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Unifying voices of the disaffected Right under one "banner" or organization - NOT the Republicans

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posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 09:24 PM
With the systematic attacks on all things conservative by much of the liberal media, liberal activist groups and liberal politicians, there needs to be some kind of balancing organization/power that can stand and speak for those on the right who have been harassed, threatened, brow-beaten, censored, mocked and ignored for the last 8+ years (even longer b/c it even happened under Bush). Now I guess you could say that the Tea Party did this to some extent but to me, that just wasn't really a speaking platform for the disaffected right. It seemed more like a political action party more intent on effecting change in political elections and such. An analogy I'd make is: gun owners have the NRA to speak for them and protect them and we need something similar to that to listen to "the right" and speak in a unified, centralized voice to the media, those in power, elected officials, etc.

It seems, to me at least, that many on the right have shied away from public debate (well the left never debates, they dodge or make personal attacks it seems), dialog, and protesting because it can have severe personal effects (which is illegal in many cases) from being attacked, being fired, loosing customers and many other issues, so people have had to stick to online platforms where they have somewhat a layer of protection from this bigoted hatred of them.

IDK what this type of group or organization would be called and I think it could even work as a lobby group, but it could also work as a media "spokesman" for the group to discuss issues important to them. Obviously there would have to be people who are the 'front men/women" of the organization who would go to rallies, news interviews and discussion sessions and there would probably be many of them. there would also have to be people who work directly with politicians in a lobbying capacity to tell the politicians just what this group wants, how they feel, etc.

I've looked for groups that currently fill this role and it really only seems that there are the Dem's and Rep parties and IMO, the Rep party IS NOT doing their job in a proper manner and we need to have someone else working for our interest to hold the representatives feet to the fire and tell them what is NEEDED.

I'd like to know if there are groups that already do this and names if you know of them. What do you think of this idea and what would you like to see included in the "mission" of the group?

Also, the group doesn't have to be 100% cohesive on all issues conservative. Some people could be 100% against abortion while some could support medically necessity abortions or those up to week 15 (or whatever) - this is just to show that it won't be a monolithic group think. Some people could be avid racists but they have to have a voice as well (and it will be reflected appropriately and the amount of support - percent feeling as such - accurately stated as such) - but I think it would be a dis-service to exclude anyone from the group except maybe the most EXTREME of viewpoints (like ethnic cleansing or some such non-sense)...

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 09:28 PM
I just read about spider hunting. Like to give that a try?

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

The problem with any new parties, either left or right, is that if they gain too much traction they will be taken over by the likes of Soros or the Kochs, infiltrated by the feds and destroyed from within, or both.

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

What should be done is actually being done.

Conservatives need to take back the Republican party. They are working on it, election by election. Tea party is still going, grassroots is still there at local levels. Freedom caucus will be bigger in 2019 than it is now.

I would also hope that Liberals could take back theirs too, but it will be a much harder task after 100 years of progressives running their party. Lets face it, they need to go back to their roots, get a platform and an identity again. Still possible though.

It would help if conservatives grew a set of balls and started getting in the media's face.. talk to their constituents.

Hell, Trump isn't a conservative and even he figured that out.

And for those who are going to get bent out of shape about the Trump/Conservative line, I give you the Omnibus Spending Bill of 2018.

Edited to add, you simply cannot make a third party with the current two parties. They just destroy them. So to make viable parties, first you have to either redo or destroy the two existing.

edit on 27-3-2018 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2018 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

I agree with you for the most part. What I am trying to say is that I don't necessarily want a new party but a group that can speak for those who are scattered, minimized, disenfranchised, disaffected, etc. Like the NRA speaks about the importance of the 2nd amendment, how gun control doesn't help lower crime, etc - there needs to be an organization that speaks for the majority of those who don't seem to have a voice with their politicians.

An example would be bringing up the statistics of police killing white people or the real numbers of people being killed in school shootings. That fact that there are double standards when it comes to racism where blacks/minorities are allowed to harass whites and other things, but the slightest PERCEIVED racists statement or action by whites results in a meltdown by the minority. Talk about the outrageous disparity of black men raping white women, and every other issue the media ignores with their entire soul.

Basically everything that gets ignored by the media and the things that are not covered by the media needs to be brought to light and a spotlight shown on it. There are probably 100 or more issues such as these that whites and conservatives have had to keep their mouths shut for fear of reprisal and that is going to come to an end, and soon. Things have reached a boiling point from what I have seen and heard in MANY channels, but thing is, there is no united voice to speak as a unified front, where the Dem's/libs have had this for 30+ years.

When people start to hear that they aren't the only ones that think a certain way (that they have been "dismissed", ignored, taken advantage of, used, manipulated, by the media and the politicians and government) and that there are millions of others in their shoes as well, then there is going to be a ground swell of support and THAT is what is going to shock the republicans to listen and act the way they should. I'm not advocating new political candidates, but people to speak truth to those in office and running for office.

I don't see infiltration to be an issue, I'm sure it may be tried, but the way this works, is that it won't be an effective means of co-opting the organization. When people hear others are suffering as they are and they share their stories and hear of other issues people similar to them are facing, there will be an even stronger bond and even more "solidification" of anger that they have been ignored and things will grow and progress to help get the conservative party back on track of supporting the needs and viewpoints of those who support them.

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 10:23 PM

Unifying voices of the disaffected Right under one "banner" or organization - NOT the Republicans

What would it say on the "banner"? What is the unifying platform? You need more than "were not the GOP"
The T party started out right but couldn't mount a media campaign to keep the public interested and focused and was coopted by Koch bros.

Then all you need is an infrastructure with a charismatic leader and plenty of money.

Easy Pezy....

Get a catchy slogan that will interest the media, because it will take national exposure to generate the buzz to attract members and membership dues. Unless you want to attract Corporate sponsors.
Twitter and facebook will only take you so far.
edit on 27-3-2018 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

So what are the issues, specifically, that you would want to form this group around?

You mentioned white people who get killed by police. What other issues do you think would bring this group together?

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

I no longer felt connected to the Republicans I came to support during the Reagan years. That is why I have moved towards the Libertarian party. I am all about more freedom, less government and no wars.

edit on 2018/3/27 by Metallicus because: Sp

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: TobyFlenderson
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

The problem with any new parties, either left or right, is that if they gain too much traction they will be taken over by the likes of Soros or the Kochs, infiltrated by the feds and destroyed from within, or both.

Exactly. This con is designed to give you only a choice of this or that. If people are given the option of thinking outside those two choices, things get too complicated. If this and that agree, then it must be the right choice, right?

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom


Second line

love the Sig!
edit on 27-3-2018 by Aallanon because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2018 by Aallanon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2018 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: Harpua
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

So what are the issues, specifically, that you would want to form this group around?

You mentioned white people who get killed by police. What other issues do you think would bring this group together?
I didn't mean that they are targeted or anything but as a contrast to the police shooting blacks. Basically that whites get shot as well which they seem to think NEVER happens and the stats show that more whites are killed than blacks from what I have seen.

Many of the statements I made were not complete explanations of the situation, like the above example, but a brief "point" that is either neglected by the media or liberal side when they are screaming about their oppression or targeting. So don't take some of what I say as the entirety of the point, but as a part of it that usually has a direct opposing position that is covered by the media while the "right" side, or the side of "whites" is often not discussed as if they are all living in a perfect world, a paradise, with servants waiting on them hand and foot.

Replying to olaru12 - the "NOT the Republicans" I guess can be misconstrued to mean I'm looking for a different political party and that is my fault for not being more clear, but am limited with title length. I basically meant an organization that is NOT the "Republican" party proper. Just like the NRA isn't the Republican party. IDK liberal lobby groups but whatever they are, they speak for the liberals TO the democratic party (and probably to the Repubs as well to explain where they stand) but are not against the Dem's or trying to replace them. So that is what I thought might be useful for the Right, and actually for independents possibly even more so, as they often lean more closely to the Republicans than the Democrats and if they could lobby the Repbulicans about their interests, they might pick up votes from the independents if they were to listen to their concerns, respond and possibly incorporate some ideas into their policies (as much as they fit and that they can).

Do you understand what I am saying that I'm not necessarily looking for a new party? Maybe that can't be done but I think it can and I think it can help guide the policies of the Rep's by pointing out how their supporters really feel, b/c it seems many of the Reps are a little out of touch about the REAL feelings of their supporters and how extreme the feelings are, how much they are impacted, how far/close they have been pushed or are to the "edge", etc. It seems that they want to know the feelings, but only to an extent and they shut down conversations when things get out of the PC realm.

The group could also be free to break out of the ridiculous PC culture and speak their minds, "taboo" topics and all. This gives separation from the actual politicians and "plausible deniability" for any "offensive" words spoken by the party. The left is fine with offending the right at every turn but any action the Reps take that offends, it is never dropped. Having a "non-political party" that can speak these truths without being held to the ridiculous double standard as they are not the ones with their names on the ballots.

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Yep, and to make it even more relevant to the OP's quest to find a party that holds representatives and senators accountable (as best they can), the libertarians tend to be at the forefront of that. Look at my Congressman (Massie) and Senator (Paul)...both are very libertarian-leaning, and both do some of the best work calling out when both sides do bad things.

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

Unifying voices of the disaffected Right under one "banner" or organization - NOT the Republicans

Then all you need is an infrastructure with a charismatic leader and plenty of money.

Easy Pezy....

Get a catchy slogan that will interest the media, because it will take national exposure to generate the buzz to attract members and membership dues. Unless you want to attract Corporate sponsors.
Twitter and facebook will only take you so far.

Hmmm, Sounds like Donald Trump.

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: pavil

originally posted by: olaru12

Unifying voices of the disaffected Right under one "banner" or organization - NOT the Republicans

Then all you need is an infrastructure with a charismatic leader and plenty of money.

Easy Pezy....

Get a catchy slogan that will interest the media, because it will take national exposure to generate the buzz to attract members and membership dues. Unless you want to attract Corporate sponsors.
Twitter and facebook will only take you so far.

Hmmm, Sounds like Donald Trump.

It really's that working out?

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Pretty good for America so far. Thanks for asking. Looks like Australia will follow with tax cuts. You are from there right? I seem to remember you are not from U.S.

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 07:41 PM
Interesting idea. I'll take it a little further.

I heard earlier today a discussion on the Tribalism in Contemporary US cultural. The social scientist (an Asian Woman btw) was speaking about the good and bad aspects of multiculturalism and how it is leading to hyper-tribalization and violence.

On the good side is that minority groups that have been largely ignored by the majority white culture have begun to make themselves heard.

On the down side, the declining white majority (as you say, the disaffected right) is feeling the fear and oppression that minority cultures have been enduring for centuries.

Both groups are feeling fear and when people are fearful they tend to pull in their boundaries, sticking to members of their own identified 'tribe' at the expense of exploration.

So your Meta-Tribe is an interesting idea. Overcome the divisive tribalism with a larger more collective Tribe.

However, why does it have to be based on race - that's so 20th Century.

The new Meta-Tribe should be based on 'economic' status and opportunity. Poor whites, blacks, browns, yellows, gays, jews, etc have more in common then any Racial, Religiousness or Sexual Group in itself.

So perhaps the US Meta-Tribe could be The Working Class of whatever identification.

edit on 28-3-2018 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
Interesting idea. I'll take it a little further.

I heard earlier today a discussion on the Tribalism in Contemporary US cultural. The social scientist (an Asian Woman btw) was speaking about the good and bad aspects of multiculturalism and how it is leading to hyper-tribalization and violence.

On the good side is that minority groups that have been largely ignored by the majority white culture have begun to make themselves heard.

On the down side, the declining white majority (as you say, the disaffected right) is feeling the fear and oppression that minority cultures have been enduring for centuries.

Both groups are feeling fear and when people are fearful they tend to pull in their boundaries, sticking to members of their own identified 'tribe' at the expense of exploration.

So your Meta-Tribe is an interesting idea. Overcome the divisive tribalism with a larger more collective Tribe.

However, why does it have to be based on race - that's so 20th Century.

The new Meta-Tribe should be based on 'economic' status and opportunity. Poor whites, blacks, browns, yellows, gays, jews, etc have more in common then any Racial, Religiousness or Sexual Group in itself.

So perhaps the US Meta-Tribe could be The Working Class of whatever identification.

I agree with most of what you said but I think you mis understood the examples I used as me looking at forming a "white" group. When I used any example that had to do with white people specifically, it is because most whites in the last 40-50 years have been brought up in a culture of shame in the liberal schools, to feel guilty, to hate their own skin color because of some guy in Germany or some even older people who came over in a boat, landed in Plymouth, and "stole" from the natives. Then there is the guilt that is pounded into out heads as soon as we can understand history (civil war) about how we were so evil to allow slavery and that even those who fought to free the slaves are just as guilty. Then the people of the south get it even worse even if they moved there after the Civil war.

There are probably 100 other examples of similar topics as above that whites are sick and tired of, and I think most people who grew up with this have realized they've been lied to and manipulated to further the "diversity" agenda, and it has effected their lives to the extreme in many cases. If you think the blacks are upset about police shooting thier little "angels", which is obvious b/c of their uncivilized actions, lack of looking at the situation truthfully and always pointing back at white people even if the officers who killed a black man were black themselves! Whites have learned that they can't win (or don't care to participate) in the current paradigm and just because you don't see "us" protesting, burning our neighborhoods, repeating media lies (and community/family lies - like many in the black community and family members of the victims being unwilling to face the truth about their fallen bretheren) and whatever else that seems to happen when an perceived injustice happens to the black community - does not mean that we are not fuming mad and want to act, but the media would only demonize our actions. This is why we need a "group" to represent our side, anger and hostility because it is OK for the Antifa to throw waterbottles w/ cement at whites (non nazi's or supremacists), or throw piss ballons. This is why you saw that ramming this summer.

We are tired of the double standard and the fact we are told that "blacks are the ones who built and founded this nation" - yes there are large groups that actually state this. We are tired of of black thinking they can be racists against us but then play the knockout game on defenseless old white people or small children.

We have given 55 years for this minority to grow, build a culture and start being a healthy contributing part of society and they just point fingers and say they want more, we didn't give enough, they say racism is now worse (against blacks - can you believe that!!!). I could go on with 100 more examples.

While blacks riot, scream and repeat lies, whites study and prepare and we know the breaking point is soon upon us. Just look at South Africa for another example of a similar situation in some aspects and that looks like it is going to be a most horrible outcome in the next few weeks, months and years to come.

There is common consensus among many people born from the 60's onward, who grew up with blacks, weren't racist like their for-fathers, and actually REALLY tried to get along with blacks for 55+ years but clearly it has all been for naught. We have learned for ourselves how to think, and how to view the current situation. Just like there have been severe racists among whites over the last 55 years, most whites avoided them the best they could and kept an open mind, helped blacks, and tried to be friends, only to be stabbed in the back again and again (through actions, words, their mindset, etc). We have now had an organically grown opinion of the race situation (which really is the big secret and "no-no" when it comes to whites talking about it), not an instilled hatred for other races like many generations before. We see things for how they are and we see that not all of them are the same and it is unfortunate that blacks that work hard, move up in life are often dragged back down by their peers (often the peers blaming their situation on racism).

I've spent more time than I care to admit reading blogs and watching Vblogs & YT channels by black people and I have to say many of them are the most hateful people I have ever come across and the vitriol they spew about whites (and what they want to do to them - which is usually widely supported in the comments unfortunately).

I really didn't mean to make this about white or race at all, but that is one of the main issues facing people born after 1960 as our natural "gaurd" against those of other races, was destroyed by our parents and the school system leaving us to be victims later in life and forcing us to unlearn their "rainbow nation/world BS" and learn from experiences and from what I have seen the vast majority support the original views before the 1960's in so many cases and ways.

the most heartbreaking is that i know there are so many that aren't vicious people who hate whites (or they hide it well) but I also thought that about a few people in college until I heard them talking to each other when they thought no one else was around.

So we need a group that stands up and says what alot of white people have been thinking, have experienced, have felt, have witnessed, etc - especially over the last 20 years as racial tensions have only gotten worse with the divider in chief (bama).

Like I said, a unified voice would be nice, to let others know how many people feel this way, and I can guarantee that there are probably millions who feel the same way, but are too scared to speak out or ask if others feel the same way because they may be labeled as "racist".

Like I said. Many are preparing instead of protesting or rioting all the BS against them.

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof

originally posted by: FyreByrd
Interesting idea. I'll take it a little further.

I heard earlier today a discussion on the Tribalism in Contemporary US cultural. The social scientist (an Asian Woman btw) was speaking about the good and bad aspects of multiculturalism and how it is leading to hyper-tribalization and violence.

On the good side is that minority groups that have been largely ignored by the majority white culture have begun to make themselves heard.

On the down side, the declining white majority (as you say, the disaffected right) is feeling the fear and oppression that minority cultures have been enduring for centuries.

Both groups are feeling fear and when people are fearful they tend to pull in their boundaries, sticking to members of their own identified 'tribe' at the expense of exploration.

So your Meta-Tribe is an interesting idea. Overcome the divisive tribalism with a larger more collective Tribe.

However, why does it have to be based on race - that's so 20th Century.

The new Meta-Tribe should be based on 'economic' status and opportunity. Poor whites, blacks, browns, yellows, gays, jews, etc have more in common then any Racial, Religiousness or Sexual Group in itself.

So perhaps the US Meta-Tribe could be The Working Class of whatever identification.

I agree with most of what you said but I think you mis understood the examples I used as me looking at forming a "white" group. When I used any example that had to do with white people specifically, it is because most whites in the last 40-50 years have been brought up in a culture of shame in the liberal schools, to feel guilty, to hate their own skin color because of some guy in Germany or some even older people who came over in a boat, landed in Plymouth, and "stole" from the natives. Then there is the guilt that is pounded into out heads as soon as we can understand history (civil war) about how we were so evil to allow slavery and that even those who fought to free the slaves are just as guilty. Then the people of the south get it even worse even if they moved there after the Civil war.


I really didn't mean to make this about white or race at all, but that is one of the main issues facing people born after 1960 as our natural "gaurd" against those of other races, was destroyed by our parents and the school system leaving us to be victims later in life and forcing us to unlearn their "rainbow nation/world BS" and learn from experiences and from what I have seen the vast majority support the original views before the 1960's in so many cases and ways.

the most heartbreaking is that i know there are so many that aren't vicious people who hate whites (or they hide it well) but I also thought that about a few people in college until I heard them talking to each other when they thought no one else was around.

So we need a group that stands up and says what alot of white people have been thinking, have experienced, have felt, have witnessed, etc - especially over the last 20 years as racial tensions have only gotten worse with the divider in chief (bama).

Like I said, a unified voice would be nice, to let others know how many people feel this way, and I can guarantee that there are probably millions who feel the same way, but are too scared to speak out or ask if others feel the same way because they may be labeled as "racist".

Like I said. Many are preparing instead of protesting or rioting all the BS against them.

No, I don't think I misunderstood but I can see where you might think so.

The so called, unified Right voice you seek, has been the only voice in the US since the the beginning. It is the decline in that majority vote you are feeling and not the left (with it's own weird identity politics going on) imposing 'white guilt' upon you. Nobody can impose guilt on you....

In fact, I agree that the mainstream 'left' (the capitalist left) is stoking the fires of tribalism.

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

When I say something like 'make us feel guilty" how I preceive this issomething like a kid whose family moved to the US in 1944 and when kids get to HS iin the late 60's through the 70's they are told by the teachers basically how bad they are (meaning the whites) due to american't taking land from indians, slavery, civil war, etc. Depending upon the teacher it could be a militartistic black or some milktoast/limp wrist liberal who he himself is suffering so much personal guilt, it rubs off onto the students.

I'm sorry, I don't have energy to talk about his now, in the middle of project and have to sleep.

posted on Mar, 28 2018 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof
a reply to: FyreByrd

When I say something like 'make us feel guilty" how I preceive this issomething like a kid whose family moved to the US in 1944 and when kids get to HS iin the late 60's through the 70's they are told by the teachers basically how bad they are (meaning the whites) due to american't taking land from indians, slavery, civil war, etc. Depending upon the teacher it could be a militartistic black or some milktoast/limp wrist liberal who he himself is suffering so much personal guilt, it rubs off onto the students.

I'm sorry, I don't have energy to talk about his now, in the middle of project and have to sleep.

Well, when I got to the US and went to school in the 60s and 70s, I didn't get any of these teachers saying anything about how bad white people were. In fact all the history we learned was the dominate white culture and just how special it was - any other narrative was ignored in public schools in California.

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