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Official Washington flocking to Doomsday Camps

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posted on Mar, 23 2018 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Apoplexic
a reply to: TrueBrit

Only EVERYONE in the world at once, refusing to be governed, refusing to be instructed, programmed or controlled,

This is asinine. I'm torn between the level of pedantry I want to throw at this statement. Think I'll just use it all.

My son was a sociopath until about age seven, when he started listening, was able to grasp the majority of social cues from his likewise-recent sociopath peers, understood "sitting still and quiet and listening," I think that's enough. I governed that child as his father; still do, but he's capable of making his own decisions by now, and I have to trust that the systemic indoctrination (sounds scary, right?) of my child worked, and he manages to operate as a successful member of society, which could still include purchasing land and holing himself up away from the rest of society, provided he operates his own stuff and isn't killing/stealing to get it.

Here's the first paragraph of the wikipedia entry on the term indoctrination:

Indoctrination is the process of inculcating a person with ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or professional methodologies (see doctrine).[1] Humans are a social animal inescapably shaped by cultural context, and thus some degree of indoctrination is implicit in the parent–child relationship, and has an essential function in forming stable communities of shared values.

That's an intrinsic part of civilization, without which my child is just as likely to kill me to take my house when I'm not strong enough to stop him any more. And that, I barely hesitate to say, spans almost all of us on this forum.

I don't know anyone here personally, nor have I been around long enough to even get a sense of the members, but it stands to simple reason that no one (if any, very, very few) are in any consideration "social elite." It's likely we'd have other interests than these theories about, essentially, ourselves, if we were. These social elite already have the "things" more than readily available to kill you without you even knowing it. I doubt anyone on here owns a true combat-capable UAV, for example, wherein the lowly Lieutenant (maybe, but certainly lower-end officer) on the right station could snag up a half-dozen of these and effectively warlord over a chunk larger than any of our members (probably) own/control as part of a group.

If there are a dozen people on here who have ready access to fissionable material, I'm surprised. I'm saddened, as well, if anyone here has access to nuclear weaponry, because then Big Scary Government isn't doing its policing very well. But enough people do, and without an established hierarchy of control over said material, they're much worse than the modern Mad Max drone bandits.

Government is the hallmark of civilization, without which it does not exist. Even as a commune or co-op, not every single idea can be brought forth/enacted, as without a doubt, not everyone will have the same ideas on how things should go, and there will always be an un(der)represented minority, even if that minority is just one person in the group of 1000.

I like the internet, electricity, roads, plumbing, and not having to raid the nearest familiar group for breeding stock so my litter doesn't have to incest to continue on.

The problem isn't with the existence of government, indoctrination, and control; the problem is with the level of such we've come to allow. No government is as bad as an All Government (wherein we get zero decisions and so on), if not worse, for in an all-encompassing style of dystopia, we're at least kept alive by some other force for some sort of purpose; we'd still be above the basal, animal level of "kill, breed, die."

There is something coming that ALL Governments and Major religons and other Groups FEAR WITH ABSOLUTION.It is another Noahs Flood scenario.There will be no Mad Max scenario and TPTB very well know there will not be survivors walking around stunned and dazed because most peope will be under miles of mud slurry or floating somewhere in the waters.Just a burp and a blink and the Earth carries on...with or without you or be quite frank I do not see any of the people preparing now being long term survivors anyways....I see them as groundbreakers and as the link to keeping some level of humanity alive.Many books have been written and many websites have warned people for thousands of years the Bible and Quaran and Vedic texts and Sumerian texts and ALL written languages have in some major form warned us of what is coming.This is not a narrow focused group of people who are noticing the sequence of events now unflolding and connecting it to written text and history and stories,this is a VERY LARGE SEGMENT of our educated population.TPTB would wish that you FEEL isolated and alone and like your views and instincts are off-base from developing reality....all the easier to keep you in the dark until this event can ...come like a thief in the night.....and where....only the meek will survive.Good luck to all.

posted on Mar, 23 2018 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: IamAbeliever

Do they know something we don't, or is this just more fear-mongering?

Yes, They realize that the United States is bankrupt. So when the next stock market collapse occurs. The resulting shebang will be a total mess, Making the 90s Soviet Union collapse look somewhat inviting in comparison. So rather than be in harms way. The perpetrators of the mess are preparing a back door exit. So they can watch the entire show unfold on their 100" lcd's whilst eating popcorn and ice-cream. Ya know, you don't want to be rich, in the land of the poor, at least above ground.

America's State Wreck Gathers Steam

posted on Mar, 23 2018 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: glend

And guess what? the share market went up on cheap borrowed money, Companies borrowed on their buildings, and now they have to make the margin calls . But who pays when it goes bankrupt? who cares my bunker overseas is freehold. My New passport looks cool. Yes Americas been good to me.

posted on Mar, 23 2018 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: IamAbeliever

Do they know something we don't, or is this just more fear-mongering?

Yes, fear sells .

Plus it all depends what type of SHTF scener occurs. Staying and fortifying your land isnt neccasary the best thing todo . Sometimes being mobil is the way togo.

posted on Mar, 23 2018 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: anonentity

The problem is a world under China/Soviet leadership is not going to be any better for anyone, anywhere (I am australian btw). I wish US citizens could take the reigns away from the crazy's and restore what once was, a great nation. That stood for individual rights. It can do so again,

posted on Mar, 24 2018 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: Apoplexic

It is NOT asinine.

Refusing to be governed except by people who represent who you are, rather than representing who they aspire to be is utterly acceptable, socially responsible, and the right of all governed people. Refusing to be instructed, rather, insisting on being the ones to provide instruction to the government, is exactly where the citizen belongs in the command chain, not the pawn, but one of many move makers. Government do not have permission to try to steer the population or program their behaviour for their own convenience. Government must be steered and programmed by the people, or it is not fit for purpose and must be collapsed. At every point, government must not wield its power over the people, but on their behalf and exclusively for their benefit.

posted on Mar, 24 2018 @ 06:39 AM
Being prepared for something bad to happen is never a bad thing. Alot of High up professionals are just getting their foot in the door so when something happens, they will be on the list of those invited.
I've had a feeling of something in the air for a while, but I don't have the luxury of a bunker or fort. I'll have to live through it like the rest of the world.
These situations come up from time to time. I am surprised they are not keeping it more secret to be honest.

posted on Mar, 24 2018 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Indeed; I went snooping after I learned what all those numbers meant under our avatars and saw you weren't as loony as the single bit I quoted made it seem; the clarification above certainly helps, too.

But I've seen, and certainly you have, too, an outright rejection of all forms of government during conversations like this. I'm glad that wasn't the case here.

posted on Mar, 24 2018 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: rhynouk
Being prepared for something bad to happen is never a bad thing. Alot of High up professionals are just getting their foot in the door so when something happens, they will be on the list of those invited.
I've had a feeling of something in the air for a while, but I don't have the luxury of a bunker or fort. I'll have to live through it like the rest of the world.
These situations come up from time to time. I am surprised they are not keeping it more secret to be honest.

A list of those invited to be interred together in a mass grave.That is not a party list one wishes to be on IMHO.

Think about it this way and you might find your way as I have.....picture a raging mad grizzley Bear....losing his mind in rage swiping wildly with his massive claws and snapping and popping his horrifying jaws while spittle flies everywhere from his swinging where exactly do you want to be in these moments.......I believe the safest pace to be is buried like a tick just under the skin on the crest of his massive powerful undulating shoulders......while he is raging its wayyyy to hot inside him to be any deeper.

People in D.U.M.B.S will in the majority be cooked alive or suffer some sonic related death or be buried under miles of slurry overburden......the millions of PRECIOUS preppers worldwide will in the majority be dead because they are not in underground waterproof shelters....the millions and millions of LDsers and JWs who are preppers by proxy and who are expecting this event will also not be as you can easily see most of what we THINK are our safeguards against species annihalation in an ELE are in fact quite useless and unreliable.

We need groups of 100-300 who are prepared to re-start CIVILISATION...each CELL of this size must be equipped and prepared to RESTART HUMANITY FROM SQUARE ONE........if you are sitting on 500 million bucks right now you are as good as dead....if you invest 10 or 20 million of those dollars you can build yourself a higher % chance of surviving along with your INSULATING YOURSELF with 300 other people supporting each other and you.........IMHO there are a LOT of people with 500 million bucks out there who would wish to survive along with their families but they have NO IDEA OF THE SCOPE AND SIZE of the issue.....however if they realised how MUCH HIGHER THEIR ODDS OF SURVIVAL ARE ON THEIR OWN AWAY FROM THE DUMBS....they would fall over themselves to fund someone willing to help them be ready.

Your everyday garden variety Prepper or Survivalist and your executive level Survival Consultants are all as useless as teats on a boar-pig....and get it correct....the HIGHEST LEVEL SURVIVAL CONSULTANTS ARE USELESS to have to know what you are trying to survive or you can not possibly prepare .

In essence simply think Noahs Ark level Global Flood...without the religous lies which have been added to the history book people call the bible.....there WERE more survivors beyond Noah...there were MULTIPLE ARKS......there were isolated small numbers of humans who were spread far and wide and who enmasse died off within the first weeks and months .

We can reverse engineer humanities HIGH ALTITUDE origins from which they spread since the last global flood episode.....these are Ark landing spots and fortuitous positions and locations.

I am currently looking for a White Knight who is interested in dropping some millions of dollars on building a survival community capable of restarting humanity....imagine being the person who bankrolled what people in the future may very well call all of humanities history.....because if one of these communities is sucessfull and the DUMBS are buried and cooked ....whatever version or rendition of history this group chooses to send forth will LEAD ALL OF FUTURE HUMANITY IN EVERYTHING THEY DO....and strive to THIS IS CALLED POWER......and it must be discovered in the most unconventional here....bottom line is I will be underground by 2021 in one of the very few safe areas in the world....I and mine shall be I strive to find a multi-millionaire with more brains than money who is willing to learn the secrets of the Ultra-elite and who wishes to position their loved ones for survival post event.......and if you are only worth 500 million or a billion you are most definately NOT the Ultra-Elite and they are letting you drown...full stop.If you are included in those going into high tech DUMBS....sayonara...make sure you bring ear-plugs because its going to get teally loud down there and sunscreen because its also going to get really hot and swimming gear because its likely also going to get wet sooner than later.

posted on Mar, 24 2018 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: IamAbeliever

You have a pig ignorant, pathological liar of a sociopath as President of the United States of America. The internet will soon be less of a free place, with all the threats that problem comes with. Proxy warring is not being discontinued but intensified, with heavier drone strikes being desired by the current leadership, despite the FACT that these things create more terrorists than they kill, every single time. America still refuses to accept responsibility for its part in creating the terrorism crisis in the Middle East blaming the Middle Eastern countries and the people from those lands, for the fact that they can no longer live there, and its current leadership blames Mexico and Mexicans for the effects of the CIAs drug smuggling, black budget fluffing activities over the last fifty years, affecting ALL of South America as a whole, rather than taking responsibility for itself in that regard either.

Then you have Russia, only relatively recently torn from the grip of a dangerous regime by YEARS of political pressure, only to be handed to Putin, who has gone about recreating the superstate in every possible way, and at every possible opportunity he gets, regardless of who gets hurt along the way.

Then you have the UK, currently in the middle of what amounts to a constitutional crisis, because its leaders of forty years or so ago, refused to obey the rules put forth in the Bill of Rights, the petition to the same, or Magna Carta, and perform a referendum BEFORE, not after, but BEFORE agreeing to hand over ANY power of any kind, including the power to make law which would be binding here, to any foreign entity. Whats worse, is that even though this point needs answering, and even though this on its own is a perfectly acceptable reason to consider our membership of the EU for the last God knows how long, to be legally speaking null and void, SOME people had to make it about bloody immigration, and we ALSO are a power which has no right to complain, because we keep electing people who force people elsewhere in the world, to leave their homelands, either through causing war there, or causing such economic hardship and exploitation there, that in order to have any chance at life, they HAVE to leave.

And then you have the EU, a corporatist crapshoot which should never have come about, Brussels HQ, or as its also known, a central location which business lobbyists and rich donors can visit to purchase favourable terms on contracts, or any other benefit, by way of backhanders and dodgy handshake nonsense. Many of those most closely tied with figures from the EU government there, are also those involved with selling guns and bombs to all the major players in these proxy wars I referred to earlier, and are also the most powerful individuals in the world, owing to their near bottomless pockets, their private military strength, and the fact that they have networks of what amount to private spies, therefore always have the information necessary to prevent their coming to grief for their sadistic abuse of the planet and the people who live on it, for nothing other than the chance to make a profit.

And you wonder why people with information are digging holes in the ground to live in? If I had a bigger shovel or a few million pounds, I would not be living above ground either.

NO BILL OF RIGHTS in the UK, only common law, which is ignored.

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