posted on Mar, 30 2018 @ 12:51 PM
These are dark days.
With PATRIOT and CLOUD, the 4th Amendment is done.
Eminent domain + "States of Emergency" already negates the 3rd Amendment, it's just that no one talks about that Amendment so it goes un-noticed -
probably intentionally.
Ideologues and moral busybodies who just can't leave other people alone have rendered the 10th Amendment practically null for a long time; they have
been trying to use activists to dismantle the 1st and 2nd Amendments for decades.
The 9th Amendment is unfortunately worded, in that it can be used to invent/construe literally anything as a "right" that must then be "balanced"
against the other rights already specified, allowing for other rights to be legally dismantled piece by piece. It is odd, actually, that it is not
used to this effect more often, having so far only really been used to affirm a right to abortion.
The 5th-8th Amendments are all invalidated by counter-terror legislation, which do not treat "terrorists" (a term with no fixed definition) as enemy
soldiers and thus, can be detained indefinitely with no judicial oversight, whether that person is a foreigner or an American citizen.
The 1st and 2nd Amendments have proven the most robust. Indeed, it is difficult to try to infringe on the 1st (without which the common people have no
defence against the government and thus, the NWO) without inspiring people to visit the gun shop and exercise the 2nd in its defence. Which is why it
is imperative for TPTB to somehow invalidate the 2nd Amendment - State-level bans, a national Assault Weapon Ban, some kind of national gun registry,
anything that will either get weapons out of the people's hands or give them the information they need to get rid of them (ie, if you're going to go
full occupation mode, it's good to know who has guns before you roll into town so you can raid those houses first).
TBH I have no idea what to do. The US Federal Government is almost completely beyond the influence of the voting public - even when we do try to mess
up their plans (Trump), they manage to twist these upsets to their advantage anyway.
As much as I hate to say it, the idea of breaking up the Union sounds more and more appealing to me, simply because State governments are locally-tied
enough that the public still rules. The Feds are so gargantuan and secretive it is becoming nigh impossible to 'right the ship' via the democratic
process, since the elected positions are not the ones with the real power.