of separation, that is afflicting the source. When it is done, we will return to the source. None the worse for wear.

Maybe...I think we come to earth to experience...everything. With an amnesia of the afterlife or the reality of being. Having said that, we have to experience polarities or opposites.. up/down, hot/cold, female/male, rich/poor and fear/love. or Democrat/republican except that last duality exposes where the real experience is and that's the middle or grey areas. We first see tall short yet most of us are medium or average . We're not black and white, we're tan. We're not hot and cold we're warm. But that's way too deep for this thread! LOL

Yes, and hate has its place in that scheme.

Beyond that, is the source. Where there is no time, no space, no separation. Just true being, true bliss.

But I believe that hate is something we should be always trying to move away from and evolve from.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Well said!

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Hatred has its place in the scheme of things. So does love.

Turn, turn, turn. It’s a song by The Byrds. Look it up. Maybe give it a listen.

Even though logically we know that hate is always bad, it effects the one that hates often times, more than the one you hate. Hate never has a place. Now, evolving to that plane of nonhate and peace and tranquility is very, very hard to do for us humans.

Hate, cruelty, brutality always has a place in the field of space and time. Or it simply wouldn’t exist.

The plane of nonhate is outside of that, and glimpses of it are fleeting. We can’t live there. We live here, in spacetime, with all its energies and pains and reversals and karmas and limitations.

True to an extent...but what is the real seed of hate? Fear. It should be Love and Fear.

What of the real seed of fear?

The seed of fear is a hallucination. That hallucination is you. And me. And the POS OP that couches his misanthropic hate in flowery bull#.

It is a hallucination of separation, that is afflicting the source. When it is done, we will return to the source. None the worse for wear.

Maybe...I think we come to earth to experience...everything. With an amnesia of the afterlife or the reality of being. Having said that, we have to experience polarities or opposites.. up/down, hot/cold, female/male, rich/poor and fear/love. or Democrat/republican except that last duality exposes where the real experience is and that's the middle or grey areas. We first see tall short yet most of us are medium or average . We're not black and white, we're tan. We're not hot and cold we're warm. But that's way too deep for this thread! LOL

Yes, and hate has its place in that scheme.

Beyond that, is the source. Where there is no time, no space, no separation. Just true being, true bliss.

But I believe that hate is something we should be always trying to move away from and evolve from.

And by believing that, you squeeze the end of a sausage.

The other end bulges to compensate.

And the world goes round.

In spacetime.

edit on 995Monday000000America/ChicagoApr000000MondayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 06:16 PM
Well, it pisses me off. But worse is its definition. Someone calling a gay person a "fag" for example, is hate speech, but if a gay person calls a straight person a "breeder," hey, that's okay. Even the name "homophobe," though it is wildly inaccurate, is considered okay. Excuse me, if I don't care for the homosexual lifestyle and morals, does that mean I'm "phobic," as in "afraid" of them? Of course not. That's ludicrous. If someone says, "You know, black crime is really most of it," that's hate speech, but if a leader of the Black community suggests "whitey" ought to be terminated, that's okay. The problem with labeling anything "hate speech" is that is suppresses the conversation and tends to be one-sided.
edit on 4/2/2018 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 07:30 PM
I also think too many people mistake speech motivated by hatred with speech that they hate hearing or that provoked hateful feelings in them.

Certain passages in the Bible, and I'm not talking about the OT ones, but 1 Corinthians 6:9 for one example which gives a lot of examples of human behaviors that will not earn one the kingdom of God.

There are reasons to preach it beyond the one infamous reason it's considered hate speech by some, but yes, it's called hate speech in some circles. One wonders if the thieves and alcoholics are also paying attention to this. They might be able to create a similar movement to call anyone speaking out against them hateful.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
I also think too many people mistake speech motivated by hatred with speech that they hate hearing or that provoked hateful feelings in them.

Certain passages in the Bible, and I'm not talking about the OT ones, but 1 Corinthians 6:9 for one example which gives a lot of examples of human behaviors that will not earn one the kingdom of God.

There are reasons to preach it beyond the one infamous reason it's considered hate speech by some, but yes, it's called hate speech in some circles. One wonders if the thieves and alcoholics are also paying attention to this. They might be able to create a similar movement to call anyone speaking out against them hateful.

Hate speech laws are simply secular, humanist versions of blasphemy laws.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
Well, it pisses me off. But worse is its definition. Someone calling a gay person a "fag" for example, is hate speech, but if a gay person calls a straight person a "breeder," hey, that's okay. Even the name "homophobe," though it is wildly inaccurate, is considered okay. Excuse me, if I don't care for the homosexual lifestyle and morals, does that mean I'm "phobic," as in "afraid" of them? Of course not. That's ludicrous. If someone says, "You know, black crime is really most of it," that's hate speech, but if a leader of the Black community suggests "whitey" ought to be terminated, that's okay. The problem with labeling anything "hate speech" is that is suppresses the conversation and tends to be one-sided.

There is something inherently bigoted about this approach as well. It assumes some groups can handle speech while others cannot.

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Me Personally ? No . Sticks and Stones do though....

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope


I do not think "hate speech" even exists. There is just "speech". Words do not cause people to do bad things. The bad stuff was already there. To claim words made it happen is akin to claiming magic incantations exist. 'The poor guy was salt of the Earth but then BAM!!! he got hit with hate speech. Next thing I know he was eating babies.'

posted on Apr, 2 2018 @ 09:34 PM
Well, if there was an elephant in the room, one would ought to notice it as soon as they walked in.

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