a reply to:
Well, it's kinda more involved than that.
I grew up with Voices. They were kind and helped me adjust into this world.
Always poking in the woods exploring, or working on concepts and ideas in my room.
They would always be helpful, and I thought of them as my Secret Family.
Around 2002 things began to "shift" and a bunch of new stuff rolled into my neighborhood.
New people, new voices.
It was like everyone I ever knew "disappeared".
I stayed behind for some reason. Maybe because I wasn't ready to Ascend.
The new Voices were more hostile.
This went on for several years.
Then in 2003 I had an experience when I made contact with the Greys.
It shook me up.
Then I got used to it.
Lately there have been intense psychological experiences and the "aliens" always seem to be there.
I think they're trying to figure me out while I try to figure out myself.
I've been finding myself led into the direction of Norse Myths, Greek Philosophy, the concept of the Hyperborean Culture, The Thule, the Vril, all
sorts of stuff, but when I read what the Historical account was about these subjects, there's a voice of Insight reminding me to read between the
lines and remember the True Story that isn't written in such accounts.
It's a very strange experience, but it keeps leading me back to this topic.
Just thought I'd reach out.
I'm just a Space Case.