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NEWS: Gay Concern over Hyping AIDS 'Superbug'

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posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 12:03 AM
Members of the Gay Community are expressing outrage at the "hyping" of the HIV "superbug" recently in the media. They feel that it is not yet fully understood whether the rapid rate of the development of AIDS in the forty-year-old patient was the effect of the strain of virus or the effect of the patient's metabolism. Gay leaders are concerned that rushing this story might lead to inordinate feelings of shame and guilt among gay men.
Gay activists fear the announcement of a rare, highly virulent strain of the AIDS virus being found in a New York man may fuel panic of an HIV "superbug" and further stigmatise their community.

New York City health officials said last week that the strain, known as 3-DCR HIV, was unresponsive to three types of anti-retroviral medications and greatly accelerated the transition from infection to full-blown AIDS.

The virus was diagnosed in a man in his late 40s who reported having unprotected sex with multiple male partners, often while using the highly potent narcotic crystal methamphetamine.

Some gay activists and AIDS specialists believe the New York Health Department jumped the gun with its announcement, arguing that a lot more research was required to determine the precise nature of the virus strain in question.

"Those who practice good science would have waited," said Martin Delaney, founder director of Project Inform, one of the oldest US non-profit AIDS organisations.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The priorities of the Gay Community in this matter escape me. The last time I checked, shame and guilt were far less deadly than AIDS. While it is true that needless alarms will be of little benefit, it would seem prudent, based on the information available, to warn those of any sexual orientation, that the risks of unprotected sex might be more than anyone previously knew.

It is true that many in the Gay Community have come to view HIV infection as a manageable chronic condition. This would be a dangerous misconception to hold if this new strain proves to be what is expected. I see no harm is alerting an unsuspecting public to serious health concerns. It is time to stop treating HIV infection as a political matter. It is a public health matter, pure and simple.

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[edit on 05/2/17 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 01:25 AM
Grady it is rare that you and I see eye to eye on issues, but on this statement you are 100% on target

It is true that many in the Gay Community have come to view HIV infection as a manageable chronic condition. This would be a dangerous misconception to hold if this new strain proves to be what is expected. I see no harm is alerting an unsuspecting public to serious health concerns. It is time to stop treating HIV infection as a political matter. It is a public health matter, pure and simple.

It is a public health matter and needs to be treated as such. The rates of unprotected sex in the gay community is staggering. And the advent of "cocktails" has reduced the fear the disease once had.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 11:00 AM
Anyone who is familiar with any of my posts regarding homosexuality, and equal rights knows that the topic homosexuality is something I feel very strongly about. But in this specific situation, you guys are definitely right on target.

This information should be publicly released on a wide-scale. But...the gay community wouldn't be so worried about it if they didn't feel that society as a whole wasn't so against them, and looking for reasons to hold prejudice. Whether there's a "super-bug" straing of AIDS or not, I suspect will unfortunately further many individual's reasons for having an anti-guy paradigm. Even though anyone who thinks keeping this information secret for the sake of the gay community's integerity has their priorities a little out of whack, those fears are not necessarily unfounded. If society would be more accepting, this information wouldn't be so feared to begin with.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 11:08 AM
This isn't being overhyped, actually more attention and awareness needs to be paid to AIDS again, seem people have forgotten all the messages and warnings that were so common about a decade ago.

and to add:
Aids Cases Up 24 Percent In Florida Last Year

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- New cases of AIDS in Florida increased by a surprising 24 percent last year, making it the state's first real jump in more than a decade, health officials said.

Officials said they hope the spike in AIDS cases is only a temporary issue caused by a major campaign of HIV testing that found many new victims.

But some also fear a growing failure of drug cocktails, and an increase in patients who didn't know they were infected until they got sick, contributed to the increase.

In Broward County, AIDS cases went up 49 percent in 2004 compared to the year before, statistics released Wednesday showed. Miami-Dade County's AIDS cases increased 33 percent.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 11:12 AM
IMO - the Gay community has good reason to be concerned.

"Blaming the victims" for having symptoms of epidemic infectious disease is leading us back to Eugenics programs and legislation. Not long ago, US Eugenics laws targeted the "unfit" for sterilization, incarceration and "mercy killing."

"It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind... " Mr Justice Holmes's closing remark contained no consolatory words for Carrie Buck, the 20-year-old unmarried mother sitting abjectly in the US Supreme Court.

...Carrie perfectly fitted the law's description of a "probable parent of socially inadequate offspring". ...the highest court in the land shared the opinion of the Virginia Colony, Carrie Buck would be forcibly sterilised.

Thumbs up for the bright, white folks

There is a strong political movement in the USA arguing that the nation should re-instate the Eugenics laws that Mr. Justice Holmes upheld in the 1926 Supreme Court. Public support seems broad, but many people do not understand they're supporting Eugenics when they agree to "Personal Responsibility in Health." Nor do they know that most of the targets suffer from infectious prion-related diseases. Or that diseases like AIDS and obesity are only two "flaws" on the target list.

Obesity and Mad Cow Disease

Also see:

Prions and the origin of HIV
Mad Cow Madness

Mad Cow-causing Prions Found in All Organs
"Mad Cow" Disease Uses Immune System to Spread in Body
Did Chemical and Drug Industries Create Mad Cow?
Rare Drug-Resistant HIV Found in N.Y.


posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 11:45 AM
Man, I am surprised that they are reacting like this. This modification of the virus is to be expected, along with drug resistance. This is something that the public should be hysterical about, because it seems to have gotten rather slack in being [i[fearful of aids, since the infection rates, nearly across the board, are rapidly rising.

This is a public health matter, not a poltico-socio one.

"Blaming the victims" for having symptoms of epidemic infectious disease

They will be blamed more if they fail to respond, even within their own group, and curtail the transmission. Human groups are irrational creatures, society, as a whole, is not capable, apparently, at least in this case, of thinking rationalyl about the matter. Aids is deadly and transmitable thru unprotected sex. People were scared of it for a while. Then reason set in, and treatments became available. People weren't scared. They started to engage in dangerous behaviours, the disease started to spread agian, hell people are apparently even trying to get the disease, these 'bug chaser' idiots. So now the infection rate goes back up and people are dying.

Its almost fortunate that there is a rapid onset version now. It will make people think of aids as something horrible and disgusting, rather than something that merely requires you to take a cocktail of pills.

Also notice that rapid onset diseases only tend to flourish in populations where there is a high transmittance rate. IOW, by not being scared little animals and take at least a minimum of precautions, humans have proabably helped, in an evolutionary sense, this rapid onset type to come into existence.

So, rational thinking would be best, because then people would be careful and reduce the transmisson rate. But people are too stupid for that apparently, and can, literally, in this case, only be protected by fear.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

This is a public health matter, not a poltico-socio one.

Even so, it's being set up to be handled politically. "Blaming the victims" for having symptoms of epidemic infectious disease is leading us back to Eugenics programs and legislation.

Not long ago, US Eugenics laws targeted the "unfit" for sterilization, incarceration and "mercy killing."

Looks like we're on the road back to dusting off the old Eugenics laws and putting them back on the books.

People weren't scared. They started to engage in dangerous behaviours, the disease started to spread agian, hell people are apparently even trying to get the disease, these 'bug chaser' idiots. So now the infection rate goes back up and people are dying.

Also notice that rapid onset diseases only tend to flourish in populations where there is a high transmittance rate. ....But people are too stupid for that apparently, and can, literally, in this case, only be protected by fear.

IMO - there's a whole lot more to the story of AIDS evolution and transmission than the sex practices of minority populations.

...Yes, protected sex is necessary - but so is full public disclosure and other public health measures.


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