posted on Mar, 19 2018 @ 05:27 AM
The fairly even geometrical hexagon is interesting - the other formations say nothing to me.
I was once traveling, and I think it was through Utah, and was dazled by some sandstone rock formations that looked like
they were done by an artist - And all they were was probably the result of natural phenomena caused by weathering.
Even the 'face on Mars' - So what? Given enough time and natural conditions many interesting fomations will occur
- You can already find many on Earth right now caused by natural formations and weather.
Even many of the interesting and often exciting UFO sightings, such as 'the Phoenix Lights', while interestig still don't
prove anything.
The smoking gun is direct communication and interaction - With recorded video of this happeing.
We need to see recorded interaction with provable alien [not from Earth] beings or craft.
edit on 19-3-2018 by AlienView because: (no reason